Collaborative Expedition Workshop #35, September 14, 2004, at NSF (1WW)
Design Workshop to Frame National Dialogue on Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing and Implications for e-Government (1XI)
1. Purpose/ Description (1WY)
To help our Enterprise Architecture, Emerging Technology and Federal Networking and Information Technology Research & Development (NITRD) communities understand the broad implications of Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing. What lessons from the manufacturing sector offer valuable context for intergovernmental agreements around knowledge-sharing and enterprise innovations? What is unfolding at the frontier of this important Information Space today? What are the strategic priorities and relationships that can frame the planning for national dialogue around this strategic opportunity? Who needs to be included in this dialogue? What are the implications for Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing, in light of the global build-out of cyber-infrastructure? What environmental, trade, and corporate (both tangible and intangible assets) governance mechanisms are inextricably linked to this global connectedness? Will automated integration be achieved as trusted relationships mature? (1W9)
What are the implications and challenges likely to arise for US industry (regulated and non-regulated), financial institutions, shareholders, state economic development programs, and global intermediaries? How can we anticipate the realistic scenarios needed to form sound alliances and manage risk? How can Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing contribute to the triple bottom line - Environment, Social and Economic aspects of corporate performance? Will business incubators (state economic development programs) and innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, seed investment, angel investors,etc.) have a role as frontier outposts for Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing? (1WA)
Will frontier outposts for Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing be the first adopters of open, semantic technologies (like ontological standards or semantic web-services) that "distill" and "apply" the smart-data, -information and knowledge needed by both people and machines to solve complex problems within their work environments? How can the relationships, business processes, and tools needed by diverse people to augment their "collective intelligence" around manufacturing be designed to support and not hobble, people's natural forms of expertise? (1WB)
Date/ Venue/ Logistics (1WZ)
- Date/ Time: Tuesday, September 14, 2004, 9:00 - 4:15 pm EDT (1X0)
- Venue: National Science Foundation (Ballston, Virginia) (1X1)
- RSVP required: Please respond to or 202-501-0291 to register for a badge, if you plan to attend. (1X2)
- Please note, all laptops brought to the workshop must first be scanned for viruses in Room 357, Stafford I. (1X3)
- Onsite Attendees - Directions: (1X4)
- Go to main NSF bldg. at 4201 Wilson Blvd.(Stafford I Building). Enter around the corner at the NSF visitor entrance at N. Stuart and Ninth Sts. (2XM)
- After receiving visitor badge, and having laptop scanned in Room 357, leave Stafford I, and walk around the corner to 4121 Wilson Blvd., Stafford II, Room 555, (1X5)
- If traveling by: (1X6)
- Remote Access: (1X9)
- RSVP to (1XA)
- Conference Call-in number: 877-918-2514 (2XN)
- Shared Screen support: (will be available 5 minutes before session starts and throughout the workshop) (1XD)
- point browser to: (1XE)
- view-only password = "imfg" (without the " ") (1XF)
- point browser to: (1XE)
Discussion Forum (1Y4)
- [imfg-workshop] - for discussion relating to "Intelligent Information Use in Manuacturing" challenges. This will be the means by which the community can continue the dialogue, as a "virtual workshop", after (or even before) the September 14 face-to-face event. (1Y5)
- To Post: (1Y6)
- Message Archives: (1Y7)
- To Join: contact (1Y8)
Attendees (1PX)
Agenda (1XH)
8:30 a.m. - Check-in, Box Lunch Order ($8.00/person) and Coffee (2Z4)
9:00 a.m. - Welcome and Introduction (1XJ)
SusanTurnbull, GSA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee; Co-Chair, SEW, BrandNiemann, EPA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, Co-Chair, SICoP; SteveRay, NIST; PeterYim, CIM Engineering, Inc.; SuziIacono, Co-Chair, SEW, NSF, and GeorgeHazelrigg, NSF. (1WG)
9:15 a.m. - Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing - Some Government Perspectives (1WJ)
SteveRay, Chief, Manufacturing Systems Integration Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing (NIST) (2K7)
GeorgeHazelrigg, Program Director for Manufacturing Machines and Equipment, Division of Design, Manufacture, and Industrial Innovation NSF,Manufacturing Research Supported by the National Science Foundation (2K8)
10:15 a.m. - BREAK (1WK)
10:30 a.m.- Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing - Industry Perspectives (1WL)
LeoReddy, CEO and Founder, National Council for Advanced Manufacturing (2YV)
AlexanderMorgan, Principal Research Scientist, Manufacturing Systems Research Laboratory, General Motors (2YW)
AdrianWalker, CTO, Reengineering, LLC,Semantics and the Web: e-Government Implications of Some Emerging Technology Beyond W3C (31J)
12:00-noon - Networking Lunch (1WM)
1:00 p.m.- Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing - Academic Perspectives (1WN)
SkGupta, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, Improving Product Realization Through Intelligent Information Management (33C)
ZhiLongChen, R H Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, Information Technology & Information Sharing in Supply Chains (2ZO)
EvrenSirin & JamesHendler, University of Maryland, Semantic Web and Web Services (2KC)
2:00 p.m. - BREAK (1WO)
2:30 p.m. - Panel Session addressing some key questions (1WP)
What are the Potentials and Realities for National Dialogue Around Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing? (1WQ)
What are the Strategic Priorities and Relationships that We Can Build Upon? (1WR)
Commitment to Action and Reflection: Next Steps Toward National Dialogue (1WS)
3:45 p.m. - Reflections from workshop presenters and participants (1WU)
What are the principal findings from the dialogue around strategic priorities and relationships? How has this "larger landscape" relative to Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing influenced your perspective on actions that could be taken toward this purpose as a strategic leader in your setting? (1XK)
4:15 p.m. - ADJOURN (1WV)
2. Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (1XM)
The Collaborative Expedition workshops serve individuals and policy-makers from all sectors: government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form that advances realization of the citizen-centric government goal of the President’s Management Agenda. Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around the potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions of individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be expressed more effectively in their respective settings. Workshop sponsors, including, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council and National Coordination Office of the Interagency Committee on IT R&D (Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group) value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, that leverage the collaborative capacity of united and diverse Americans seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (1Y9)
A key finding of the past year, is the need to apply emerging technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up the innovation pipeline with better linkages among business incubators (state economic development programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Many of the agile business components surfacing in the small business innovation world are not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for both parties. (1YA)
3. Past Workshop Archives, Collaborative Pilots, and Related Resources (1XR)
- (1XS)
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- (1XU)
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Brief Tour of Highlights from Three Sites (click on View Now to launch control panel for pause, resume page progression, speed-up; please disable your pop-up blocker on your browser) (2Z3)
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4. Upcoming Events (1XY)
- October 19, 2004, Collaboration Expedition-Emerging Technology Workshop #36 at the NSF. Best Practice Processes for Implementing FEA Data Reference Model XML Profile - Introduction to Semantic Technologies and Tools (1XZ)
- October 25, 2004, Fifth Emerging Technology Components Conference, Hosted at MITRE (1Y0)
5. Past Events (32O)
- September 8-9, 2004, Second Semantic Technologies for eGov Conference at MITRE (1YB)