Collaborative Expedition Workshop #57, Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at NSF (3CQR)
Title: Collaborative Organizing Workshop: Opening Up Networked Improvement Activities Around Service Oriented Architecture in 2007 (3CQS)
- Workshop Location, Registration, and Remote Conferencing (3CQT)
- Workshop Agenda and Print version (3CQU)
- Workshop Purposes (3CQV)
- Workshop Resources and Questions (3CS5)
- Workshop Background (3CQW)
- Workshop Series Background (3CQY)
- Upcoming Events (3CQZ)
- File Repository (3CSA)
- SOA Forum Email - Please enroll and read the archive (3D2J)
- Some Next Steps: SOA CoP Demo Phase 3 (3EBP)
Workshop Purposes: (3CR0)
- Continue to Advance Open Dialogue and Common Understanding of SOA among CoPs by Building on the December 19th ArchitecturePlus Town Hall Meeting on Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Open Collaborative Authoring of the Practical Guide for Federal SOA. (3CT5)
- Engage Multiple Stakeholders Toward Early Harmonization and Common Understanding Around Complementary Activities. and (3CR2)
- Do Collaborative Organizing for Future Workshops (e.g. February 27th - Potentials and Realities of SOA-based Identities Management) and Conferences (e.g. 3rd SOA for E-Government). (3CR3)
- Explore concept of "Is 'We' Really Smarter Than 'Me'"? Wharton, MIT, And Pearson Will Find Out. The idea is to have a collaborative Web site that lets professionals and scholars edit or add to each other's work. Wharton expects to publish the collective work in the fall of next year. See Information Week, November 16, 2006. Also see Community 2.0 Conference, March 12-14, 2007. (3CSB)
- Build on the previous Collaborative Expedition Workshop #47, January 24, 2006, on Advancing Credible Agreements Across Networked Improvement Communities: Bootstrapping Service-Oriented Architecture and Semantic Interoperability Toward Transformative Practice. (3D0L)
8:30 am - Check-in and Coffee (3CR5)
8:35 am - Welcome and Workshop Series Background.....Introduction to this Workshop (3CR6)
SusanTurnbull, GSA; BrandNiemann, EPA (3CR7)
9:00 am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (3CR9)
9:30 am - Invitation to Collaborative Authoring of A Practical Guide to Federal SOA (3CRA)
David Mayo, President, Everware-CBDI and IAC EA SIG Services Subcommittee Chair (3DZT)
- See Call for Participation and Draft Topic Areas (3CRB)
- Open Forum for Developing a Practical Guide for Federal SOA (3DZU)
10:00 am - Invitation to Collaborative Authoring of The Open Group SOA Ontology (3CRC)
Chris Harding, The Open Group Forum Director for SOA and Semantic Interoperability (remote from England) (3CRD)
- PDF version (3DV0)
- Email Announcement (3CS6)
- Open Group Presentation at OMG SOA Information Day (3CS7)
- Orientation Notes: The current draft is draft 0.6 and available from the Open Group web page together with simple example ontologies that import it. Suggested starting point is presentation delivered at the recent OMG meeting which explains the ontology and anticipated usage. (3CRE)
10:30 am - BREAK (3CRF)
10:45 am - Invitation to Collaborative Authoring of The Enterprise Architecture Management Guide (3CRG)
Haiping Luo, Data Management Coordinator, Government Printing Office and Chair of the a|EA Standards Committee (confirmed) (3CRH)
- Association of Enterprise Architects: Standards Committee (3CRI)
- Enterprise Architecture Management Guide (draft 2.0 work area) (3D0J)
- Developing the Enterprise Architecture Management Guide, Journal of Enterprise Architecture, August 2006, Volume 2, Number 3, pages 29-31. (3CS8)
11:15 am - 11:45 pm - Invitation to Collaborative Action Around OASIS Reference Model for SOA, DuaneNickull, Senior Technical Evangelist at Adobe Systems, chairs the OASIS Service Oriented Architecture Reference Model (SOA-RM) Technical Committee, which recently delivered its first Committee Specification. (3D2F)
Duane served as Vice Chair of the UN/CEFACT and as liaison among the W3C, UN, and OASIS standards consortiums. He participated in writing the W3C Web Services Architecture, and on Web Services Security. (3D2G)
OASIS Reference Model for SOA defines a model for SOA abstract of any specific implementation and discusses how architects and software IT specialists can use it in their fields. The Reference Model is an architecture that focuses on services as the action boundary between capabilities and entities that consume those capabilities. The model explores primarily architectural issues but also discusses business alignment when relevant. The session will also include a brief example on how a platform can be built using the reference model as a guide to ensure the consistent alignment to SOA tenets and axioms with the platform. OASIS Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture V 1.0 - Official Committee Specification approved Aug 2, 2006. (Normative PDF) (3D1F)
11:45 - 1:15 pm - Networking Lunch (on your own) (3CRJ)
1:15 pm - Opening Up SOA Networking: Initiatives and Perspectives from State Government, (3CRL)
Eric Sweden, Enterprise Architect, NASCIO (3CRM)
- (3DZP)
- Justice Reference Architecture (3DZQ)
- IT Consolidation and Shared Services Issue Brief (3DZR)
- SOA: An Enabler of the Agile Enterprise in State Government (3DZS)
- (3D0U)
1:45 pm - Invitation to Collaborative Prototyping Around Emerging SOA Standards, (3CRO)
Bob Marcus, SRI International (3CRP)
- Proceedings of the December 6, 2006, Emerging Standards for SOA Seminar hosted by the Object Management Group and two additional presentations on emerging SOA standards from the Open Grid Forum (harmonization) and the W3C (Efficient XML). It will be possible to hold follow-on events (at the OMG or other venues) if there is specific interest. Some possibilities include a "SOA Testing and Evaluation Standards" Seminar, "Linking SOA, Systems Engineering, and Enterprise Architecture Standards", or an expanded encore of the "Emerging Standards for SOA" for a wider audience. (3CSD)
2:15 pm - BREAK (3CRQ)
2:30 pm - Invitation to Collaborative Prototyping Around the Association for Enterprise Integration's (AFEI) SafeSOA Initiative (3CRR)
Dave Chesebrough, President, Association for Enterprise Integration (AFEI) and Hart Rossman, SAIC, and Steve Orrin, Intel (3CRS)
- The first meeting of the SafeSOA Task Force was a success. Presentations were given by Steve Orrin of Intel Corp. on Enterprise SOA & its Security Challenges. Hart Rossman of SAIC presented Web 2.0 & its Security Challenges. Tiger teams were formed and various attendees volunteered to lead and/or support them. More news from the taskforece and its tiger teams will follow in the new year. (3CSE)
3:00 pm - Break-Out Sessions - Organizing for Collaborative Authoring, Credible Agreements, and Joint Action (3CRT)
Break Out Group 1 - Practical Guide to Federal SOA (3CT1)
Break Out Group 2 - Open Group SOA Ontology (3E2Q)
Break Out Group 3 - Enterprise Architecture Management Guide (3E2R)
Break Out Group 4 - Organizing February 27 Collaborative Expedition Workshop: Potentials and Realities of SOA-based Identities Management (3E2S)
Break Out Group 5 - Organizing April 17 Collaborative Expedition Workshop: Enterprise Process Improvement Community of Practice (3E2T)
Break Out Group 6 - Organizing Around SOA Collaborative Prototyping Opportunities (3E2U)
4:00 pm - Report out from Break-Out Sessions and Discussion (3CRV)
Background (3CRX)
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers. (3CRY)
The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. The Data Reference Model, along with the GeoSpatial Profile v1.1 and the Security and Privacy Profile 3.0 will provide a concrete means for improving the capacity for mission-related sharing, across government boundaries, while also increasing the downstream value of strategic information assets. (3CRZ)
An emerging source of strength and stability in tranformational initiatives is the formation of Communities of Interest (CoI)and/ or CommunitiesofPractice. CoIs and CoPs seek to improve the common understanding needed to compose sound action in "deft information" that yields congruence from multiple perspectives and an appreciation of the unfolding wholeness of situations. In this manner, CoIs and CoPs harmonize and amplify the creative influence of strategic leaders within institutions. (3CS0)
CoIs and CoPs are a manifestation of the unity of purpose that transcends institutions and sectors, creating the conducive environment needed for the transformation of roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology to proceed. (3CS1)
Appreciation of this "unfolding wholeness" (from Christopher Alexender, The Nature of Order) is a necessary condition for the evolution of agile governance, discernment, and coordinated action in the "in-between space". Effective governance conditions "institutional boundaries" to respect "wholeness in relation to its parts" at every level, in order to accommodate the high-performance potential of net-centric approaches, i.e. Service-Oriented Architecture. (3CS2)
As Internet-based approaches create the potential for mission results at higher performance levels, constructive, "line of sight" communications by agency executives and practitioners within and across agency boundaries are necessary. Without an environment that supports governmentwide strategic dialogue and planning, the barriers associated with complexity and multiple perspectives cannot be transcended and expectations of citizens for national security, effective governance and services cannot be met. There are a growing number of Federal Enterprise Architecture policies (i.e. Data Reference Model) and practices (i.e. Communities of Practice, National Information Exchange Model, Information-Sharing Environment, and Open Technology Development) that are beginning to serve as the "common language" for vital communications and strategic planning. These credible, governmentwide policies and practices serve to "ground" and counter the daunting complexities of scale and specialization that impede strategic dialogue among the right parties. (3CS3)
/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (3CS4)
Workshop Resources and Questions (3D05)
- Federal Transition Framework Version 1.0 December 2006 (3D1B)
- Organizing around Emerging Technology - (3D0T)
- Service-Oriented Architecture (3D06)
- OMG's SOA Special Interest Group (3D07)
- Ontology Definition Metamodel - (3D0W)
- - community of government, commercial and university members who use, develop and integrate open source and commercial capabilities to enable agile business solutions based on model driven methods and technologies. is standards based, leveraging Model Driven Architecture® as defined by the OMG and the Semantic Web as defined by W3C. (3D1K)
- Open Technology Development (3D08)
- DoD and SOA article (3DGU)
- Open Source eGov Reference Architecture (3D0D)
- Economic impact of open source software on innovation and the competitiveness of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector in the EU, November 20, 2006 (3DJ8)
- Open Technology: Realizing the Vision, March 14-15, 2007 (3DJ9)
- Identities Management (Theme for February 27 workshop) (3D1L)
- XACML - Access Control Markup Language (3D0E)
- 1) Intro: "Identity" alone is not enough to provide security or privacy for computer applications - there is also a need to know what that identity is allowed to do. The ITU-T and OASIS Standard eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is a standard way to write and evaluate policies that describe "who is allowed to do what under which conditions". Among its features are support for distributed policy management, fine-grained access control for XML documents, role based access control, privacy policies, and integration with the ITU-T and OASIS Standard Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML). By using a standard language for such policies, multiple applications can share policies and policy management tools. (3D0F)
- 2) OASIS XACML Technical Committee Home Page: contains links to all the XACML specifications, as well as links to work in progress: (3D0G)
- 3) List of references to papers, articles, presentations, known adoptions, and products using XACML: (3D0H)
- 4) Unencumbered open source Java implementation of XACML: (3D0I)
- I-Names - (3D0M)
- OpenID - (3D0N)
- eXtensible Resource Identifier (abbreviated XRI) - (3D0O)
- Identity Commons - (3D0P)
- The Social Web: Creating An Open Social Network with XDI - (3D0Q)
- XACML - Access Control Markup Language (3D0E)
- Collaborative Writing - (3D0K)