Intergovernmental Advisory Board Home Page (4T7)
Previous Meetings: (4RT)
- IABMeetingMinutes_2007_05_17 (3L6D)
- IABMeetingMinutes_2006_02_23 (337D)
- IABMeetingMinutes_2005_09_27 (2ZSO)
- IABMeetingMinutes_2005_06_21 (2TPQ)
- IABMeetingMinutes_2005_02_10 (2IIM)
- IABMeetingMinutes_2004_11_10 (4RW)
This intergovernmental organization exists to promote knowledge and understanding of intergovernmental information technology issues at the federal, state, local, and tribal government levels. (4TB)
Mission: The IAB goal is to promote knowledge and understanding of intergovernmental IT issues at the federal, state, local and, tribal government levels and to provide advice and guidance to The American Council for Technology (ACT) - formerly known as the Federation of Government Information Processing Councils (FGIPC) - on emerging IT intergovernmental issues and challenges they present. (4TC)
The IAB is a "look ahead" organization that identifies and addresses issues that will be important to government officials in the next 12 months. (4TD)
Membership: The IAB is comprised of 12 senior officials representing the various perspectives, experiences, and views of government. At any given time, four members represent each of the following: federal, state and local governments. The IAB is chaired by the Director of the Intergovernmental Solutions Division within the Office of Citizen Services and Communications at the U.S. General Services Administration. All members are nominated by the Chairperson and endorsed by the ACT Board. (4TE)
Meetings: The IAB meets approximately four times per year by teleconference. Other meetings may be at the request of the Chairperson and are held either in person or by teleconference. (4TF)
Products: An IAB written annual report is presented to the ACT and contains intergovernmental IT issues that may lead to improved services for US citizens through intergovernmental cooperation or awareness. The strength of the IAB is its ability to identify a top priority issue (such as electronic government or procurement reform) and obtain different perspectives on an issue. In addition, the IAB functions as a study group for the ACT to conduct surveys and produce analytical reports. This allows significant and current intergovernmental opportunities to be identified for further collaboration. (4TG)
Important IAB White Papers: (4TH)
- (3W19)
- Innovative Funding Approaches for Information Technology Initiatives, 1997 (4TI)
- Foundations for Successful Intergovernmental Management, 1998 (4TJ)
- Integrated Service Delivery, 1999 (4TK)
- The Many Silver Linings of the Year 2000 Challenges, 2000 (4TL)
- Citizens Expectations for Electronic Government Services, 2000 (4TM)
- Wireless Technology in Government, 2001 (4TN)
- High Payoff in Electronic Government, 2003 (4TO)
- Business Continuity in Government: It is more than a disaster management plan 2004 (2L50)
- Health IT in Government: Transforming Healthcare and Empowering Citizens 2006 (3G6X)
Feedback: Comments or suggestions regarding the IAB and its products may be directed to Marshall Brown via e-mail (4TP)
Background on The American Council for Technology (ACT): ACT is a nonprofit organization that promotes information technology (IT) and seeks to foster an open and constructive dialogue and exchange of ideas and information among federal, state, and local governments, as well as with industry representatives. (4TQ)
ACT accomplishes its mission through the activities of its Councils and by keeping Council members informed of the latest developments, issues, and initiatives in the IT community, through meetings, newsletters, and conferences. (4TR)
With the devolution of programs, funds, and responsibilities from the federal level to the states and local governments, there is an extraordinary opportunity to further streamline the delivery of IT products and services and eliminate the duplication of effort, thus saving scarce taxpayer dollars. ACT recognizes the need to address this transition and recognizes the importance of re-establishing and enhancing past communications and dialogue among federal, state, and local IT officials. It also recognizes the importance of sharing topical speakers, new research, publications, best practices, and the opportunities and benefits of establishing joint partnership projects. (4TS)
To promote better communications and partnerships among these government entities, the ACT, in accordance with its By-Laws, established the IAB in 1997. (4TT)
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Members (4S9)
- Jack Belcher (306G)
- Chris Cummisky (3G6W)
- Aneesh Chopra (3NHR)
- Otto Doll (805)
- Jenny Deblois {nid 807 (3NHS)
- Jon Fullinwider (809)
- Pat McCreary (80D)
- Darlene Meskell (3G6U)
- Dave Molchany (80E)
- Tony Hylton (2IIK)
- Paul Tibbits (3NHQ)
- (3VDP)