COLAB Community Wiki (6VY)
This is the COLAB Community Wiki, an integral part of its Collaborative Work Environment ("CWE"). The wiki is intended for use by trusted team and members of the community for collaborative documentation. What we have here is a read-and-write web, as opposed to the traditional read-only web sites. It is a collaborative authoring tool. You can also treat it like the restaurant napkin that you sketch on, to share ideas with people sitting around the table. Except, this time, the wiki is your napkin, and the people you are sharing your ideas with can be all around the world, sitting in front of their computing device connected to the Internet; and they don't even necessarily have to be there at the same time you are sketching. (6VZ)
Please login (see: upper right corner, or create an account if you have not already done so) with a "WikiWord" styled user name for yourself (like "JaneDoe" or "AbrahamLincoln") before you proceed with a wiki authoring/editing session. We also recommend the use of a password (even if it's simple) so that your identity does not get spoofed too easily. Text formatting rules for this flavor of wiki can be found at the TextFormattingRules page. For other guidelines to working with this Wiki, please read our WikiStyleGuide and WikiProcessGuide. First time users could read more about the WikiWikiWeb and then play in the SandBox. (6W0)
Communities of Practice and Projects (6W1)
- NationalInfrastructureforCommunityStatistics (NICS) (6W2)
- ExpeditionWorkshop- Collaboration Expedition Workshop Series (6W3)
- Index to PastExpeditionWorkshops - 2001-2004 (6W4)
- SICoP - Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (6W5)
- Common Upper Ontology Working Group (6W6)
- EmergingComponentConferences (6W7)
- CommunitiesofPracticeCrossroads (6W8)
- IntergovernmentalAdvisoryBoard (IAB) (6W9)
- ChiefArchtitectsForum (6WA)
- KMWGTechnologyCommunity (6WB)
- try creating a new project by referencing (or copying) the structure shown on the TemplateProjectPage (6WC)
Discussion Forum / Mailing Lists Archives / File-Sharing Workspace / Document Repository (6WD)
- Message Archives: (6WE)
- Test forum: [colab-test] mailing-list discussion archives - (6WF)
- To Post: e-mail to '' (6WG)
- (substitute '_forum-name_' with name of the forum, like: (6WH)
- To Subscribe/Unsubscribe/Configure: (6WI)
- File-Sharing Workspace / Document Repository: (6WJ)
- (6WK)
- (6WL)
- (community member password required to access) (6WM)
- (administrator password required to access) (6WN)
- To access the File Workspace - refer to: (6WO)
More about Collaborative Work Environments (6WP)
- COMMUNITY WEBBOARD by Nancy Cohen, Open Magazine (6WQ)
- Our Shared Playground - An Interview with Michael Schrage by Marcia Conner, LiNE Zine (6WR)
- Leveraging Effective Collaboration in Communities & Open Distributed Teams by PeterYim, at FOSE 2004 – eGov AIC/CIO Council 3rd Emerging Technology Components Conference Washington DC, Mar. 24, 2004 (6WS)
- Toward High-Performance Organizations: A Strategic Role for Groupware by DougEngelbart (June 1992) (6WT)
- ... more about wiki's - see: (6WU)
- ... using PurpleNumbers with existing web pages - see: (6WV)
- We are using, predominantly, Open Source or Free Software in this CWE. The article: "Understanding Open Source Software" by Mark Webbink, Esq. of Red Hat (published Dec. 31, 2003) should help explain what "open source sofwtare" is, and demystify some of the legal and intellectual property rights issues in software licensing. (6WW)
Intellectual Property Rights Policy (6WX)
- all contribution to this collaborative work environment shall be deemed to have been made under an open content license, open publication license or one of the free software or open source licenses. (See also: (6WY)
- unless otherwise specified, content within this collaborative work environment shall be subject to Open Content License (OPL), Version 1.0, July 14, 1998 or its successor. (see (6WZ)
- those who are unable to contribute under the above licensing arrangements should refrain from contributing to the cwe content. (6X0)