Past and Future Collaborative Expedition Workshops (40HS)
Collaborative Expedition Workshop #78, November 3, 2008, at NSF (40HT)
Title: Potentials and Realities of Open Collaboration and Open Standards: Going Green Regionally, Virtually, and Beyond (40HU)
- How to RSVP, Workshop Location/ Directions, and Remote Teleconferencing (40HV)
- Workshop Purpose (40HW)
- Workshop Questions (40HX)
- Agenda...print version (40HY)
- Draft Resources (40HZ)
- Workshop Series Background and Co-sponsors (40I0)
A. Workshop Purpose (40I1)
This workshop will explore the emerging cyberinfrastructure landscape for robust, collaborative organizing, that together with consistent metrics (i.e. carbon footprint modeling), and stakeholder-based dialogue capabilities will advance "Go Green" initiatives being established regionally, virtually, and beyond. Building on best practices from international environmental awareness communities to on-going state and local efforts, participants will have the opportunity to learn and contribute to this challenge of unprecedented scale, complexity, and significance to national health, economic well-being, and security. (40OG)
As "reducing our carbon footprint" moves from slogan to global imperative, collaboration augmented by "silicon-based" collaborative work environments offers double dividends. The "physical" carbon-based movement of people, goods, and services exacts a much higher carbon cost, than the "virtual" silicon-based movement of people's artifacts and intents - including ideas, knowledge, and requests/ acknowledgements around goods and services available through the World Wide Web. As communities strategize on ways to reduce human impact on climate change, "virtual collaborations" are poised to amplify effectiveness and timely results, including greater "buy-in" than is obtained through traditional ways of organizing. (40O8)
Participants will explore how simulated "practice & high-performance readiness hubs" can be built on credible commitments and foresight from multiple forms of expertise. Such commitments, expressed in open standards, enable coherent, yet comprehensive visual and auditory information flows. This collective communications and discernment capacity outperforms "command and control-only" organizing. (40I2)
The impact of open standards for national readiness at both strategic and solution levels will be highlighted by examining the forces, timing, and artifacts by which transformative standards emerge. How can early lessons from intensive, rapid action, and high performance settings (i.e. emergency preparedness), anticipate and influence the pace in which similar transformative improvements in mission delivery of non-emergency public services (i.e. broad-based "go green" initiatives) can be realized, across levels of government? (40I3)
This workshop will open up dialogue to facilitate "bootstrapping" among multiple communities and institutions whose individual and collective contributions to shared design challenges will shape our national experience of the practice of "green" cyberinfrastructure for years to come. (40I4)
This workshop will provide an example of how to set conditions by which groups that may not have regular opportunities to share information outside of their agency boundaries and jurisdictions can be brought together. This will support the development of a broader vision among stakeholders engaged in environmental challenges, from local re-cycling and telecommuting to climate change mitigation strategies and beyond. (40I5)
It is likely that how we design our cyberinfrastructure (including environmental stewardship and non-emergency knowledge-sharing environments that influence policy-making, innovation, and agility) will play a pivotal role in the continued vitality and creativity of our 21st century democracy. (40I6)
In addition, this workshop will demonstrate an organizing process that can be employed anytime a purpose cuts across organizational boundaries. This is timely for workshop participants who have come to appreciate that building trusted relationships is the essence of eGovernment. How people design the organizing process for potentially “collaborative” settings, existing beyond traditional boundaries, can spell the difference between “multiplicative power” and “no power” arising to achieve high performance results that matter to all. (40I7)
"It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human culture, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow." Werner Heisenberg (40I8)
"Creativity is a process that can be observed only at the intersection where individuals, domains, and fields intersect." Csikszentmihalyi, 1999 (40I9)
"Architecture is the thoughtful making of space." Louis Kahn (40IA)
"Information is the currency of democracy." Thomas Jefferson (40IB)
"Design is the currency of the 21st century." American Institute of Architects (40IC)
Workshop planning provides an opportunity to experience shared stewardship around broad mission goals that include: (40ID)
- To be of service, in cross-boundary settings, not only to the region, but to the nation (40IE)
- To contribute to successful innovation toward citizen-centric government (40IF)
- To learn by doing, to put into practice the results of our own dialogue (40IG)
- To experience the kind of complex, multidimensional organizational situation that is providing the background for strategic leadership (40IH)
B. Draft Workshop Questions (40II)
- 1. What aspects of "going green" will most benefit from coordination that includes open dialogue in public settings? (40IJ)
- 2. How do we create commonly understood problem representations and simulations to help multiple disciplines and geographic regions build capacity for joint environmental stewardship? (40IK)
- 3. How can the right information and information structures support effective problem representation? (40IL)
- 4. How can critical information from multiple sectors and domains be right "at hand", "in place", and appropriately accessed, when needed? (40IM)
- 5. How can effective roles and responsibilities be established for a myriad of professionals from multiple settings who need to respond to uncertainties with effective collaboration in an ever-expanding, data and information-rich world? (40IN)
- 6. What is the role of business narratives in advancing the shared understanding and governance required to mitigate risks? (40IO)
- 7. How can effective narratives be assembled and presented for large-scale learning exercises and effective communications in real situations? (40IP)
- 8. How can the artifacts of large-scale learning exercises and real events be preserved with sufficient integrity relative to provenance, completeness, and bias to leverage continuous improvements in readiness? (40IQ)
- 9. How can problem representation and knowledge emerging from multi-disciplinary efforts (e.g. public health, natural resources, public utilities, and critical infrastructures) be validated and valued as national assets? (40IR)
- 10. What are the weakest links relative to the unprecedented scale and mix of people, process, and technology and how can they be remediated? (40IS)
- 11. Can we see in the future of creative collaborative efforts (e.g. public health, urban planning, and regional development) a future that transcends what has passed? (40IT)
- 12. What concrete steps are presently possible toward this future, including what institutions have a shared mission for improved law, science, innovation, and public policy as reflected in their strategic plans? (40IU)
- 13. What are the current and future contributions of light-weight aggregator tools for advancing discovery, shared understanding, and organizing that scales across individuals, communities of practice, and institutions? How can these tools help us be individually accountable for collaborative actions relative to shared purpose? Examples in use by this workshop community include: wiki namesake pages,Emerging Technology Life-cycle process and Strategy Markup Language (StratML) (40IW)
- 14. How could lightweight semantics complement open format, robust storage, and fluid search to help integrate disparate information sources that support better national preparedness? (40IX)
- 15. How could authoritative versions of existing policies, regulations, and legal procedures currently in place, be complemented by a "collective wisdom" version in order to broaden opportunities for suggested improvements, harmonization across boundaries, and creation of "synthetic" documents for easier comparison and constrast across institutions? (40IY)
- 16. How can public policy stakeholders tap Web 2.0 "build to share" principles being advanced by forward-looking information stewardship organizations in order to broaden common understanding of multi-faceted aspects of national/ global challenges and accelerate discovery of exemplary practices? (40IZ)
- a) Digital data and information communities advancing sound approaches for electronically stored information. Examples include librarians, curators, web content managers, ontologists, researchers, artists, historians, data managers, and records managers. (40J0)
- b) Open Standards bodies and consortia (40J1)
- c) Universities and university consortia (40J2)
- d) International stewardship associations (40J3)
- e) Virtual organizations (40J4)
- 17. How do we build from the best of past experiences and also draw upon generational differences and cyberinfrastructure opportunities in a manner that reinforces strengths? (e.g. tap software engineering techniques – fine grained recording of “Who did what” transparency at the code level) (40J5)
- 18. How do we provide the right sets of information flowing into and out of "what if" mission-policy simulations, etc. so understanding flows broadly even when the learning is experiential? (40J6)
- 19. What are the conducive conditions for the creativity and governance needed among networked "go green" communities so results and implications flow in a timely manner into legal, public policy, and public preparedness channels? (40J7)
- 20. If information-flow impediments across domains are similar, would solutions likewise be similar? (40J8)
- 21. If solutions are similar across domains and an overall architecture emerges, what metrics do we need to provide analytical accountability and close the IT transactional lifecycle (cybernetic feedback loop) for continuous improvement? (40J9)
General Questions for Workshops in 2008 (40JA)
C. Agenda (40JB)
9:00 a.m. - Check-in and Coffee (40JC)
9:15 a.m. - Welcome and Introductions (40JD)
SusanTurnbull, GSA and Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee and Co-Chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT CG (40JE)
RichardSpivack, NIST and Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (40JF)
9:30 a.m. - Who is Here and Who is Missing? What is your Sense of Purpose in Relation to the Overall Workshop Goals? (40JG)
10:10 a.m. - Role and Implications of Open Collaboration and Open Standards for "Going Green" (40JH)
10:55 a.m. - Building Stakeholder-centered Communities of Interest at Regional and Virtual Levels (40JI)
11:00 a.m. - Break Out Sessions: (40JJ)
- What Works? (40JK)
- What Doesn't Work? (40JL)
- What do We Need to Create? (40JM)
- What do We Need to Know? (40JN)
/Workshop_11_03_2008_BreakOutGroup_One (remote teleconference only) (40JO)
/Workshop_11_03_2008_BreakOutGroup_Two (40JP)
/Workshop_11_03_2008_BreakOutGroup_Three (40JQ)
/Workshop_11_03_2008_BreakOutGroup_Four (40JR)
12:00 - Report out from Break Out Sessions and Discussion (40JU)
12:20 pm - Wrap-up (40JV)
12:30 noon - 1:30 p.m. - Networking Lunch (40JW)
D. Draft Resources (40JX)
1. Federal, State, Local, and City Governments and Partnerships - Go Green (40JY)
- Green IT, Intergovernmental Solutions Newsletter, Fall 2008 (40N6)
- Green IT in Enterprise Practices: The Essential Role of the State CIO State Report, Greening of IT Working Group, National Assn. of State CIOs, May, 2008 (40O7)
- EPA (40M5)
- GSA (40M6)
- City of Huntington Beach, CA (40PE)
- Oklahoma (40M7)
- Louisville, Kentucky (40M8)
- Lansing, MI (40M9)
- Houston, TX (40MA)
- Broward County (40MB)
- Arkansas (40MC)
- San Jose, CA (40MD)
- Winchester, VA (40ME)
- Cambridge, MA (40MF)
- Homewood, IL (40MG)
- Clinton, Ohio (40MH)
- Middlesex, New Jersey (40MI)
- Turlock, CA (40MJ)
- Western Michigan Alliance - Clean Cities (40N7)
- Florida's "green portal" Serve to Preserve Web site (40N8)
2. Other Federal initiatives (40MK)
- EPA's Green IT Web site (40N9)
- Energy Technet: Inventions and Innovation's Toolbox for Energy Technology Developers (40ML)
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, US Department of Energy (40MM)
- Best Practices: Commercial and Emerging Technologies (40MN)
- Industrial Energy Systems: Energy Use and Loss Footprints: (40NJ)
- National Renewable Energy Laboratory (40MQ)
- Science Accelerator (40MS)
2. Non-profit Organizations (40JZ)
- Each minute spent driving to the Town Hall uses more than 20 times the energy of a minute spent transacting on the Internet. Source: Peter Blair, Local Transformation, Improvement & Efficiency, Department for Communities & Local Government (40MT)
- Earth 911 (40MU)
- Puget Sound Clean Air Agency (40MV)
- Green Grid (40NB)
- Green Electronic Council (40NC)
- Green Computing - wikipedia (40MX)
- First International Workshop on Green Computing (40N1)
- Calculate your carbon footprint (40N2)
3. For-profit Organizations (40K0)
- Energy-saving light bulbs (40N3)
- Fairmount Minerals (40N4)
- VMware, Inc. Total Cost of Ownership calculator (40NE)
- Evaluating the Greenness of Network Equipment Vendors and Their Switches, ABI research (40NG)
- Evaluating the Greenness of Data Equipment Vendors and Their Switches, ABI research (40NH)
- Green Wi-Fi Centers, Data Centers and Network Vendors: Who are the Greenest Vendors?, ABI research (40NI)
4. Recent Legislation (40K1)
5. Transitioning to Virtual Organizations (40K2)
- Building Effective Virtual Organizations workshop, report from NSF workshop held January 16-18, 2008 (40K3)
- A Collaboration Wizard: A set of factors that lead to success with suggested remedies for deficiencies (40K4)
- Perspectives on Distributed Computing: Thirty People, Four User Types, and the Distributed Computing User Experience, Lisa Childers, Lee Liming, Ian Foster, Argonne National Laboratory Technical Report ANL/MCS/CI-31, September 2008, (40NF)
- UMBEL: A Lightweight Subject Reference Structure for the Web, Presentation at the Emerging Ontology Showcase, Sept. 25, 2008 (40K5)
- UNDP report on the Tsunami of 2004 - Communicating Disasters: An Asia-Pacific Resource Book (40K6)
- Cyberinfrastructure Vision for 21st Century, National Science Foundation, Cyberinfrastructure Council, March 2007 (40K7)
- - forming virtual communities to accelerate maturation and adoption of emerging technology, Emerging Technology SC (40K8)
- Papers from Jan 29-30, 2007 conference on Designing Cyberinfrastructure for Collaboration and Innovation (40K9)
- Balancing Practice-Centered Research and Design, David Woods and Klaus Christoffersen (See page 10 - The Engine of Innovation: Interlocking the Cycles of Research and Development) (40KA)
- Information Sharing Environment Enterprise Architecture Framework, version 1.0, August 2007 (40KB)
- Knowledge Media Institute (40PK)
- Direct Current, Services, and Bacteria (40PL)
- Patients Like Me (40PM)
- Commentary on Economics, Information, and Human Action (40PN)
- Open Iris (40PQ)
- GCENIS: global climate-energy network information system (40PR)
- topic map it accesses through web services is topic map accessed by GCENIS through web services (40PS)
- Blue Green Alliance (40PT)
6. Open Standards Toward the Greening of Cyberinfrastructures (40KC)
- Developing Sustainable Products, Processes and Services International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management (40PV)
- Green IT - Broad-band and Cyberinfrastructure (40PU)
- EPA's Energy Star Program (40PG)
- GRI Sustainability Reporting Initiative (40PH)
- UN Life Cycle Initiative on Life cycle assessment, management, and approaches (40PI)
- (40PJ)
- Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes] National Health IT Interoperability Standards discussions (40PF)
- 2008 Environmental Performance Index, Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy, Yale University, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) Columbia University (40PP)
- PROMPT’s Next Generation Internet to Reduce Global Warming (40O9)
- “follow the sun/follow the wind” Infrastructure project (40OA)
- High Performance Digital Media Network (40OB)
- Developing and Using Standards for Data and Information in Science and Technology, John Rumble, Jr., Gail Hodge, and Laura Bartolo (40KD)
- OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee (40KE)
- OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Wiki (40KF)
- Common Alerting Protocol v1.1 (used internationally) (40KG)
- Reverse 911 (40KH)
- EDXL - Emergency Data Exchange Language Specifications (40KI)
- Cooperative Alert Information and Resource Notification System (40KO)
- SOA RM (Reference Model) (40KP)
- National (Federal) Programs (40KQ)
- National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) - one of the foundations of EDXL (40KR)
- Integrated Public Alerting and Warning System (IPAWS) (40KS)
- National Building Information Model Standard (40KT)
E. Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (40KU)
Purpose and Audience: GSA's USA Services/ Intergovernmental leads monthly Collaborative Expedition workshops to advance the quality of citizen-government dialogue and collaborations at the crossroads of intergovernmental initiatives, Communities of Practice, Federal IT research and IT user agencies. The workshops seek to advance collaborative innovations in government and community services such as emergency preparedness, environmental monitoring, healthcare and law enforcement. (40OC)
The workshops serve individuals from government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form, Intergovernmental Communities of Practice (CoPs), in light of the Citizen-Centric Government goal of the President’s Management Agenda and the Public Information Access provisions of the E-government Act of 2002. (40OD)
Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions by individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be better expressed in their home and collaborative settings. By centering around people and the "whole system" challenges they organize around, IT design and development processes can mature with less risk and greater national yield of breakthrough performance. (40OE)
Joint workshop sponsors in addition to GSA, include the Emerging Technology Subcommittee of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee and Coordinating Groups of the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, including, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development CG, High End Computing CG, High Confidence Software and Systems CG, Software Design and Productivity CG, and Human-Computer Interaction and Information Management CG. These organizations value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, to leverage the collaborative capacity of united, but diverse sectors of society, seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (40OF)