Collaborative Expedition Workshop #51, Tuesday, June 20, 2006 at NSF (34TD)
Open Collaboration: Networking Geospatial Information Technology for Interoperability and Spatial Ontology (34TE)
- Purpose / Description (35JF)
- Logistics (35JG)
- Agenda (Print Version) (35JH)
- Upcoming Events (35JL)
- Workshop Followup (in process) (35N2)
- Conference Call for Proposed Geospatial Ontology CoP, July 14, 2006 (3622)
- Conference Call for Proposed Geospatial Ontology CoP, July 21, 2006 (36MK)
Purpose / Description: (35JM)
- Participants will explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary and community-based collaboration around national challenges. By drawing on strategic leadership and "best practices" underway in the geospatial area, participants will learn how to conduct open collaboration in their own settings. Presentations will illustrate exemplary collaboration that is transforming geospatial information technology today. Growing Communities of Practice will benefit from knowledge-sharing including: (35JN)
- Open standards development (35JO)
- Web-based collaboration environments (35JP)
- Ontologies for efficient information-sharing and semantic interoperability (35JQ)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Data Reference Model V2.0 and Geospatial Profile 1.1 (2.0 in process) (35JR)
- Community to national scale needs and applications (35JW)
- Also See: (35JX)
- Welcome and Introduction, April 18, 2006, Workshop (35JY)
- AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (35JT)
Logistics: (35JS)
Note: This workshop continues on Wednesday, June 21st and Thursday, June 22nd with a focus on Geospatial Ontologies. Agenda being prepared by Todd Pehle and Jerry Hobbs. (34TF)
- Confirmed Participants (35HJ)
- RSVP for badge to be waiting: (3593)
- Please hold on to your badge for Wednesday and Thursday if you plan to return. Otherwise turn in your badge to the guard on Tuesday when leaving. (35H0)
- /VenueLogistics_2006_06_20 (Including NSF visitor center check-in and lap-top screening requirements, as well as remote participation information) (34TG)
- Visiting the NSF (34TH)
- Balston Area Hotels (34TJ)
- File Repository (35D0)
DRAFT AGENDA (as of June 21, 2006) (34TK)
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 (3555)
- 8:30 am - Check-in and Coffee (34TL)
- 8:40 am - Welcome and Overview (34TM)
- SusanTurnbull (on family medical leave to care for her mother in Michigan), BrandNiemann, MillsDavis, GaryBerg_Cross, TomChristoffel, ToddPehle, and Paul Conoval (35JZ)
- Collaboration for the Government Sector: Specific Examples, Including the SICoP/SWIM Test Semantic Wiki (35GO)
- GSA Newsletter on Disaster Management, March 31, 2006. See SICoP Pilots on page 18 for "Public-Private Collaboration for Semantic Interoperability in Emergency Management Information Sharing," and page 32 for "Disaster Response Pilot Demonstrates Web Services and Semantic Naming Technology" (35HG)
- SusanTurnbull (on family medical leave to care for her mother in Michigan), BrandNiemann, MillsDavis, GaryBerg_Cross, TomChristoffel, ToddPehle, and Paul Conoval (35JZ)
- 9:00 am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (357E)
Keynote: (34TP)
- 9:30 am - Geospatial Line of Business and Task Force, Leslie Armstrong, FGDC Deputy Staff Director Presentation (34TQ)
What's New: (34TR)
- 10:00 am - W3C Geo XG and Geospatial Semantic Web Interoperability Experiment (GSW IE) Report, Joshua Lieberman, Traverse Technologies Presentation (34TS)
- 10:15 am - DHS Geospatial Data Model, David Li, Geospatial Liaison Department of Homeland Security, Geospatial Management Office Presentation (35CU)
- 10:30 am - BREAK (34TU)
Featured Demonstrations and Questions: (34TV)
- 10:45 am - Geospatial and Problem Specific Semantics, Danielle Forsyth, CEO and Co-Founder, Thetus Corporation (35JD)
- Includes demonstration of crop modeling example which shows Google Earth. (35JE)
- Google Earth and Maps, Michael Jones, CTO, Google (unable to attend). See Google Earth and Geospatial Market: The View from Google Earth, by Mary Jo Wagner, Geospacial Solutions (May 1) (34TW)
- Includes demonstration of crop modeling example which shows Google Earth. (35JE)
- 11:30 am - Mashup Beyond Google Maps, Harry Chen's Semantic Geospatial Web Blog Presentation (34TX)
- 12 noon - Networking Lunch (on your own) (34TY)
Featured Presentations and Questions: (34TZ)
- 1 pm - Interoperability Among Geospatial Ontologies by Jerry Hobbs, ISI Presentation (34U0)
- 1:45 pm - Semantic Wiki for Collaborative Development and Use of Geospatial Ontologies, Conor Shankey, CEO, Visual Knowledge Presentation (34U2)
- 2:30 pm - Geospatial Units and Cyber-Infrastructure for the Shenandoah Valley - Mid-Atlantic Region Pilot Project, JamesWilson, Old Dominion University, and Tom Christoffel, Senior Planner Northern Shenandoah Valley Regional Commission Presentation and Presentation (34U4)
- 3 pm - BREAK (34U3)
- 3:15 pm - Geospatial Ontologies Workshop, June 21-22, 2006, Overview, Todd Pehle (confirmed), Northrup Grumman IT TASC Presentation (35K2)
- 4:00 pm - ONISTT Spatial Ontologies, David Martin Presentation (35L3)
- 4:30 pm - Discussion of Next Steps, Gary Berg-Cross (34U5)
- 5:00 pm - ADJOURN (34U6)
Waitlisted: (35CP)
- Fall Workshop: Larry Brandt, NSF, Alan MacEachren, Penn State GeoCollaboration (35K3)
Wednesday, June 21, 2006 (3557)
- 8:40-8:50 am - Introduction to Day 2 (Introduce Problem Set) (3558)
User/Agency Needs for Spatial Ontology: (3559)
- 8:50-9:10 am - Location-based Social Networking, Jeff Harrison, President and CEO, The Carbon Project Presentation (355A)
- 9:10 - 9:30 am - NOAA perspective: Danielle Forsyth Presentation (355B)
- 9:30 - 9:50 am - EPA perspective: Wendy-Blake Coleman (invited) See EPA Geospatial Initiatives for NSGIC Mid-Year Meeting, March 19-23, 2006 (355C)
- 9:50 - 10:10 am - Ordnance Survey perspective: Cathy Dolbear Presentation (355D)
- 10:10 - 10:30 am - Spatial Databases, Xavier Lopez, Oracle Presentation (355E)
- 10:30 - 10:45 am - BREAK (355F)
- 10:45 - 11:10 am - NGA perspective, Dan Adams Presentation (355G)
- 11:10 - 11:30 am - US Army perspective, Kevin Mullane Presentation (355H)
- 11:30 am - 11:45 am - Overview of GEOSS, Stefan Falke Presentation (355I)
- 11:45 am - 12:00 noon - Questions (355I)
- 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm - LUNCH (on your own) (355J)
Survey of Existing Spatial Representations: (355K)
- 1:00 - 1:25 pm - Survey of Cycorp's spatial KR, Karen Pittman Presentation (355L)
- 1:25 - 1:50 pm - Spatial KR: Modeling in Practice, Yaser Bishr, Image Matters Presentation (355M)
- 1:50 - 2:10 pm - NASA perspective, Rob Raskin Presentation (355N)
Survey of Research Interests & Issues: (355O)
- 2:10 - 3:00 pm - Researcher/Technologists Interests & Issues in Spatial Ontology: Pat Hayes (IHMC), Kathleen Hornsby (U. of Maine), Tony Cohn (U. of Leeds), Antony Galton (Exeter University), Werner Kuhn (U. of Munster), Danielle Forsyth(Thetus Corp.), Mike Smith(BBN Technologies), David Martin(SRI), Joshua Lieberman(Traverse Technologies), Eric Little (U. of Buffalo), Cathy Dolbear(Ordnance Survey), Richard Waldinger (SRI), Glen Hart(Ordnance Survey), Tom Bittner and others (invited) (355P)
- 3:00 - 3:10 pm - BREAK (355Q)
- 3:10 - 4:30 pm - Continue Researcher/Technologists Interests & Issues in Spatial Ontology: Pat Hayes, Kathleen Hornsby, Tony Cohn, Antony Galton, Werner Kuhn, Danielle Forsyth, Mike Smith, David Martin, Joshua Lieberman, Eric Little, Cathy Dolbear, Richard Waldinger, Glen Hart & others (invited) (355R)
Thursday, June 22, 2006 (355S)
- 8:50 - 9:00 am - Introduction to Day 3 (355T)
- 9:00 - 9:45 am - Summary of Agency Needs for Spatial Ontology (355U)
- 9:45 - 10:30 am - Summary of Research/Technology Issues (355V)
- 10:30 - 10:45 am - BREAK (355W)
- 10:45 am - 12:00 noon - How to match user needs with research? (355X)
- 12:00 noon - 1:00 pm - LUNCH (on your own) (355Y)
- 1:00 - 5:00 pm - How to proceed forward & wrap-up discussions (355Z)
Upcoming Events: (35HA)
- July 18, 2006, Open Collaboration: Networking Wiki Information Technology (357H)
- July 24-28, 2006, GeoWeb (35LL)
- August 15, 2006, Open Collaboration: Networking Semantic Interoperability (342L)
- October 10-11, 2006, Fifth Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference at MITRE (357M)
- October 30-31, 2006, Second Service Oriented Architecture for E-government Conference at MITRE (35HB)
Workshop Followup: (35MX)
- Documents: (35SM)
- Delivering the Future NOW presented to The DARPA-NGA Partnership Industry Workshop by Gregg Black, Acquisition Technical Executive, September 7, 2005 (35SN)
- Compliments: (35MY)
- Thank you for all your efforts in organizing the Spatial Ontology Workshop. It really was an excellent meeting and you should be commended for pulling together such an interesting and diverse group. I certainly learned a lot from the different perspectives and really look forward to hearing more on these topics in the coming months and following the wiki(s). Many thanks again! (35MZ)
- Thanks for your efforts on behalf of the workshop. Don't forget to send out instructions on how we can access the wiki---I missed some of the wrap-up discussion. (35N3)
- Thanks again for hosting the workshop. It turned out better than what I had hoped for, actually. (35R3)
- Thanks again for the excellent work in facilitating the workshop. (35R4)
- Just a note to say how informative the meeting was. I am very much looking forward to future collaborations with members of this group. Again, great meeting all of you and here is to some future successful work together. (35R5)
- I hope I can participate more frequently. These workshops are interesting and enlightening. (35WT)
- Action Items: (35N0)
- As we agreed Thursday afternoon, these will be posted soon and there will be an invitation to a conference call, etc. (35N1)
- Brand Niemann, Wrapup Comments: (35S4)
- I have two roles: (35S5)
- A high-level summary for the CIO Council Committees: (35S6)
- Follow-through with the participants: (35SA)
- Provide all the presentations and notes in the COLAB Wiki - DONE (35SB)
- Provide the COLAB Wiki URL and followup conference call information to all the participants - IN PROCESS (35SC)
- Provide the Semantic Wiki URL to all the participants - IN PROCESS (35SD)
- Issue call for spatial ontologies for inventory, VisualOWL work, and October 10-11th Conference presentations (35SE)
- Prepare the Semantic Wiki Work Plan in preparation for the July 18th and August 15th Workshops - IN PROCESS (35SF)
- Form a Geospatial Ontology Community of Practice with Co-Chairs and Task Leads (Government and non-government) (35SG)
- Provide White Paper(s) and Briefings for Senior Agency Officals for Geospatial Information and the Geospatial Line of Business Management Team before or during the October 10-11th Conference that address: (35SH)
- I have two roles: (35S5)