Geospatial Enterprise Architecture (2R4H)
Community of Practice Working Group (2Q6X)
(GEA COP WG) (300Y)
Quick Links (300P)
- Geospatial Profile Update Activity is now under way! See GeoCopMeeting_2006_09_08 for meeting details. (38JM)
- Pilot Activities (30MG)
- Geospatial Profile, latest (300R)
- Reference Model Change Recommendations (35RT)
- Geospatial Profile Fact Sheet V0.5, February 22, 2006 (32FW)
- Overview (300S)
- Key Dates (300T)
- Meeting Details (300U)
- Subgroup Pages (300V)
- Mailing List (300W)
- GEA COP WG Charter (300Q)
Overview (2R4I)
This Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Community Of Practice (GEA COP) activity is established as a working group under the auspices of the CIO Council (specifically, the Architectural Infrastructure Committee, or AIC) and the Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) to serve as the focal point for the advancement of a Federal Enterprise Architecture Geospatial Profile, consistent with the proven practices of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure, and designed to encourage the development and implementation of Enterprise Architectures capable of supporting the discovery, access, integration, fusion and application of geospatial data and services vital to improved government service and decision-making. (300X)
In 2005 the GEA COP developed the first version of the FEA Geospatial Profile, which underwent some minor revisions to be published and promoted as version 1.1 in January 2006. We currently are working on piloting this version of the profile, and refining the 1.1 document into a version 2. (3430)
Overview and Status Briefing for Chief Architects Forum, July 21, 2005, Doug Nebert (2TVN)
Over the course of the past few months the FGDC, in conjunction with the federal CIO Council Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, has been addressing the importance of establishing of a common geospatial perspective among collaborating organizations. With a majority of business lines having a spatial context, identifying common geospatial capabilities can have operational benefits. At the highest level, such guidance and recommendations would constitute a Geospatial Profile of the FEA that supports proven and emerging practices of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). Equally important is the ability for enterprise architecture practices to be compatible within and among collaborating federal, state, and local jurisdictions. Consistency in approach for addressing geospatial content and services in the context of EA will help us: (2R4J)
- Internally recognize and re-use geospatial capabilities as a key resource in business processes (2R4K)
- Move from projects and stovepipes to integrated interoperable solutions (2R4L)
- Promote a cross-agency architecture that supports geospatial enablement of mission capabilities (2R4M)
Objectives (2R4N)
- to establish an inclusive community of practice in order to consistently integrate and promote geospatial concepts in the context of enterprise architecture practices (2R4O)
- to develop a Geospatial Profile guidance document for the FEA and companion documentation for program-level implementers (2R4P)
- to conduct outreach activities and demonstrations to highlight the application of Profile guidance in operational, multi-jurisdictional settings (2R4Q)
Deliverables and Milestones for FY 2006 (2R4R)
- GeospatialPilotActivities - GEAArchitecturePilot (33ZK)
- GeospatialPilotActivities - GEATechnologyPilot (33ZL)
- Update CurrentGeospatialProfileDraft (33ZM)
Artifact Archive (2Z5M)
- /GeospatialBusinessLanguage (2Z5N)
- /GeospatialServiceComponents (2Z5O)
- /GeospatialStandardsList (2Z5P)
- /GeospatialIntegrationMaturityModel (30SV)
Roles and Responsibilities (2R52)
The Geospatial Community of Practice / GEA Technical Working Group has representatives from federal, state, local government, and industry. Participating organizations are committed to providing information and personnel resources integral to the initiative. The FGDC Secretariat and the AIC provides project support, guidance, and contractor support. Contractor support includes document interpretation and preparation, meeting synopses, collaborative workspace management and updates, and interaction with the commercial sector. See draft charter for additional information. (2R53)
Initiative Reporting Process (2R54)
As described in the charter: (2R55)
- Monthly report (by second Monday of each month) to FEAPMO on milestones, action items, comments, issues and risks (regarding resources, schedule, stakeholders, approach) (2R56)
- The GEA WG annual report shall be submitted to the FGDC Executive Secretary and shall contain accomplishments of the past year, an operating plan covering the full life cycle of the Working Group’s known plans, description and status of documentation and related deliverables, and a brief discussion of any problems encountered and other matters of interest. (2R57)
- As needed, presentations on the GEA activities will be made to the FGDC Coordination Group and other working groups. (2R58)
What's New? (2Q7C)
These pages are fairly regularly updated. One thing to do is to come to the site and click on the RecentChanges link. Another thing to do is to subscribe to the RSS feed <> provided by this Wiki. Mozilla Thunderbird (mail reader) and Firefox (browser) both provide native RSS feed support, so please follow the instructions in Thunderbird and/or Firefox help to use these tools. The next section describes what to do to get started on making the feed available within Outlook. (2RH7)
RSS Feed in Outlook (2RH8)
To make changes to the Wiki viewable in Outlook as an "email" you will first need to download (buy) an RSS feed aggregator. Two solutions exist as of June, 2005: (2RH9)
Once you have installed one of these aggregators, follow the instructions contained in the add-on for subscribing to the RSS feed from the Wiki. Quickly: (2RHB)
- For intraVnews, use the "Subscriptions" menu item and then select "Subscriptions"->"Subscribe to feed..." and the "Add..." (2Q8T)
- For NewsGator, select "NewsGator"->"Subscriptions..." and then "Add..." (2RHC)
How to subscribe to the Geospatial Community of Practice (2Q7E)
Anyone can create an account on this Wiki and add content. To do so, simply hit the "Create account" link at the top right of this page and follow the directions. (2QC4)
The Geospatial Community of Practice is utilizing the geo-forum as our discussion forum. Here's how to join the geo-forum You can read the archive at: (2QC5)
You can comment on any of this content. Please read GeoCOPHowToComment (2QCL)
If you have trouble posting to this page, please contact RajSingh for help. (2QCI)
Key Date(s) to Note: (2Q6Z)
- September 8, 2006 - GeoCopMeeting_2006_09_08 (38HS)
Details of Conference Calls & Meetings (2Q72)
Click on the links below to find details of upcoming meetings or minutes and presentations from past meetings. (2QHN)
- May 2, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_05_02 (2Q73)
- May 11, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_05_11 (2Q77)
- June 1, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_06_01 (2QHO)
- June 22, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_06_22 (2QHP)
- June 29, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_06_29 (2QHQ)
- July 6, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_07_06 (2QHR)
- July 20, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_07_20 (2QHS)
- August 10, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_08_10 (2RYW)
- August 24, 2005 - Cancelled (2T3M)
- September 7, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_09_07 (2T3N)
- September 28, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_09_28 (2T3O)
- October 12, 2005 - GeoCopMeeting_2005_10_12 (2Z5Z)
- February 3, 2006 - GeoCopMeeting_2006_02_03 (31MV)
- February 17, 2006 - GeoCopMeeting_2006_02_17 (32EI)
- June 23, 2006 - GeoCopMeeting_2006_06_23 (35L6)
Subgroup Pages (2TSM)
GEACoPProfileIntroductionEffort (2TB0)
GEACoPScenarioAndUseCaseEffort (2TB1)
GEACoPPerformanceReferenceModelEffort (2RZF)
GEACoPBusinessReferenceModelEffort (2RYY)
GEACoPServiceComponentReferenceModelEffort (2RZG)
GEACoPDataReferenceModelEffort (2RZH)
GEACoPTechnicalReferenceModelEffort (2RZI)
Geospatial Enterprise Architecture Glossary of Terms (2Q7D)
Please see: GEAGlossary (2Q91)
Team Members (2Q7I)
Please see: GeoCOPTeamMembers (2Q93)
Subcommunities & Projects (2R3C)
Document and Presentation Repository (2Q7J)
Please see: GeoCOPRepository (2R59)
Resources (2QCC)
The following is a list of links to resources that should be of interest to GeoCOP participants. (2QCH)
- Chief Architects Forum (2QCE)
- National Information Exchange Model Home Page (2QCB)
- FEA Consolidated Reference Model (the containing page has other interesting and useful information) (2T37)
- Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) Adopted Document Baseline (2TUI)
- Homeland Infrastructure Foundation-Level Database (HIFLD)Working Group (2U4R)
Use Cases (2QG6)
Please see GeoCOPUseCases (2QG7)
Discussion Forum (2Q7K)
The Geospatial Community of Practice is utilizing the geo-forum as our discussion forum. Here's how to join the geo-forum You can read the archive at: (2QC2)