Collaborative Expedition Workshops (3PJD)
Workshop Background (3VIF)
General Workshop Questions (3VUI)
- To join workshop announcement list contact Ernie Lucier at Lucier at (3VIG)
Upcoming Workshops (426U)
2010 (4298)
- January 27 (4299)
- Exploring Open Innovation: Opening Up Dialogue Across Service and Science Communities (429A)
Past Workshops (3VI4)
2009 (41T7)
- February 9 (41ED)
- Leveraging Service-Oriented Architecture: Advancing Cyberinfastructure Capabilities For High-Performance Distributed Communities (417C)
- March 20 (41T1)
- Open Dialogue to Share Perspectives and Questions on Data Enclaves, Ontology-based Standards, and Cyberinfrastructure Software Sustainability (41TQ)
2008 (41T8)
- January 29 (3U66)
- Transcending Socio-Cultural Boundaries in Virtual Work Settings: Creative Collaboration Efforts At the Intersection of Law and Public Policy (3U1O)
- February 19 (3V2R)
- The Power of Story and Standards in National Preparedness (3V2N)
- March 18 (3WA1)
- Toward Best Practices in Evaluation of Emerging Technology and Technology Development Programs (3U68)
- April 30 (3XOG)
- Exploring Identity Management: Global Landscape and Implications for Stakeholder Engagement Around the National Response Framework, in conjunction with Interoperability Week @ NIST, April 28-30, 2008 (3VO6)
- May 20 (3XY7)
- Potentials and Realities of Certification in Light of Open Technology Development (3XY8)
- June 10 (3XY9)
- Toward Intelligent, Scalable Data Management: Overcoming Bottlenecks to Full Data Path Processing (3XY6)
- August 19 (3YHC)
- The Role of Cyberinfrastructure In Scientific Knowledge: Emergence, Validation, and Peer Review (3YHD)
- September 16 (403I)
- Leadership For Networking And Information Technology Education (3Z3V)
- October 7 (403J)
- Exploring Virtual Organization Landscape: Cyberinfrastructure Readiness For Emergency Response (3YI0)
- November 3 (40L0)
- Potentials and Realities of Open Collaboration and Open Standards: "Going Green" Regionally, Virtually, and Beyond (40L1)
- December 17 (40VQ)
- Science of Science Policy (40VR)
2007 (3PJF)
- January 23 (3P4K)
- Opening Up Networked Improvement Activities Around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in 2007 (3CT7)
- February 27 (3P4J)
- Potentials and Realities of Identity Management Landscape for Convergence and SOA (3CT8)
- March 22 (3P4I)
- Reflections on Social Networking, Knowledge-Sharing and Organizational Change (3CT9)
- April 17 (3P4H)
- Achieving Value and Improving Performance across the Federal Enterprise (3EM2)
- May 1-2 (3P4G)
- SOA and Grid in conjunction with 3rd SOA for E-Government Conference (3E9U)
- June 20 (3P4F)
- Advancing Virtual Organizing: Potentials and Realities from Scientific Grid to Citizen-Service Communities (3JWI)
- July 17-18 (3P4E)
- Building the Way Forward Together: Towards Stable Meaning and Records Preservation in Information-Sharing (3MI3)
- Aug. 14 (3P4D)
- Mapping and Navigating the Waterways of Public Information: Connecting People to Science and Scholarly Knowledge (3MW9)
- Sept. 18 (3P4C)
- Organizing Collaborative Expedition Workshops in 2007-08: Envisioning Possibilities and Opening Up Dialogue Across Communities (3NLO)
- October 23 (3P0L)
- None of Us is As Smart as All of Us: Facilitating Collaboration in the Virtual and Built Environments (3O43)
- November 13 (3QLD)
- Modeling and Simulation Walking Through Virtual Environments Together to Advance Shared Purpose (3QOL)
- December 11 (3TJ2)
- Scientific Organizing, Knowledge Diffusion and Innovation: Tapping the Best Wisdom of the Past and Present to Inform our Shared Future''' (3QOM)
2006 (3P4L)
- Jan. 24 (3P4W)
- Credible Commitments Across Networked Improvement Communities: Bootstrapping Service Oriented Architecture and Semantic Interoperability Toward Transformative Practice (3PH7)
- Feb. 21 (3P4U)
- Networking Geospatial and DRM Communities: Piloting Profiles, Metadata Harmonization, and Semantic Interoperability (3PGU)
- March 14 (3P4T)
- Collaborative Expedition Workshop on Leveraging Open Standards and Open Collaboration: Pioneering Agile Mechanisms Across Open Intergovernmental Communities will take place at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Gaithersburg, MD, in conjunction with NIST Interoperability Week-Meetings. (31EU)
- April 18 (3P4S)
- Open Collaboration: Networking Health Information Technology (3PGT)
- May 23-24 (3P4R)
- Service Oriented Architecture for E-government Conference (3P61)
- June 20-22 (3P4Q)
- Open Collaboration: Networking Geospatial Information Technology (31JN)
- July 18 (3P4P)
- Open Collaboration: Networking Wiki Information Technology (3P60)
- Aug. 15 (3P4O)
- Open Collaboration: Networking Semantic Interoperability (3P5Z)
- Sept. 19 (3P4N)
- Open Collaboration: Networking Financial Management Communities (3721)
- Oct. 10-11 (3P5W)
- Fifth Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference (3P5Y)
- Oct. 24 (3P5V)
- Open Collaboration: Revisiting Rules, Roles, and Relationships for High Performance (385T)
- Oct. 30-31 (3P62)
- Second Service Oriented Architecture for E-government Conference (3P5X)
- Dec. 12 (3P4M)
- Towards A Transparent Acquisiton Marketplace for Increased Mission Agility with Open Technology Development (3B7V)
2005 (3P50)
- Feb. 22 (3P5F)
- Semantic Conflict Mapping and Enablement: Making Commitments Together (90T)
- March 15 (3P5D)
- Toward a National Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture: Seeing the Way Forward Together (2L56)
- May 17 (3P5B)
- Building Discernment Across Communities: Seeing Through Complexity Together (2PVE)
- June 28 (3P59)
- Open Standards For Government Information Sharing: Timing The Transformations Needed for Sustained Progress by Combining the Expertise of Multiple Communities (2RG5)
- July 19 (3P57)
- Designing The DRM for Data Visibility: Building Sustainable Stewardship Practices Together - Part 1 (3PHB)
- Aug. 16 (3P55)
- Designing The DRM for Data Accessibility: Building Sustainable Stewardship Practices Together - Part 2 (3PHA)
- Sept. 23 (3P53)
- Pioneering Governance for Collaboration: Toward High Performance Mission Delivery in a Networked World (3PH9)
- Nov. 8 (3P51)
- Advancing Information Sharing, Access, Discovery and Assimilation of Diverse Digital Collections Governed by Heterogeneous Sensitivities (2ZNO)
- Dec. 6 (3P4Y)
- Advancing Toward Credible Agreements Around Information Sharing Environments, Governance, Data, and Data Architecture (3PH8)
2004 (3PHH)
- April 28 (3P5T)
- Exploring the Potential and Realitis of Multiple Taxonomies: How Can Citizens, Business, and Public Servants Traverse the Repositories and Workings of Government (3PHD)
- May 11 (3P5R)
- Emerging Technology Innovations in Software Components Developmennt, Re-use, and Management - Applications to Government Enterprise Architecture (3PHC)
- June 23 (3P5P)
- Organizing Around Networked Communities of Practice to Improve the Dialogue Between Government and Citizens to Deliver Citizen-Centric Services (Q2)
- Aug. 17 (3P5N)
- Harvesting Best Practices Using Communities of Practice: Enterprise Architecture (1PA)
- Sept. 14 (3P5L)
- Design Workshop to Frame National Dialogue On Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing and Implications for e-Government (1W7)
- ImfgWorkshop - Virtual Workshop following the physical event of 2004-09-14 (2XQ)
- Oct. 19 (3P5J)
- Evolving a Multi-stakeholder Best Practice Process for Implementing and FEA DRM XML Profile and Open Standards Web Applications: Introduction to Semantic Technology Tools and Applications (73C)
- Dec. 9 (3P5H)
- Toward Coherence In Knowledge Through All Things Ontological: Making Sense Together (6N9)
Past Special Talk (2Y99)
- Facilitating the Evolution of Our Collective IQ by DougEngelbart - Sep. 1, 2005 ... slides ... recording (mp3) (2Y9A)
Index to PastExpeditionWorkshops - 2001-2004 (342M)
Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (2P1M)
The Collaborative Expedition workshops serve individuals, practitioners, and policy-makers from all sectors: government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form that advances realization of the citizen-centric government goal of the President’s Management Agenda. Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around the potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions of individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be expressed more effectively in their respective settings. (2P1P)
Workshop sponsors, including, GSA USA Intergovernmental Solutions Division, the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council and National Coordination Office of the Interagency Committee on IT R&D (Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group) value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, that leverage the collaborative capacity of united and diverse Americans seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (2P1N)
A key finding of the past year, is the need to apply emerging technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up the innovation pipeline with better linkages among business incubators (state economic development programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Many of the agile business components surfacing in the small business innovation world are not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for both parties. (2P1O)
Questions for Workshops in 2009 - 2010 (3VTE)
People (3VTF)
- 1. What are the
conducive conditions for the creativity and governance
needed among networked scientific and scholarly communities
so results and implications flow in a timely manner into
legal, public policy, and national innovation preparedness
channels? (3VTG)
- Is there a national
challenge more compelling than successfully organizing
to deliver broad-based economic returns from enabling
collaborations, augmented by light-weight, yet robust
technologies? (3VTH)
- What are the hidden dimensions of this on-going global challenge of unprecedented scale, complexity, and significance to the health, safety, and well-being of people everywhere? (3VTI)
- How can
effective roles and responsibilities be established
for a myriad of professionals from multiple settings
who need to respond to "overlapping" uncertainties
with effective collaboration in an ever-expanding,
data and information-rich world? (3VTJ)
- How can this cultural dimension of governance maturity be appropriately factored in to the community adoption aspects of technology evaluations? (3VTK)
- What are the contributions of "open standards" and other forms of "openness" in this global innovation process? (3VTL)
- Is there a national
challenge more compelling than successfully organizing
to deliver broad-based economic returns from enabling
collaborations, augmented by light-weight, yet robust
technologies? (3VTH)
- 2. What strategies are
emerging to advance the public's awareness and participation
in public health, public policy, scientific, and scholarly
knowledge infrastructures as part of a larger national
innovation preparedness initiative? (3VTM)
- What aspects of national innovation preparedness will most benefit from coordination that includes open dialogue in public settings? (3VTN)
- What is the role of
non-technical elements, such as business narratives, in
advancing the shared understanding and governance
required when organizing a multi-stakeholder process to
address a challenge or opportunity? (3VTO)
- How do we create commonly understood problem representations and simulations to help multiple disciplines and geographic regions build capacity for joint action that addresses our need for agile and comprehensive societal innovations? (3VTP)
- Can we see in
the future of creative collaborative efforts (e.g.
public health, urban planning, disaster management)
a future that transcends what has passed?
- What concrete steps are presently possible toward this future, including what institutions have a shared mission for improved law, science, innovation, and public policy as reflected in their strategic plans? (3VTR)
Process (3VTT)
- 1. How can effective
narratives be assembled and presented for large-scale
learning exercises and effective communications in real
situations? (3VTU)
- How do we provide the right sets of information flowing into and out of "what if" mission-policy simulations, etc. so understanding flows broadly even when the learning is experiential? (3VTV)
- Are there augmentative technologies that can preserve the artifacts of large-scale learning exercises and real events with sufficient integrity relative to provenance, completeness, and bias in order to leverage continuous improvements? (3VTW)
- How can shared
knowledge cyberinfrastructures emerging from
multi-disciplinary efforts (e.g. public health,
emergency management, public utilities, national
innovation preparedness, and critical infrastructures)
be validated and valued as public goods and national
assets? (3VTX)
- What are the weakest links relative to the unprecedented scale and mix of people, process, and technology and how can they be remediated? (3VTY)
- 2. How can the right
information and information structures support effective
technology evaluation? (3VTZ)
- How can critical
information from multiple sectors and domains be right
"at hand", "in place", and appropriately accessed, when
needed to structure a cohesive case that provides the
right depth and breadth for effective evaluations over
time? (3VU0)
- How well can augmentative technologies support meaningful information access from disparate sources in response to emergency collaboration efforts? (3VU1)
- How can critical
information from multiple sectors and domains be right
"at hand", "in place", and appropriately accessed, when
needed to structure a cohesive case that provides the
right depth and breadth for effective evaluations over
time? (3VU0)
- 3. Building on the
organizational successes of "IT incubator" initiatives for
economic development at all levels of government, what new
Web-related communication and collaboration
cyberinfrastructures are now emerging to augment a balanced,
multi-stakeholder innovation process throughout its
life-cycle? (3VU2)
- How can public
policy stakeholders tap Web 2.0 "build to share"
principles being advanced by forward-looking information
stewardship organizations in order to broaden common
understanding of multi-faceted aspects of national/
global challenges and accelerate discovery of exemplary
practices and innovative technologies? (3VU3)
- a) Digital data and information communities advancing sound approaches for electronically stored information. Examples include librarians, curators, web content managers, ontologists, researchers, artists, historians, data managers, and records managers. (3VU4)
- How can public
policy stakeholders tap Web 2.0 "build to share"
principles being advanced by forward-looking information
stewardship organizations in order to broaden common
understanding of multi-faceted aspects of national/
global challenges and accelerate discovery of exemplary
practices and innovative technologies? (3VU3)
- 4. How could lightweight
semantics developed through multi-stakeholder
governance complement open format, robust storage, and fluid
search to help integrate disparate information sources that
support better national innovation preparedness?
- How could authoritative versions of existing policies, regulations, and legal procedures currently in place, be complemented by a "collective wisdom" version in order to broaden opportunities for suggested improvements, harmonization across boundaries, and creation of "synthetic" documents for easier comparison and constrast across institutions? (3VUA)
- What are the changing roles and responsibilities around shared ownership, safety, security, licensing, etc. that need to be explicit and transparent (i.e. assurance case) in innovation framework agreements among multiple partners? (3VUB)
- How can we meet
sustainability of documentation challenges, including
Records Management and the preservation of records of
collaboration over time? (3VUC)
- What augmentative technologies are emerging and how can they be evaluated? (3VUD)
- What are the emerging strategies and technologies for advancing legal and public policy collections with the resilience to mitigate disruptions or degradations over time? (3VUE)
Technology (3VUF)
- 1. What are the current and future contributions of light-weight aggregator tools for advancing discovery, shared understanding, and organizing for stronger innovation capacity that scales across individuals, communities of practice, and institutions? How can these tools help us be individually accountable for collaborative actions relative to shared purpose? Examples in use by this workshop community include: wiki namesake pages, Emerging Technology Life-cycle process and Strategy Markup Language (StratML) (3VUG)