Collaborative Expedition Workshop #36, October 19, 2004 at NSF (3S6)
Title: (3S7)
Evolving a Multi-Stakeholder Best Practices Process for Implementing An FEA DRM XML Profile and Open Standards Web Applications: Introduction to Semantic Technology Tools and Applications (3S8)
Purpose/ Description (3S9)
Date/ Venue/ Logistics (3SA)
- Date/ Time: Tuesday, October 19, 2004 8:30 am ~ 4:00 pm Eastern Time (3SB)
- Venue: National Science Foundation (Ballston Virginia) (3SC)
- RSVP required: Please respond to or 202-501-0291 to register for a badge, if you plan to attend. (3SO)
- Please note, all laptops brought to the workshop must first be scanned for viruses in Room 357, Stafford I prior to connecting to the NSF LAN (4G7)
- See /ScanningLaptops for details (4G6)
- Onsite Attendees - Directions: (3SQ)
- Go to main NSF bldg. at 4201 Wilson Blvd.(Stafford I Building). Enter around the corner at the NSF visitor entrance at N. Stuart and Ninth Sts. ** After receiving visitor badge, and having laptop scanned in Room 357, take elevator to 12th floor, NSF Board Room, Room 1235 (3SR)
- If traveling by: (3SS)
- Remote Access: (3SV)
- RSVP to (3SW)
- Conference Call-in number: 1-888-829-8670 (43U)
- PASSCODE: 13649 (3SY)
- Shared Screen support: (will be available 5 minutes before session starts and throughout the workshop) (3T0)
- point browser to: (3T1)
- view-only password = colab (3T2)
- point browser to: (3T1)
Attendees (3TJ)
- see: /WorkshopAttendees (3T4)
1. Agenda (3T6)
8:30 a.m. - Check-in, Box Lunch Order ($8.00/person) and Coffee (3SD)
9:00 a.m. - Welcome and Introduction (3YE)
- SusanTurnbull, GSA, Co-Chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Social Economic and Workforce Implications of IT Coordinating Group, NITRD (3YF)
- BrandNiemann, EPA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Semantic Interoperability CoP (BPC) (3YG)
- OwenAmbur, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Government XML CoP, Emerging Technology Life-Cycle Management Process (3SE)
9:15 a.m. - Joint SICoP/XML CoP Data and Information Reference Model (DRM) XML Profile (4DG)
- MikeDaconta, Metadata Program Manager, US Department of Homeland Security and Data Interoperability Team Lead for Executive Order 13356 (3SF)
Documents for review: Daconta DRM for Info-Sharing, Daconta Comments on Draft DRM, DRM V1 Draft, January 22, 2004, and Draft DRM Data Management Strategy, February 16, 2004 (4DE)
For a suggested use case scenario for the revised FEA DRM, see the vignettes in Appendix D of the Markle Report at: (4D8)
10:15 a.m. - BREAK (3SG)
10:30 a.m.- Perspectives Discussion (3T7)
DOJ - JimFeagans, Enterprise Data Architect (3TA)
IC MWG - TimWest (DIA), Chair - invited (3TC)
OASIS - CarlMattocks, Founder / CEO of CHECKMi (Checkmi), co-Chair OASIS (ISO/TS 15000) ebXMLRegistry Semantic Content SC and co-Chair OASIS Business Centric Methodology TC (3SH)
DOI - CraigTanner, Data Architect, with OwenAmbur; on their successful implementation of the DRM (4IA)
TopQuadrant - RalphHodgson - Presentation of Discussion Points (4IC)
12:00-noon - Networking Lunch (XML Registries Meeting with Roy Morgan) (3SI)
1:00 p.m. - Tools for Producing RDF and OWL (shared hands-on facilities will be available in the NSF Board Room)' (3TD)
BijanParsia & JamesHendler, University of Maryland, SWOOP: Ontology Browser/Editor, Presentation Slides (3TE)
PeterYim, President & CEO, CIM Engineering, Inc. (dba CIM3),and Co-Convener, Ontolog Forum, MarkMusen, Head of Stanford Medical Informatics and the Protégé project., HolgerKnublauch representative OntologForum / Stanford (SMI) Protege Project and developer of the OWL plug-in for Protege - The Protege Knowledgebase and Ontology Editor (3TF)
RalphHodgson, Executive Partner, TopQuadrant, TopBraid and NASA COVE (4MH)
2:30 p.m. - BREAK (3SK)
2:45 p.m. - Demonstrations of New Open Standards Technologies (3TG)
Web Site Feeds Through Rich Site Summary (RSS) or Really Simple Syndication (RSS): Reading & Creating Syndicated Content - LisaWolfisch, Census (3TH)
For excellent tutorial on RSS see: Seize The Feed: Web Feeds for Enhanced Governmental Information Services, GerryMcKiernan, Iowa State University Library, Presentation at The Library of Congress, October 18, 2004 (4HV)
Building Enterprise Architecture through Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) in Sample EPA Regional Portal - RexBrooks, Executive Director,, Inc., President, CEO Starbourne Communications Design and and AliNaizi, Oracle. (4HH)
3:45 p.m. - Reflections from workshop presenters and participants: /WorkshopReflections_20041019 (3TI)
4:15 p.m. - ADJOURN (3SN)
4:15 - 5 p.m. - Joint XML CoP - SICoP Get Acquainted Meeting (3VI)
2. Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (3ZP)
The Collaborative Expedition workshops serve individuals and policy-makers from all sectors: government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form that advances realization of the citizen-centric government goal of the President’s Management Agenda. Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around the potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions of individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be expressed more effectively in their respective settings. Workshop sponsors, including, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council and National Coordination Office of the Interagency Committee on IT R&D (Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group) value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, that leverage the collaborative capacity of united and diverse Americans seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (1Y9)
A key finding of the past year, is the need to apply emerging technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up the innovation pipeline with better linkages among business incubators (state economic development programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Many of the agile business components surfacing in the small business innovation world are not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for both parties. (1YA)
3. Past Workshop Archives, Collaborative Pilots, and Related Resources (3ZQ)
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Brief Tour of Highlights from Three Sites (click on View Now to launch control panel for pause, resume page progression, speed-up; please disable your pop-up blocker on your browser) (3ZX)
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4. Upcoming Events (401)
- October 25, 2004, Fifth Emerging Technology Components Conference, Hosted at MITRE (402)
5. Past Events (32O)
- September 8-9, 2004, Second Semantic Technologies for eGov Conference at MITRE (403)