COLAB - Collaborative Work Environment (3QGQ)
Hosted by GSA Intergovernmental Solutions - Linking people. Sharing knowledge. Serving citizens. (3WA5)
Contact SusanTurnbull for further information (3VRB)
[Collaborative Expedition Workshops] [Communities of Practice] [Community Events] [Contact] [Past Events] [Credits] (3PI8)
Intergovernmental Communities of Practice (3W01)
Currently Incubating in the USA Services Collaborative Work Environment (3W02)
- Brainstorming Web 2.0 @ the National Institutes of Health (3NNW)
- Capital Planning and Investment Control-Portfolio Management Community (CPIC-PMC) (3PID)
- Chief Architects Forum (35OC)
- EmergingTechnologySubcommittee (3IX1)
- EmergingComponentConferences (35OF)
- Enterprise Process Improvement Community of Practice (EPIC) (36A3)
- FederalDataArchitectureSubcommittee (3VRD)
- DataReferenceModel_Version2_11_2005 (3WUS)
- DataReferenceModel Forum (Archive) (35OK)
- FederalEvaluators (40QN)
- FederalSegmentArchitectureMethodology (3YHX)
- FEA Reference Model Ontology (FEA-RMO) (35OT)
- DigitalPreservationForum (3L3R)
- FiveNationsCIOCouncil (3UWV)
- GeoCoP - GeoSpatialCommunityofPractice (3PII)
- GeoEnablingWorkGroup (40QI)
- GrowingCommunitiesonKarst2007 (3WAH)
- HealthGrid (3UWX)
- ICAProgrammeCommittee (3UWW)
- IT Performance Management Community of Practice (ITPM CoP) (3PIL)
- IntergovernmentalAdvisoryBoard (IAB) (3PIN)
- MiddlewareAndGridInfrastructureCoordination (418Y)
- archive KM WG (3PIO)
- NationalAcademies_BoardOnScienceTechnologyAndEconomicPolicy (3XQH)
- National Transportation Knowledge Network (3PIP)
- VistA Research and Analysis Community of Practice (3QGU)
- TheTaoOfAttributes (41TY)
- WashingtonResearchEvaluationNetwork (3WHY)
- WebManagersForum (35PB)
- WikiWell (3OSA)
- StateLocalWebContentManagers (3DOH)
- UsabilityTaskGroup (3LQM)
- USAspendingGov (3LRT)
- VisualizationTo_Understand_Expenditures_In_Information_Technology (40LR)
External Links to Related Government Communities (3W03)
- Best Practices Committee (35OL)
- Component Organization and Registration Environment - (3PIF)
- Emerging Technology - (35P5)
- Federal XBRL Community of Practice (3DHF)
- Government Customer Support Community of Practice (3D16)
- MAX Collaboration Space for Executive Branch Agencies, supported by OMB (3W46)
- National Information Exchange Model (35P7)
- Open Source Enterprise Reference Architecture (394Q)
- XML Community of Practice (35OI)
Other Communities (3W48)
Community Events (35O0)
- February 9, 2009 (41ED)
- Collaborative Expedition Workshop #80, Leveraging Service-Oriented Architecture: Advancing Cyberinfastructure Capabilities For High-Performance Distributed Communities (41EE)
Contact and Background (3PIT)
- Open Collaborative Work Environment is for trusted community members to collaborate using wiki, email discussion forum, message archive, shared file workspace, full text search, and portal. (3PIX)
- Provided by USA Services Intergovernmental Solutions for Networking Among Communities of Practice, including Collaborative Expedition Workshops (3PIY)
- If you have questions (including how to become a member of COLAB) contact SusanTurnbull, GSA (35R0)
- regular teleconference orientations (35OZ)
Resources (3PIU)
- USA.Gov: The U.S. Government's Official Web Portal (3PYS)
- DotGov Buzz - The DotGov Buzz is an email newsletter published by the GSA Office of Citizen Services and Communications. It was created to keep opinion leaders, policy makers, IT professionals and others aware of the latest developments and achievements relating to e-government. (3LRQ)
- How E-Government is Changing Society and Strengthening Democracy, USA Intergovernmental Newsletter, Fall 2007.. Accessible Version (3TP1)
- COMMUNITY WEBBOARD by Nancy Cohen, Open Magazine (35PR)
- Our Shared Playground - An Interview with Michael Schrage by Marcia Conner, LiNE Zine (35PS)
- Leveraging Effective Collaboration in Communities & Open Distributed Teams by PeterYim, at FOSE 2004 - eGov AIC/CIO Council 3rd Emerging Technology Components Conference Washington DC, Mar. 24, 2004 (35PT)
- Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware by DougEngelbart (June 1992) (35PU)
- More about Wikis (35PV)
- Using PurpleNumbers with web pages (3PJA)
- CWE is predominantly Open Source or Free Software; This article: "Understanding Open Source Software" by Mark Webbink, Esq. of Red Hat (published Dec. 31, 2003) explains what "open source software" is, including legal and intellectual property rights issues. (35PX)
Past Events and News (3BPS)
Credits And Acknowledgement (35WH)
Intellectual Property Rights Policy (35PY)
AboutThisWiki (3WF2)
--- This particular page is maintained by SusanTurnbull. Please do not edit the page. Kindly send any additions, changes, comments and suggestions to her at for incorporation/discussion. (3WF3)
[Collaborative Expedition Workshops] [Communities of Practice] [Community Events] [Contact] [Past Events] [Credits] (3PI8)