Past and Future Expeditions (3QLF)
Collaborative Expedition #67, Tuesday, November 13, 2007 (3QLG)
Modeling and Simulation: Walking Through Virtual Environments Together to Advance Shared Purpose (3QLH)
- How to RSVP, Workshop Location/ Directions, Remote Teleconferencing and Handling of Laptops to be Connected to the NSF Wireless Network (3QOU)
- Workshop Purpose (3QLK)
- Workshop Questions (3QLL)
- Agenda..print version (3QLM)
- Expected Workshop Participants (3QOT)
- Workshop Series Background (3QLN)
- Draft Resources (3QLO)
- Planning Notes and Draft Scenarios for All FY08 Workshops based on Sept. 18 Collaborative Design Workshop (3QLP)
- Broad Questions for All FY08 Workshops based on Sept. 18 Collaborative Design Workshop (3QLQ)
- Resources (3S3Y)
- Community Events (3QLR)
Draft Workshop Purpose (3QLS)
The purpose of the workshop is to explore effective collaboration that crosses multiple boundaries and supports integration from traditional work space to "virtual work environments" to "Virtual Worlds" among diverse stakeholders with multiple forms of expertise. The workshop will open up dialogue to facilitate "bootstrapping" among multiple communities learning how to advance broad public service goals and leverage engagement opportunities associated with Web 2.0. Participants will share lessons learned from frontier settings that support collaborative inquiry, design and development. (3QLT)
"Architecture is the thoughtful making of space." Louis Kahn (3QLU)
"It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human culture, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow." Werner Heisenberg (3QLV)
"Creativity is a process that can be observed only at the intersection where individuals, domains, and fields intersect." Csikszentmihalyi, 1999 (3QLW)
"Information is the currency of democracy." Thomas Jefferson (3QLX)
"Design is the currency of the 21st century." American Institute of Architects (3QLY)
It is likely that how we design our physical and virtual knowledge sharing environments will play a pivotal role in the continued vitality and creativity of our 21st century democracy. The workshop will open up dialogue to facilitate "bootstrapping" among multiple communities and institutions committed to advancing civic design in the public realm, including scientific, educational, and cultural heritage institutions. The workshop supports information exchange among Federal Enterprise Architecture improvement activities advancing citizen-centric government in 2008, including Architecture Principles for The US Government (issued by CIO Council, effective date Aug. 24, 2007). (3QLZ)
Draft Workshop Questions (3QM0)
- 1. What are the Public Good aspects of Civic Design that can advance shared understanding and collaboration in the Public Realm? (3QM1)
- 2. What is the current understanding around Public Information relative to government and non-government web resources, data collections, and knowledge repositories? (3QM2)
- 3. What are the current and future contributions of wiki namesake pages,Emerging Technology Life-cycle process and Strategy Markup Language (StratML) and similar aggregators for discovery and organizing that scales across individuals, communities of practice, and institutions? (3QM3)
- 4. How can relevant stakeholders tap "build to share" principles being advanced by forward-looking information stewardship organizations, including: (3QM4)
- a) Digital data and information communities advancing sound approaches for electronically stored information. Examples include librarians, curators, web content managers, ontologists, researchers, artists, historians, data managers, and records managers. (3QM5)
- b) Open Standards bodies and consortia (3QM6)
- c) Universities and university consortia (3QZD)
- d) International stewardship associations (3QM7)
- e) Virtual organizations (3QM8)
- 5. How do we create simulations that help us strategize on where to shore up priority weaknesses during rapid growth – including the need for faster learning by people representing multiple disciplines? (3S3U)
- 6. How do we build from the best of Operations Research and also draw upon generational differences in a manner that reinforces strengths? (3S3V)
- 7. How do we provide the right sets of information flowing into and out of mission-rehearsal simulations, etc. so the policy nuggets travel up even when the learning is experiential? (3S3W)
- 8. What common messages can ripple across communities with deep and diverse experience with distributed collaboration, collections development, and scholarly knowledge infrastructure? (3QM9)
- 9. What are the conducive conditions for the creativity needed among the networked communities doing this work? (3QMA)
- 10. What are the emerging strategies for advancing public web content, collections management, and scholarly knowledge infrastructures with the resilience to mitigate disruptions or degradations of service over time? (3QMB)
- 11. What strategies are emerging to advance the public's awareness and participation in science, global virtual collections, and scholarly knowledge infrastructures? (3QMC)
8:30 am - Welcome and Introduction (3QME)
SusanTurnbull, GSA and Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee and Co-Chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT CG (3QMG)
SuziIacono, NSF, Co-Chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT (3QMH)
CraigHolcomb, Technical Director, NSA, Enterprise Operations Research, Modeling & Simulation, M&S Oversight Division (3RC3)
8:45 am - Participant Introductions: What is your Sense of Purpose in Relation to the Overall Workshop Goals? (3QMI)
9:15 am - Cooperation and Conflict in A Virtual World - including planned demo of a Virtual World , William Sims Bainbridge Ph.D., Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, National Science Foundation (3QMJ)
- When Work Becomes a Game, BBC News, Oct. 22, 2007 (3QMK)
- The Scientific Research Potential of Virtual Worlds, Science, July 27, 2007 (3QML)
- Virtual Worlds: Perfect for Studying Humans? New Scientist, July 30, 2007 (3QMM)
- Game Worlds Show their Human Side BBC News, July 27,2007 (3QMN)
- (3S3Z)
10:15 am - BREAK (3QMO)
10:30 am - Discussion (3QMP)
11:00 am - Toward Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century Discovery: Overview of Tools and Methods for Distributed Collaboration (3QMX)
Wayne G. Lutters, Ph.D., Program Director, Human-Centered Computing Division of Information & Intelligent Systems, NSF (3QMY)
This session will provide an overview of collaboration tools, including socio-technical findings. (3QZE)
12:00 - noon - Oct. 23 Workshop Re-cap and Discussion with Speakers: (3QMQ)
JeffMorrison, Ph.D., IARPA Program Manager (3QMR)
JohnBordeaux, Ph.D., Chief Knowledge Officer, SRA International, Inc. (3QMV)
12:30 pm - Networking Lunch (3QMW)
1:45 pm- Cultural Federation as Knowledge Gardening: a Learning Perspective (3QMZ)
2:30 pm - Organize into Break-Out Groups (3QN1)
/Workshop_11_13_2007_BreakOutGroup_One - Informal communities from many settings building trust and creating agreements to share data and tools (3QN2)
/Workshop_11_13_2007_BreakOutGroup_Two - Government-wide improvement communities (3QN3)
/Workshop_11_13_2007_BreakOutGroup_Three - Ontology of What's Needed in Modeling and Simulation (3QN4)
- What Works? (3QN5)
- What Doesn’t Work? (3QN6)
- What Needs to be Created? (3QN7)
- What Do We Need to Know? (3QN8)
3:30 pm - Report Out of Break-Out Groups (3QN9)
4:00 pm - Adjourn (3QNA)
Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (3QNB)
Purpose and Audience: GSA's USA Services Intergovernmental Solutions Office leads monthly Collaborative Expedition workshops to advance the quality of citizen-government dialogue and collaborations at the crossroads of intergovernmental initiatives, Communities of Practice, Federal IT research and IT user agencies. The workshops seek to advance collaborative innovations in government and community services such as emergency preparedness, environmental monitoring, healthcare and law enforcement. (3QNC)
The workshops serve individuals from government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form, Communities of Practice (CoPs) or Communities of Interest (CoIs), that augment Government project teams, in a manner responsive to the Citizen-Centric Government goal of the President’s Management Agenda and the Public Information Access provisions of the E-government Act of 2002. (3QND)
Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions by individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be better expressed in their home and collaborative settings. By centering around people and the "whole system" challenges they organize around, IT design and development processes can mature with less risk and greater national yield of breakthrough performance. (3QNE)
Joint workshop sponsors in addition to GSA, include the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council, and the National Coordination Office for Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group. These organizations value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, to leverage the collaborative capacity of united, but diverse sectors of society, seeking to discover, frame, and act on national and international potentials. (3QNF)
Resources (3QNG)
1. Appreciation of Potentials / Tapping Creativity (3QNH)
- Kronberg Declaration of the Future of Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing, UNESCO High Level Group of Visionaries on Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing, Kronberg, Germany, 22-23 June, 2007 (3QNI)
- Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century, National Science Foundation, Cyberinfrastructure Council, March 2007 (3QNJ)
- Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation Initiative, National Science Foundation, FY08 (3QNK)
- Designing Cyberinfrastructure For Collaboration and Innovation, January 29-30, 2007, sponsored by Committee for Economic Development, Council on Competitiveness, National Science Foundation, Science Commons, University of Michigan (3QNL)
- Balancing Practice-Centered Research and Design, David Woods and Klaus Christoffersen - see page 10 - The Engine of Innovation: Interlocking the Cycles of Research and Development) (3QNM)
- CreativIT wiki: Developing the Synergies between Research in Creativity and Computer and Information Science and Engineering (3QNN)
- Toward More Transparent Government, Workshop on e-Government and Web, June 18-19 (3QNP)
- FEA Reference Model Mapping Guide (3QNQ)
- Report to the William and Floral Hewlett Foundation: A Review of the Open Educational Resources Movement: Achievements, Challenges, and New Opportunities, February 2007, Daniel E. Atkins, John Seely Brown, and Allen L. Hammond (3QNR)
- Virtual Worlds Conference and Expo, Oct. 10-11, 2007, San Jose, CA (3QNS)
- Virtual Worlds Forum Oct. 23-26, 2007, London (3QNT)
- Second Life from Browser (3QNU)
- Digital Preservation - Library of Congress (3QNV)
- Synthetic Worlds Initiative - Indiana University (3QNW)
- Ludium's Declaration of Virtual World Policy (3QNX)
2. Tools / Approaches / Deployment (3QNY)
- A Collaboration Wizard: A set of factors that lead to success with suggested remedies for deficiencies (3QMF)
- Enterprise SPICE initative (3QNZ)
- - social networking and the emergence of technology (3QO0)
- Knowledge Sharing Innovations in the Natural Resources Community: a toolkit for community-based project teams, Center for Technology in Government, 2007 (3QO1)
- National Building Information Model Standard (3QO2)
- CENDI (3QO3)
- Network Workbench (3QO4)
- Cyberinfrastructure Shell (3QO5)
- (3QO6)
- Science Commons (3QO7)
- Science-specific search engine (3QO8)
- Many Eyes (3QO9)
- Swivel's mission is to make data useful (3QOA)
- NIH Public Access Policy (3QOB)
- Papers from Jan 29-30, 2007 conference on Designing Cyberinfrastructure for Collaboration and Innovation (3QOC)
- The Public Domain of Digital Research Data (3QOD)
- Croquet Consortium (3QOE)
- Ontology Summit 2007 - a case studay in a virtual community's process and effort to research, develop and capture semantics and knowledge. (3QOF)
- Balancing Practice-Centered Research and Design, David Woods and Klaus Christoffersen (See page 10 - The Engine of Innovation: Interlocking the Cycles of Research and Development) (3QOG)
- Legal Action Related to Virtual Worlds (3QOH)
- 3D Web and Open Standards (3QOI)
- e-justice centre - mediation and arbitration services for all avatars in Second Life (3QOJ)
- State of Missouri recruiting for IT professionals in Second Life (3QOK)
Related Virtual Environment Events (3R0H)
- Federal Consortium for Second Life: Exploring Virtual Worlds Conference, November 16, National Defense University (3R0I)
- If you can not attend the meeting physically, you can attend through the following NOAA SLURL: (3R0J)
- See Government Track- Virtual Government: Real Life Government Uses for Second Life Dr. Daniel Laughlin, NASA, Learning Technologies Project Manager; Dave Taylor, National Physical Laboratory, UK (will participate via Second Life); Andrew Hoppin, Director, CoLab Program at NASA Ames Research Center; Paul Sparrow, Vice President, Newseum Broadcasting and Programs; Kate Walser, SRA, Director, Knowledge Management & Collaboration Center of Excellence; Jean-Paul Boucher, SRA, Director, Wireless Integration Services and liaison to the Real Life Government in Second Life group. See Webcast. (3RMC)
- Agencies advance use of online social networking tools, Goverment Computer News, November 2, 2007 (3RMB)
- November 9, 2007, Mid-Atlantic Regional Planning Roundtable. See Growth Modeling and Simulations. (3RMN)
- January 9-10, 2008, Federation of Earth Science Information Partners Meeting: The Changing Climate: Making Earth Science Relevant Again in Light of Global Warming, Washington, DC. Web 2.0 for Earth Science (in discussion)- see Meeting and Technology Resources in Support of Locate, Collaborate, and Integrate. Modeling and Simulation: Water Cycle - Drought Ontology (being incorporated into the SWEET Ontology) with the Noesis - a smart semantic search tool, and High-Resolution Drought Forecasting System (3RMS)