Collaborative Expedition Workshop #54, Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at National Science Foundation, Ballston, VA (36ZP)
Open Collaboration: Networking Financial Management Communities to Advance Information-Sharing and Best Practices for Business Performance Excellence (36ZQ)
- Notes from Sept. 19 workshop (395E)
- Location, RSVP, and Remote Teleconference Information (36ZT)
- Workshop Purpose (36ZR)
- Key Workshop Questions (36ZS)
- Background (376U)
- Additional Background: Network of Communities of Practice (376X)
- Agenda(print version) (36ZU)
- Resources (36ZV)
- Upcoming Events (36ZW)
- Suggested Followup (390W)
Location, RSVP, and Remote Teleconference Information (3707)
- RSVP required: Please respond to to register for a badge, if you plan to attend. (38KH)
- The workshop will take place at National Science Foundation, 4121 Wilson Blvd, Room 555 (38MQ)
- How to Get There (Including NSF visitor center check-in and lap-top screening requirements, as well as remote participation information) (3709)
- Remote Teleconference Information (38XS)
Workshop Purpose (376V)
To explore the agility and effectiveness of emerging open standards for financial management communities. (376S)
Participants will explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary and community-based collaboration around national challenges associated with financial management and business reporting. Open dialogue will include exploration around the potentials and realities for machine-readable formats such as Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), OAGIS, UBL, etc. (36ZZ)
By drawing on strategic leadership and "best practices" underway, participants will learn how to conduct open collaboration in their own settings. Growing Communities of Practice and Communities of Interest (CoI) will benefit from knowledge-sharing including: (3700)
- Model-Driven Architecture (378O)
- Business standards such as Extensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), UBL, OAGIS, and other business mark-up languages (3702)
- open standards development (3703)
- Open Technology Development Roadmap, DoD, April, 2006 (37DG)
- web-based collaboration environments (3704)
- Convergence of the DRM 2.0, Security and Privacy Profile 3.0, and Geospatial Profile 1.1 (3705)
- Community to national scale needs and applications (3706)
Key Workshop Questions: (376W)
- Is there a role for Model-Driven Architecture in advancing shared understanding of diverse financial communities? Can MDA support better discernment and comparison of markup language approaches relative to diverse purposes? (37D9)
- Is there a productive relationship TODAY among MDA, XBRL, and OAGIS? What lies ahead? (37DA)
- How are we advancing credible commitments around Business Reporting Language capabilities to improve the business performance of individual institutions and joint mission-related actions? (381U)
- What is the role of collaboration in advancing shared meaning and semantic agreement? (326Q)
- How important are validation and pre-validation challenges to communities committed to exchanging data? What is the role of commodity XForms with XBRL? (381V)
- What is the evidence for increasing the value and timelineness of business information using XBRL? OAGIS? UBL? UDEF? FIXML? Other formalized methods? (37DB)
- What are the global implications of the International Financial Reporting Standards? (37DF)
- What can we learn about agility and high-performance from 21st century, emergent communities serving "frontline" global health and safety purposes across boundaries? (i.e. tsunami wiki and flu wiki) (326R)
- How can we accelerate multi-sector partnerships around net-centric capabilities needed for government to work in the likely scenarios of the 21st century? (326T)
- What are the mappings and priority cross-walks needed to leverage existing Reference Models, in particular the Data Reference Model along with the three profiles: Geo-spatial, Security and Privacy, and Records Management? (37DD)
- How can agencies most efficiently and effectively share experience, expertise, and plans to implement and use XBRL? (37DP)
- Can a roadmap be compiled to provide ideas and potential direction on the well-coordinated implementation and use of XBRL by the Federal Government as a single, logical "enterprise" as suggested by the EA principles recently issued by the FEAPMO? (37DQ)
- What is the Agile Financial Data Services Community of Practice (AFDS CoP)? (38OO)
Background (376M)
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers. (376N)
The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. The Data Reference Model, along with the GeoSpatial Profile v1.1 and the Security and Privacy Profile 3.0 will provide a concrete means for improving the capacity for mission-related sharing, across government boundaries, while also increasing the downstream value of strategic information assets. (376O)
An emerging source of strength and stability in tranformational initiatives is the formation of Communities of Interest (CoI)and/ or CommunitiesofPractice. CoIs and CoPs seek to improve the common understanding needed to compose sound action in "deft formation" that yields congruence from multiple perspectives and an appreciation of the unfolding wholeness of situations. In this manner, CoIs and CoPs harmonize and amplify the creative influence of strategic leaders within institutions. (376P)
CoIs and CoPs are a manifestation of the unity of purpose that transcends institutions and sectors, creating the conducive environment needed for the transformation of roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology to proceed. Appreciation of this "unfolding wholeness" (from Christopher Alexender, The Nature of Order) is a necessary condition for the evolution of agile governance, discernment, and coordinated action in the "in-between space". Effective governance conditions "institutional boundaries" to respect "wholeness in relation to its parts" at every level, in order to accommodate the high-performance potential of net-centric approaches, i.e. Service-Oriented Architecture. (376Q)
/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (3271)
8:30 am - Check-in and Coffee (370F)
8:40 am - Welcome and Overview (370G)
SusanTurnbull, GSA; RichardCampbell, FDIC; Doris Chew, GSA, GeorgeThomas, GSA; OwenAmbur, xmlCoP; Brand Niemann, SICoP (370H)
9:00 am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (370I)
9:30 am - Keynote: Experiences with XBRL, Taxonomies and Collaboration at Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (370J)
- Jon Wisnieski and Richard Campbell, FDIC (38RP)
10:15 am - BREAK (370K)
10:30 am - Markup Language of XBRL for Preparing Federal Financial Statements (38G7)
- Don Geiger, Department of Treasury (38JO)
11:15 am - Financial Management Services: Executable Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture at the General Services Admininistration (GSA) (38WM)
- Christopher Smith, GSA and Cory Casanave, Data Access Technologies (38WN)
12 noon-1 pm - Networking Lunch (on your own) (370N)
1:00 pm - Collaborative Features of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council's (FFIEC) Call Report System for the Central Data Repository (CDR) (370P)
- Erik Brown, Unisys (38RQ)
1:45 pm - Development Process and Testing Tools for Content Standards short version of presentation (38Z0)
- Simon Frechette, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Manufacturing Systems Integration Division (38JP)
2:30 pm - DISCUSSION (38WV)
2:45 pm - Reflecting on Potentials from Firsthand Experiences in Multiple Settings (38WW)
- Joe Kull, former CFO at NSF and former deputy Controller at OMB (38WX)
3 pm - BREAK (370S)
3:15 pm - Panel: CIOs discuss the Federal roadmap for XBRL: Agency experiences with what works and what doesn't, and how do agencies work together to advance their missions and that of the government? (370T)
4:00 pm - XBRL in the EU (from Berlin) Liv Watson, Edgar OnLine, and Federico Florez, CTO Bank of Spain (38YY)
4:15 pm - Discussion of Next Steps (370U)
4:30 - 5 pm - ADJOURN AND NETWORKING (370X)
Resources: (370Y)
1. Appreciation of Potentials / Expanding the Possibilities (381N)
- Open Technology Development Roadmap, Department of Defense, April, 2006 (37DE)
- How can american government meet its productivity challenge? McKinsey&Company, July 2006 (381L)
- Financial analysts get a new language: XBRL has helped financial institutions expedite reporting and data analysis, FCW.COM, August 28, 2006 (38G5)
2. Agencies / Approaches / Deployment (381P)
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (381W)
- Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) (378A)
- Financial Systems Integration Office (386B)
- Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (381X)
- NIST (381R)
- NIST XML Schema and Instance Validation Web Services (378K)
- National Vulnerability Database (395H)
- Joint effort to demonstrate the potential for reducing cost of Business-to-Business (B2B) software integration through semantics-based measurements, standards, and infrastructural technologies that enable the building and testing of self-integratable applications (378J)
- B2B Interoperability Testbed: To enhance the capability for on-demand interoperability demonstration and testing for use by stakeholders (38JN)
- Work Plan for the eBusiness Standards Convergence Forum (eBSC Forum) {nid 378M} (38PR)
- Office of Management and Budget (381Z)
3. Standards / Governance (381T)
- Financial Information Exchange Markup Language (FIXML) (378R)
- International Accounting Standards Foundation - XBRL (378H)
- OASIS Universal Business Language (378S)
- Open Applications Group - OAGIS (378L)
- Open Group - Universal Data Element Format (UDEF) Forum (378T)
- XBRL from Wikipedia (378G)
Suggested Followup (390R)
- I (BrandNiemann) suggested the following AFDS Pilot to connect what I thought were the "three principle dots" from the workshop: (390S)
- 1. The new Federal Law requiring improved public access to government financial data (agency spending) that OMB is deciding how to implement (39F9)
- 2. The Federal Enterprise Architecture's Data Reference Model 2.0 for description, context, and sharing of the three types of data (structured, semi-strucutured, and unstructured). (390U)
- 3. The clear role for and benefit of XBRL in the previous two. Don Geiger talked about the 7,923 pages in the 25 CFO Act Agency PAR reports, mostly in PDF which is not DRM 2.0-compliant which I think is a great place to start showing how to make these reports DRM 2.0 - compliant using XBRL and developing the kind of taxonomy called for that could become an ontology. It was pointed out that EPA's PAR report is the largest at 557 pages and Leanne suggested an EPA pilot so I will start with EPA's PAR report! (390V)