Collaborative Expedition Workshop #47, Tuesday, January 24, 2006 at the National Science Foundation (30JI)
Advancing Credible Agreements Across Networked Improvement Communities: Bootstrapping Service-Oriented Architecture and Semantic Interoperability Toward Transformative Practice (30JJ)
- /VenueLogistics_2006_01_24 (Including NSF visitor center check-in and lap-top screening requirements, as well as remote participation information) (30JK)
Purpose / Description (30JM)
Participants will explore opportunities for information-sharing, stewardship practices around the recent Data Reference Model v2.0 and advances in collaborative knowledge creation and prototyping by multiple Communities of Practice, including Model-Driven Architecture and Knowledge Representation communities. (30W5)
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) exemplifies the emerging "common sensing" of our time and reflects the expanding build-out of our social networks and "machine-processing" networks. SOA is easing the transition to a future world where ideas and exchange tokens among people are "connectable" across almost infinite times and distances. SOA is the transition path for societies and their institutions as the cultural norms of this frontier space evolve. The rules and customs for sound, timely exchanges by people and their institutions is becoming synchronized to open, transparent governance principles that can accommodate differences among cultures, processes, and technologies in a balanced, synergistic manner unthinkable in the past. This, in turn, may enable rapid attunement to common endeavors that transcend past cooperative organizing methods. Being open to the potentials of SOA around expansiveness of purpose, will serve as a catalyst for transforming how we work together in service to one another and to society. (30KQ)
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers. The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. The Data Reference Model, in particular, will provide a concrete means for improving the capacity for mission-related sharing, while also increasing the downstream value of strategic information assets. (30JT)
In Light of this Purpose, How are We Building Collaboration Readiness and Discernment? Key Workshop Questions: (30JO)
- How can multiple communities from diverse sectors work together using relevant scenarios to build stewardship practices that support readiness and realization of shared missions? (30JP)
- How is the emerging maturity of notation systems generally, including the DRM v2.0, enabling multiple notation (modeling) systems to reinforce and map to one another, while contributing to current demands for real-time readiness and visibility of the "whole picture"? (30JQ)
- How can the capacities of trust, agility, and accountability be achieved through federated stewardship among communities still building common ground and understanding? (30JR)
- How can Communities of Interest define their identities, roles, and governance relationships in a manner that reinforces their individual and collective capacities? (30JS)
/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (30JU)
8:30am - Check-in and Coffee (30JV)
8:45am - Welcome and Overview (30JW)
SusanTurnbull, GSA-OIS, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, AIC Representative to DRM WG, and Co-chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (30JX)
BrandNiemann, EPA, Chair, Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice, SICoP, Using CoPs To Simplify Processes and Unify Work Across Agencies: Cross-Industry Applications and SOA for the AIC (30JY)
9:00am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (30JZ)
9:30am - Strategic Leadership in SOA: Department of Navy, E-grants (30LU)
David Webber, Chair OASIS CAM TC, NIH Web Services Discovery System and B2B Exchange (30X0)
10:15am - Michigan eGrants Demonstration Project (30VX)
Viji Jayaraman, Manager, Project Management Office, Department of Information Technology, State of Michigan (30VY)
11:00am - BREAK (30K3)
11:15am - Service Oriented Architecture, Information Sharing and the FEA DRM (30K4)
Bryan Aucoin, DNI CIO Chief Architect (30KS)
12:00 - Invitation to participate in the Reference Model Public Forum for the Reference Model Maintenance Process (RM2P) (30Y4)
Rick Murphy, Lead, RM2P (30Y5)
12:10pm – Networking Lunch (on own) (30K5)
1:00pm - Orientation to the Potentials and Realities of SOA, in light of the DRM v2.0 and OASIS Service-Oriented Architecture Reference Model (SOA-RM) (30KT)
Joseph Chiusano and Rebekah Metz, Booz Allen Hamilton (30KU)
- See OASIS SOA Reference Model (SOA-RM) Committee Draft, and Comments (30Z5)
- Updated DRM XML Schema / Sample XML Instance Document Version 0.4 (30MF)
1:45pm - Semantic Core Open Source Enterprise Reference Architecture (30K6)
Cory Casanave, Semantic Core (30LW)
2:30pm - Common Semantic Model (COSMO) (30LX)
Pat Cassidy, Mitre, ONTAC WG Lead (30LY)
3:15pm - OSERA Retrospective and Prospective on Model-Driven Architecture and Semantic Web (30LZ)
Rick Murphy and George Thomas, GSA (30M0)
4:00pm – Living Systems: Key to Netcentric Architecture (30VU)
Erick Von Schweber and Linda Von Schweber, (30VV)
4:45pm - ADJOURN (30K8)
Upcoming Networking Among CoP events: (30K9)
- January 12, 2006, Dr. Leo Obrst, MITRE, What is an ontology? - A Briefing on the Range of Semantic Models" (30QO)
- January 12, IC EA CoP Meeting at MITRE (30W6)
- January 18, 2006, XML Community of Practice Meeting - Agenda (30W4)
- January 19, 2006, DoD CoI Forum Meeting Register by January 12th noon (30VC)
- January 20, 2006, Knowledge Management WG Strategic Planning and Awards Ceremony, GPO, 9 a.m. - 12 noon. SICoP Invited and To Be Recognized. (30WH)
- January 26, 2006, Chief Architects Forum, 1-4 p.m., NOAA Science Center, Silver Spring, MD (30M2)
- February 2, 2006, Dr. Nicola Guarino from the Laboratory for Applied Ontology in Italy - DOLCE - a Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering, which one of the leading Upper Ontologies available See Ontolog Forum Wiki (30WE)
- February 9-10, 2006, Fourth Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference (30QE)
- February 21, 2006, Collaborative ExpeditionWorkshop - GeoCoP and DRM CoP (30W7)
- March 2, 2006, Professor Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey, "Exploiting ebXML Registry Semantics in the eHealth Domain" See Ontolog Forum Wiki (30LJ)
- March 15, 2006, Upper Ontology Summit in Connection with Interoperabilty Conference, March 13-17th sponsored by NIST's Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) program (30LK)
- November 5-9, 2006, 5th International Semantic Web Conference, Athens, Georgia. SICoP involved in organizing Federal Government participation. (30F3)
Resources: (30KI)
- Networking Among Communities of Practice (31BN)
- Towards the Use of an Upper Ontology for U.S. Government and Military Domains: An Evaluation, November 2004, Salim K. Semy, The MITRE Corporation, Mary K. Pulvermacher, The MITRE Corporation, and Leo J. Obrst, The MITRE Corporation (30M3)
- JARG Pilot Update (30LP)
- IFF Foundation Ontology IFF can be validated through Kestrel's Specware (30LQ)
- Perspectives on a Unifying Framework for the Federal Enterprise (30M4)
- The CIO Council's site/process facilitates the identification and discovery of, as well as the building of communities around, emerging technology components and specifications of interest to government agencies. (30QG)
- Health IT in Government - Transforming Health Care and Empowering Citizens (31BO)
Joseph Chiusano: (30YY)
- The SOA-RM spec includes a series of abstract models (starting on p.10 - see disconnected ovals) that depict concepts related to SOA (e.g. service, service description, etc.). As the spec progresses, different "views" are presented along with relationships between the concepts (e.g. p.12, p.13, etc.). Along the way, additional (more detailed) concepts are introduced. (30YZ)
- There are distinct synergies between some of the SOA-RM concepts, and those of the DRM. For example, a mapping can be drawn between the DRM "Exchange Package" and the SOA-RM "Service" to denote that an Exchange Package may refer to a Service. In this case, the service that is referred to would be a service that supports a COI's information sharing requirements, such as (from DRM 2.0) a Context Awareness Service, a Structural Awareness Service, etc. This is an example of a mapping between the DRM Data Sharing standardization area and SOA-RM. (30Z0)
- Another example would be SOA-RM services categorized via DRM Topics, which would be a mapping between DRM Data Sharing standardization area and SOA-RM. (30Z1)
- Finally, please note: (30Z2)
- The SOA-RM spec generally does not currently contain labeled relationships (only a few exist); I am submitting a suggestion to the TC that this be added to the next version; (30Z3)
- There is also no "master" abstract model in the SOA-RM that combines all of the iterative ones; I am submitting a suggestion to the TC that this be added as well. (30Z4)
The Homeland Security Department has procured a bug testing service for popular open-source programs, one that will submit applications such as Apache and MySQL to a level of scrutiny enjoyed by many commercial software providers. See (31BK)
- Trying to find out who is onvolved in this. (31KA)
David Webber: Turns out it is not open source – but a limited edition version and see discussion of all offerings from major players (31KC)