[Federal CIO Council's] Knowledge Management Working Group [Board] (30IQ)
(NOTE: KMWG is no longer sponsored under the Federal CIO Council as of mid-year FY07 and the Board has been disbanded]- see archival page below. These contents are being archived/ transitioned to new KMWG site) (3W54)
The Wiki: A grassroots approach to providing KM solutions... Wikis seem to be an ideal tool for furthering corporate KM goals and outcomes, as they are true sharing and collaborating environments that grow both individual as well as organizational knowledge and competency.. in Stealth KM: Winning Knowledge Management Strategies for the Private Sector by Niall Sinclair, Butterworth-Heinemann (2006) (359H)
Print Version (34SB)
- Best Practices Committee (CIO Council Calendar) (33UA)
- KM.Gov - GSA Hosted Web Site (34JF)
- Key Documents for Review (34TC)
Contents: (33EK)
- What's New (33EL)
- Consolidated - Coordinated Calendar of Events (33EM)
- Background: (345C)
- Board Meetings: (345D)
- First Meeting, March 16, 2006 (33EO)
- Second Meeting, April 5, 2006 (33PN)
- Third Meeting, April 11, 2006 (33UC)
- Fourth Meeting, April 18, 2006 (33Z7)
- Special Public Meeting, April 20, 2006 (34NO)
- Fifth Meeting, May 2, 2006 (34I1)
- Sixth Meeting, May 11, 2006 (34NC)
- Seventh Meeting, June 15, 2006 (34T4)
- Eighth Meeting Meeting, July 6, 2006 (35TZ)
- Special Public Meeting, July 26, 2006 (35U7)
- File Repository (330A)
What's New: (33ER)
- June 13-14, 2006, KM WG Board Members Contribute to Internal Government Agency Communications, Knowledge-Sharing and Collaboration Conference. See Presentations (35MN)
- June 20-22, 2006, KM WG Board Member Contrinutes to Collaborative Expedition Workshop #51, Open Collaboration: Networking Geospatial Information Technology for Interoperability and Spatial Ontology. See Presentation on Geospatial Line of Business at the Recent FGDC Steering Committee Meeting. (35MO)
- May 15, 2006, From the Microsoft Federal Architect Forum Keynote, May 11, 2006, the theme "Knowledge-Based Management of Enterprise Architecture" and from the E-Gov Institute EA 2006 Conference (September 11-13, 2006) Board Planning Meeting, May 10, 2006, the thought "The FAA is using using EA to sell KM". (34TA)
- June 13-15, 2006, The Role and Impact of the New Data Reference Model 2.0 at Internal Government Agency Communications, Knowledge-Sharing and Collaboration Conference (34PS)
- April 26, 2006, Status of KM WG 6 SIGs: Communities of Practice; Education, Learning, and Development; Taxonomies; Semantic Interoperability; Knowledge Retention; and KM Technology. Of these, only two (Taxonomies and Semantic Interoperability) are active and have regular meetings/events. The Knowledge Retention SIG, established about a year and a half ago, is organizing itself, having meetings (mostly teleconferences), and has identified some action items (e.g., compilation of best practices and lessons learned in Knowledge Retention). (34JG)
- April 21, 2006, Proceedings of the KM Conference (346F)
- April 20, 2006, Knowledge Management Working Group Public Meeting. Notes posted. (346E)
- April 17, 2006, GAO Report Information Sharing: The Federal Government Needs to Establish Policies and Processes for Sharing Terrorism-Related and Sensitive but Unclassified Information and Highlights (34JH)
- April 13, 2006, Net-Centric Enterprise Services (NCES) Status, Rex Cobb, DoD CoI Forum. See Defense Knowledge Online (DKO). Also see Advanced Distributed Learning (3441)
- April 10-13, 2006, Abstracts from Delphi Conference ii2006 Information Intelligence Summit, Phoenix, Arizona (33TF)
- March 28, 2006, Knowledge Management Working Group's Knowledge & Human Capital Retention SIG Organizational Profile and Startup Organization Profile (33PI)
- March 21-23, 2006, Proposed Knowledge Management Community of Practice Architecture, Process, and Reference Model: Presentation and CoP of CoPs Semantic Wiki Pilot at the USGS Scientific Information Management Workshop. Also see Using CoPs To Simplify Processes and Unify Work Across Agencies: Cross-Industry Applications (33EX)
- March 20, 2006, Pilot Web Site and Draft KM.Gov Requirements Documents (33EA)
- March 15-16 2006, Long Term Knowledge Retention (LTKR) - Archival and Representation Standards at NIST, Agenda and Presentations (33WZ)
Consolidated - Coordinated Calendar of Events: (32QO)
- November 15, 2006, Quarterly General Meeting in Connection with the Security Conference & Exhibition, 11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. The Rotunda Room of the Ronald Reagan Building, Federal Trainagle Metro Station. Open to the Public and No Coast to Attend. (3BAN)
- September 11-13, 2006, Enterprise Architecture 2006 Conference, Special Joint Session of EA and KM (Brand, Elsa, and Steve working on) (34JN)
- July 26, 2006, Special Session at the itsGOV "Technology Buying at Year-End" Showcase (tentative) (34HY)
- June 1-3, 2006, Conference of the National Knowledge Commission of India in Long Beach, California (Conference delayed until Fall - only Planning Meeting). (34HZ)
- May 15, 2006, Best Practices Committee Meeting (34IQ)
- May 11, 2006, Sixth Board Meeting (34JO)
- May 2, 2006, Fifth Board Meeting (32QR)
- April 20, 2006, Special Public Meeting at the Knowledge Management Conference, 1-4 p.m. The Atrium Ballroom B. (32WS)
- April 18, 2006, Fourth Meeting (33Z9)
- April 11, 2006, Third Meeting (33Z8)
- April 5, 2006, Second Board Meeting (33PJ)
- March 16, 2006: First Board Meeting (32WL)
- March 1-3, 2006, Managing Knowledge for Successful Mission Operations, NASA Knowledge Management Team Meeting, Johnson Space Flight Center, Gilruth Center (35CT)
Announcement, March 7, 2006: (33ET)
- KM Colleagues and Friends, We are pleased to announce the following CIOC KM Working Group Board Members and Advisors for 2006 (This includes 4* of the original 7 signers of the KM WG charter in 2000: (32P8)
- GioraHadar* (32P9)
- ElsaRhoads* (32PA)
- DeniseBedford (32PB)
- MarkMontgomery (resigned March 23, 2006) (32PC)
- MikeNovak (32PD)
- FredPoker (32PE)
- JeanneHolm (32PF)
- StevenElse (32PG)
- MoonjaKim (resigned April 4, 2006) (32PH)
- BrandNiemann (335K)
- Advisors: (339Q)
- Most of you know these people, they have been exemplary in their dedication to our community and to our discipline. Please congratulate them and offer them your support for the coming year. Warm regards to all, Harriet J Riofrio (32PK)
- Congratulations, my dear friends! I wish you smooth sailing and loads of gratifying accomplishments. Suggest you get together soon and start fleshing out how you want to govern yourselves as a board and the group as a whole. Giora and Elsa have loads of experience and wisdom and I will be happy to help in any way I can. Warmest regards, Harriet (32PP)
First Meeting, March 16, 2006: (33EU)
- Proposal for First Meeting (33EV)
- Minutes (33EW)
- Change in Venue (32PL)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (Y), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (N), Mark Montgomery (Y-Remote), Mike Novak (N), Fred Poker (Y), Jeanne Holm (Y-Remote), Steven Else (Y), Moonja Kim (Y), Brand Niemann (Y), Karl Hebenstreit (Y) (32RD)
- Need new Board Members to complete or update your contact information, bios, and upcoming events in the Wiki (see links from names above) (32PN)
- Need to work on the agenda for the April 20th Special Session at the Knowledge Management Conference, 1-3 p.m. (The Atrium Ballroom B will be open the entire afternoon.) like: (32PU)
- Collaboration Wiki Support and Training, Contact SusanTurnbull. She's gathering names for the Next Training Session. (335O)
Second Meeting, April 5, 2006: (33PO)
- Minutes (Word) and Minutes (PDF) (33U2)
- Time and Location: 1500-1700 on Wednesday, 5 April, in the DHS BioWatch Meeting Room 201 in Suite 220, 675 N. Washington St., Alexandria VA, 22314, (703) 683-2883. See Map. Walk East on Pendleton St. from the Braddock Road Metro Station. (33PP)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (R), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (N), Mike Novak (Y), Fred Poker (N), Jeanne Holm (N), Steven Else (Y), and Brand Niemann (Y) (33QF)
- Draft Agenda: (33PQ)
- 1. Address governance and role issues for the Board, to include whether we will a Chair of Co-Chair arrangement, how we will decide things, select individuals for roles and approve a revised charter, once drafted/coordinated, and so on. (33PR)
- 2. Plan the 20 April session (building on what Brand has already shared as a possible working agenda: See UPDATE (33PS)
- Welcome and Introduction of New Board Members (and Roles?): Harriet Riofrio (33PT)
- Welcome from the Best Practices Committee: George Strawn, NSF, and Co-Chair (33PU)
- Coordinated Calendar of Upcoming Events (33PV)
- Brief Remarks from the New Board Members - Talking Stick Activity (33PW)
- Elsa's Survey Results (need to be reviewed and discussed first) (33PX)
- Strategic Plan for the future of the KM Working Group (33PY)
- Advisory Board (33PZ)
- Web Site Renovation (33Q0)
- Outreach to Agencies (33Q1)
- Special Recognitions (33Q2)
- Other Items? (33Q3)
- Closing and Adjourn (33Q4)
- Recommended Homework for Wednesday's Meeting (33Q5)
- (1) Answer the following questions: (33Q6)
- Who are we? (33Q7)
- What is our agenda? (33Q8)
- Who is our audience? (33Q9)
- What do we wish to accomplish (strategically and tactically)? (33QA)
- How do we evolve into a more mature KM organization? (33QB)
- And other appropriate questions, as desired, including what our objectives are for the 20 April session, which is really an important session IMHO) (33QC)
- (2) Complete the Org Profile (33QD)
- (3) Review the existing Charter and come prepared with (or email) recommended updates (Note: I have collected general, related "thoughts" folks have already contributed and am working them as best I can in a revised draft charter that I will send out by early Wednesday morning) (33QE)
- (1) Answer the following questions: (33Q6)
Third Meeting, April 11, 2006: (33UD)
- Minutes and Mind Map (33WT)
- The meeting will be 3-5 p.m. in Room 805, 500 North Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC. We are about two blocks from Union Station, five blocks North of the Capitol Building. (33UE)
- Please plan to arrive early, as you will have to sign in, go through the metal detector, have your bags x-rayed (just like the airport!), and be escorted to the meeting room. (33UF)
- Call in number is . (33UY)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (N), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (N), Mike Novak (Y), Fred Poker (N), Jeanne Holm (Y-Remote), Steven Else (Y), Brand Niemann (Y), and Harriet Riofrio(Y). (33UG)
- Agenda Items - See Minutes Posted Above (33WU)
Fourth Meeting, April 18, 2006: (33Z0)
- Minutes (3435)
- Final pre-conference prep meeting tomorrow, April 18, from 3:00 to 5:00 PM, here at the IRS Research, Analysis, and Statistics building (500 North Capitol St., NW). Please (33Z1)
- Please plan to arrive early, as you will have to sign in, go through the metal detector, have your bags x-rayed (just like the airport!), and be escorted to the meeting room. (33UF)
- Call in number is in the email. (33UY)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (Y), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (Y-Remote), Mike Novak (Y), Fred Poker (Y), Jeanne Holm (Y-Remote), Steven Else (Y), Brand Niemann (Y), and Harriet Riofrio(N). (33UG)
- Agenda Items: See Minutes (33Z2)
Fifth Board Meeting, May 2, 2006: (34I0)
- In consideration of those who have to travel from across town, the meeting will commence at 4:00PM and end at 5:30PM. (34IR)
- Location is Conference Room 805, 500 North Capitol Street, NW. Please arrive early to pass through security. (34IS)
- Call-in number will be emailed. (34IT)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (Y), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (Phone), Mike Novak (Y), Fred Poker(Phone), Jeanne Holm (Excused-Teaching), Steven Else (Phone), and Brand Niemann (Y). (34JD)
- Preliminary agenda is shown below. Please feel free to submit additional agenda items. (34IU)
- Proposed agenda items: (34IV)
- After Action Review of the E-Gov KM Conference/KMWG Meeeting/KMWG SIG Meetings -- What went well? What went not so well? What do we change for the next meeting? (34IW)
- Planning for July 26 KMWG Meeting -- Reports from SIGs; Reports on projects completed/underway; .... (34IX)
- Plans to finalize Charter, Bylaws, Organizational Profile: SteveElse by May 5th for May 15th (34IY)
- Plans to develop Strategic Plan: Next meeting (34IZ)
- Action items generated so far (from commitments, suggestions, SIG Meetings, etc.) (34J0)
- Topics to Address (if afforded the opportunity) at the May 15 CIOC Best Practices Committee meeting (34JE)
- Km.gov, List Serve, and Wiki Policy: FredPoker (34JP)
Sixth Board Meeting, May 11, 2006: (34ND)
- Kforce Government Solutions, 2750 Prosperity Avenue, Near Merrifield, Virginia, Suite 300 (Conference Room 335), Fairfax, VA. 4-5:30 p.m. Steve and Brand are offering shuttle service from the Dunn Loring Metro. (34N8)
- Call-in number will be emailed. (34N9)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (Y), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (N), Mike Novak (N), Fred Poker(Y), Jeanne Holm (R), Steven Else (Y), and Brand Niemann (Y). (34NA)
- Agenda to be posted. See Key Documents for Review (34NB)
- The Mapping of Federal Knowledge Management Programs/Projects Proposed by Denise Lee, Office of Applied Science--Public Buildings Service, Knowledge Management Program, GSA: (34NE)
- The purpose of this project is to map the basic information about all KM Programs/Projects across the Federal Government. In order to determine if a project is in the discipline of KM the following criteria will be followed. "The project addresses the identification, capture, sharing, and transfer of either tacit or explicit knowledge with or without a technology component" If there is a dispute about the status of a program/project being in the discipline of Knowledge Management then the KM Working Group will make a decision as to whether or not it should be included in this project. The data collected with belong solely to the KM Working Group and the CIO Council. (34NF)
- The map will include the following fields: (34NG)
- Contact Name and Contact Information (ie email and phone) (34NH)
- Alternate Contact Name and Contact Information (34NI)
- Agency (34NJ)
- Division (34NK)
- Name of Program or Project (34NL)
- Description of Program or Project (limit 500 words) (34NM)
- Keywords (ie Communities of Practice, Expert Locator) (34NN)
- Propose we start by identifying which departments/agencies/etc. have CKOs (or something by another name), which ones have KM offices, and which ones have formal KM programs in place, because that (as I understand it) is what George is looking for in the immediate future. Then we can look at expanding the scope of the project. (34PF)
- The Board has need of data collection for at least the following: (34S3)
- The EA 2006 Conference Planning Board approved our ICW (In Connection With) Meeting of the KM WG on September 13, 2006, 1-3:30 p.m., probably in the same Atrium Ballroom B as April 20th. (34S9)
- Identified a new OMB detailee to Dick Burk's FEA PMO, Diana Takata, to work with on KM becoming a Line of Business under the new Federal Transition Framework (FTF) she leads for him. (34SA)
- May 15, 2006, Best Practices Committee Meeting: (34OM)
- SICoP Items: Fact Sheet, Startup Profile, White Paper #2, SOA for E-Government Conference, May 23-24th, Briefing and Agenda (34ON)
- The Mapping of Federal Knowledge Management Programs/Projects Proposed by Denise Lee, Office of Applied Science--Public Buildings Service, Knowledge Management Program, GSA: (34NE)
Seventh Board Meeting, June 15, 2006: (34T5)
Conference Call: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. see email for call-in and password (35FR)
Attendance: Giora Hadar (Y), Elsa Rhoads (Y), Denise Bedford (Y), Mike Novak (Y), Fred Poker(N), Jeanne Holm (N), Steven Else (Y), and Brand Niemann (Y). (35FS)
Agenda: (35FT)
- Debrief of May 15 Best Practices Committee meeting (35FU)
- Prep for [tentative] June 19 Best Practices Committee meeting (35FV)
- Prep for July 26 General Meeting (agenda) (35FW)
- Progress on current programs and projects (see Documents) (35FX)
- Networking of EA and KM (35FY)
- Addition/Deletion/Revision of current programs and projects (e.g., addition of "Publish Bylaws for SIGs," or some such wording, "Outreach and Partnerships," etc.) (35FZ)
- Draft Bylaws for SIGs (35G0)
- "Herding Cats" -- What's up with the SIGs? (See Documents) (35G1)
Eighth Board Meeting Meeting, July 6, 2006: (35U0)
- Time is 3:30 p.m. and location is IRS Conference Room 6714, 500 North Capitol Street, NW. Please arrive early to pass through security. (35U1)
- Call-in number has been emailed. (35U2)
- Attendance: Giora Hadar (), Elsa Rhoads (), Denise Bedford (), Mike Novak (Y), Fred Poker(), Jeanne Holm (), Steven Else (), and Brand Niemann (On Vacation). (34JD)
- Agenda: (35U3)
- July 26th Public Meeting (35U4)
- KM Line of Business – Federal Transition Framework Initiative (35U5)
- Denise Lee's project for getting CKO info from fed agencies -- 1st sample from GSA. (35XG)
- Haiping Luo's proposal for an EA WG. She's from the assoc of Enterprise Architects, DC chapter. (35XH)
- Other (35U6)
Initial Comments: (32PQ)
- Brand to Harriet (March 2, 2006): I hope we can have a new KM Board Meeting soon so we can communicate the result to the Architecture & Infrastructure Committee's new Co-Chairs that Susan and I are in dialogue with concerning collaboration across both groups, but also so we can having another wonderful "Talking Stick" type event during the upcoming KM Conference. I spoke with Kathy Hughes, FCW Marketing Director, earlier this week when I saw her at the FCW Wireless/RFID Conference about doing something again this year and she said that Namcy had already spoken with her about that and April 20th was best like noon- 2 p.m. when the Lunch and Exhibits are going on. (32PR)
- Brand to Fellow Board Members (March 7, 2006): Congratulations Fellow Board Members! Harriet suggested I get the ball rolling since I had suggested a special session during the upcoming KM Conference on April 20th where we introduce ourselves and our CoP activities to a broader audience including the new Co-Chair of the Best Practices Committee, George Strawn, NSF CIO, who has agreed to attend the April 20th event. Some may recall that Harriet arranged this last year with David Wennergren our past Co-Chair of the BP Committee in attendance. The conference host (FCW) has reserved a free room for us from 1-3 p.m. Could someone please offer to host us in person and teleconference within the next two weeks so we could get ready for the April 20th event? Thanks, Brand P.S. I have asked Susan Turnbull to attend as well to help us with the Wiki that we started to use on January 20th. See http://colab.cim3.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?KnowledgeManagementWorkingGroup (32PS)
- Hurricane Katrina: (32QB)
- Lessons Learned: The Federal Response to Hurricane Katrina: On August 23, 2005, Hurricane Katrina formed as a tropical storm off the coast of the Bahamas. Over the next seven days, the tropical storm grew into a catastrophic hurricane that made landfall first in Florida and then along the Gulf Coast in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama, leaving a trail of heartbreaking devastation and human suffering. Katrina wreaked staggering physical destruction along its path, flooded the historic city of New Orleans, ultimately killed over 1,300 people, and became the most destructive natural disaster in American history. This February 2006 report from the executive branch investigates and discusses the federal government response to Hurricane Katrina. (32Q4)
- Hurricane Katrina: Preliminary Observations Regarding Preparedness and Response to Catastrophic Disasters (Highlights), by David M. Walker, comptroller general of the United States, before the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. GAO-06-442T, March 8, 2006. (32QC)
- Brand, The wiki is a great idea to start with. It has worked well in the Ontolog environment and should work well here. Best regards, Denise (32QT)
- Brand, the Wiki that you, Peter Yim and Susan Turnbull have developed is impressive.
http://colab.cim3.net. The links below are from IBM – several blogs – Wikis: (32QU)
- http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/blogs/ (Note: All of the IBM Blog links do not work when Brand did a search) (32QV)
- Best practices and performance considerations using RedBack Objects (32QW)
- http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/dm-0601else/ (32QX)
- http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/db2/library/techarticle/dm-0601else/#N1005D (32QY)
- Wikis – existing and in development (32QZ)
- http://www-03.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/homepage.action (32R0)
- Thanks! Abbe Buck, www.highvizpr.com (32R1)
- I am very excited about what we can achieve. However, I need to know how we are selecting our partnerships so that I can assure my manager that I am not being involved in any potential conflicts of interest. While I understand the importance of partnerships, I need to be able to explain how the group I'm working with made partnering choices. Also, should we be careful that we're offering different vendors an equal opportunity - perhaps some new and emerging ones - to work with us? Would it be possible for us to start out with a list of what we need in the way of support? My apologies for seeming a bit too much 'by the book' - my sensibilities in this area are very much heightened in the past year. Best regards, Denise (32R2)
- Denise- I agree with you. While I support Giora's proposal in concept, anything done now reflects everyone on the board, so the board should vote on the record and make that record public IMO, even if not required by law to do so. I could be guessing, but appears that the intent here is to transition from a co-chair format where two people did most of the work- and others in CoPs/SIGs, to a board model in reaching out to a much broader group as described by Giora's message. I strongly support that because we want the U.S. Gov to benefit from the best available, and it's clear to me anyway that evidence suggests strongly that the scope of the work needs to be elevated substantially within the U.S. Gov. We just need to execute appropriately. We do a lot of new org and transition work in our biz so am jumping in. But yes, Denise, we not only need to be concerned about our respective orgs, but
also personal reputations and liability. I am adamant on min standards I will engage with for those reasons. My suggestion is to adopt a chronological order moving forward as a group
that looks something like this: (32RE)
- 1) Elect a chair, vice chair, and secretary at first mtg- before any action is taken. Publish minutes on web site just as GSA does with their own advisory board- which are all Gov staff members btw- no other stakeholders - just discovered on their site. That creates credibility and trust and a record. (32RF)
- 2) Establish a committee to create an expedited mini strategic plan for the KM Workgroup. This would include quickly matching skill sets and strengths to priority committees- much of which obvious, including a mission statement. A budget, however small. If we are trading vendors for services, a potential value exchange exists and needs to be treated appropriately. (32RG)
- 3) Have small committee establish quick policy on vendor relations-suspect one can be adapted from one of your Gov orgs. It can always be improved later. (32RH)
- 4) Ask Giora to submit his proposed web site to the board for a vote. (32RI)
- 5) If GSA is responsible for this group (I don't understand why or the structure frankly- would appreciate a pointer to the why), and Giora's proposal is approved (or any other), ask chair to send letter to GSA from entire board requesting their assistance, and copy whoever needs to be copied in Gov- CIO parent org, President, Congress, OMB, primary stakeholders and decision makers who are accountable. (32RJ)
- 6) If necessary, provide a proposed alternative organization structure if GSA does not support board's recommendations. (32RK)
That's how I would recommend approaching the early days of this transition, which is admittedly from the perspective of only wanting to accomplish what needs to be accomplished;-I think one of the underlying struggles here may well be the reporting structure of the CKOs to the CIOs in Gov, rather than the director, or frankly a federal CKO- which to me is obviously needed, but then I am likely more free to make that observation than others. But for the sake of learning welcome input. We may want to think about such issues in our work for eventual recommendations- those ideas should be vetted with this group IMO- no better place. Others have their own interests to protect. But that's just one example of value that a board model can bring. I'll be silent now for a while unless asked, and look forward to hearing how others might approach moving forward. Mark Montgomery (32RL)
I suggest coordinated work on three inter-related tasks simultaneously: (1) Business Case and Enterprise Architecure leading to a proposal to OMB to become a Line of Business (Elsa's research would support this); (2) call for mission critial content URLs (disaster management, flu pandemic, etc.) to be organized to demonstrate knowledge management by the KM WG and to support task (3); and (3) a call for rapid response pilots (free) by any and all organizations and vendors using the content from task (2) to identify best practices (leading practices) and inform the Line of Business activity in (1). This would be like what Susan and I did for the Geospatial CoP that became a Line of Business this week after about 9 months of work. See Recent Collaboration Report and press release. They used the GeoCoP Wiki to build their CoP and produce the required products that elevated their discipline. So I suggest we agree to some basic tasks that can transform the KM CoP and divide up the work on each of those tasks and begin to socialize that on April 20th to George Strawn and the broader KM WG CoP in the hope of getting more buy-in and support to get the work done. When we are ready I can contact Karen Evans, Dick Burk, et al to tell them we want to work towards becoming a LoB, if that is what we decide to do. I think they would be very pleased and supportive of that goal. I also think we should work on a short list of KM Best Practices, especially related to disaster response, to recognize and feature on April 20th (e.g. Giora said the FAA did a great job on Katrina Response) to focus on the positive contributions the KM WG is making. Brand Niemann, March 16, 2006. (330D)
Proposals for First Meeting: (32R3)
All, I never saw closure regarding a date/time/place for the first and critically important Board Meeting. I think Jeanne's offer was generous, but I see complications regarding it since she would not be there in person to facilitate the use of the facility. (32R4)
I am seeing issues raised about management, goal-setting, roles and responsibilities, communication, partnering, potential conflicts of interest, etc., that underscore the need to meet soon. (32R5)
I assume that the purpose of the kickoff meeting would be for members to get to know each other better and to establish goals, roles, protocols, action plans and success criteria, etc. for this year. (32R9)
Given that assumption, I would like to propose the following initial draft of an agenda (no pride of authorship and no times allocated yet): (32RA)
- 1. Introductions (32WT)
- 2. Brainstorming (facilitated by Steve Else and whoever would like to work with me to set this up and do it) (32WU)
Very Respectfully, Steve Steve Else, Ph.D., PMP, MPKM The Tauri Group The Center for Public-Private Enterprise The University of Denver (32RC)
- I am reviewing what Mark has suggested and including a spot on the agenda for Brand to discuss the Wiki and to discuss what Karl has prepared, as well as for general discussion overall (in other words, I will modify draft one of the proposed agenda by COB Monday and solicit your inputs by noon on Monday). Steve Else (32SF)
Couple additional thoughts in review- (32SA)
1) Agenda looks pretty full for a single two hour session. SWOT alone often takes longer in less complex environments. I'd prioritize heavily, and appears that (as normal) several priorities exist... = scissors. (32SB)
2) On priorities - Not sure what Karl (good wishes on back Karl- do hope surgery can be avoided) has in proposal- but org structure and gov regs appear to be the key issue in effectiveness of any interagency effort, much less external like we have here- so if it were mtg we held we would have a specialist attorney attend. Otherwise one can waste a lot of valuable time and energy and money crafting solutions that cannot be implemented without first addressing org issues. (32SC)
Often is the case where we see start-ups waste amazing amounts of time and energy on issues planning things that cannot be done for reasons of law or policy or governance. (32SD)
So once the fog clears on org structure, only then can we craft governance, vendor relations requirements, and I suspect a host of other issues, particularly if under wing of any single agency- policies.... So am eager to see Karl's presentation. Mark Montgomery (32SE)
Change of Venue (32WA)
- Logistics (32WM)
- Background on The Arlington Institute (32WN)
- Optional Demo of Knowledge Management System (32WO)
A real-world BioWatch lessons-learned meeting regarding a recent scenario has just been set up by the BioWatch leadership for tomorrow in the BioWatch Conference Room. It has taken understandable precedence over our use of the conference room. But do not fear, I have reserved the Knowledge Fusion Center (appropriately enough!) at the Arlington Institute in Rosslyn for the same time. The conference room (Knowledge Fusion Center) is outstanding for the purposes of this initial session. (32WB)
Logistics: (32WP)
The Arlington Institute is located at 1501 Lee Highway, Suite 204, Arlington (Rosslyn), VA (at the corner of Oak and Lee Highway). It is inside the Air Force Association Building. The telephone number is 703-812-7900. There may be adequate free street parking available on Oak (just climb the hill and there should be some spots) but there is also parking under the building (you need to first turn right on Oak and then take an immediate left into the parking garage). $6 tokens are needed to exit the garage so we will take care of those at the beginning of the meeting (i.e., collect $6 from everyone parking in the garage and distribute tokens to them). (32WH)
Directions follow: From Virginia: Take 66 East to the Rosslyn/Key Bridge exit (this will put you on Route 29 North). At first light make left onto Nash. At next light (you are facing the Key Bridge Marriott), make left onto Lee Highway (South). Make first right onto Oak and then next left into parking garage of The Air Force Association building. Take elevator to 2nd floor. The Arlington Institute is to the left, Suite 204. (Alternative route is to take Route 29 North, Lee Highway and follow the same directions as above.) (32WI)
From Washington: Take 66 West to the Rosslyn/Key Bridge exit. Go straight onto Lee Highway South, Make right onto Oak Street (Third Light), turn left into Parking garage of The Air Force Association building. Take elevator to 2nd floor. The Arlington Institute is to the left, Suite 204. (32WJ)
On the Metro: Take Metro Blue or Orange Line to Rosslyn stop. From the rear exit of the Metro Station walk right down Fort Meyer Drive toward the Key Bridge. At the Key Bridge Marriott, make a left onto Lee Highway (Lee separates into two streets, go to the second one.) Walk 2 blocks to Oak Street. Walk up the stairs of the Air Force Association building and take the elevator to the 2nd floor. The Arlington Institute is to the left, Suite 204. (32WK)
Background on The Arlington Institute (32WQ)
Founded in 1989 by futurist John L. Petersen, The Arlington Institute is a 501(c)(3) non-profit research institute that specializes in thinking about global futures and trying to influence rapid, positive change. We encourage systemic, non-linear approaches to planning and believe that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology. Therefore, we strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living. (32WE)
TAI believes that we are living in an era of global transition, to a degree that our species has never seen before. The exponential increase of human knowledge, and the acceleration of its application through technology, is propelling humanity towards a new era of thought and endeavor. Society, science, ecology and commerce are converging at the intersection of danger and opportunity. A complexity and unpredictability that is beyond our past experience characterize the challenges at hand. If humanity's preferred future is to be realized, new tools for strategic planning and problem solving must be invented and combined. We must think differently. (32WF)
Optional Demo of Knowledge Management System (32WR)
In addition, I have set up an optional 30-minute demonstration of a sophisticated knowledge management "ERP" system, DIANE, at the end of our meeting (I will definitely be staying for it, but there is no pressure whatsoever for me or anyone else to do so).This system was developed by the Arlington Institute (and subsequently spun off to a for-profit firm, Precipia). I am already a little familiar with DIANE, as I used to have an office in the Arlington Institute space while DIANE was in its earliest stages of development, but I am interested in what it has become over the past 3 years. Jin Zhu, formerly of The Arlington Institute and now Executive Vice-President of Precipia, will welcome us at the beginning of the meeting and invite us to the demo at 1630 hours (again, totally optional). (32WC)