Collaborative Expedition Workshop #45, Tuesday, November 8, 2005 at NSF    (2ZNP)

Advancing Information Sharing, Access, Discovery and Assimilation of Diverse Digital Collections Governed by Heterogeneous Sensitivities    (2ZOP)


Purpose / Description    (2ZRD)

Participants will explore opportunities for potentially generalizable information integration approaches and multi-disciplinary collaboration in common challenges through consideration of specific requirements, perspectives, research and case studies from the domains of law, policy, national security, Presidential electronic records, bioscience, and Census data.    (2ZRE)

8:30am - Check-in and Coffee    (2ZOQ)

8:45am - Welcome and Overview    (2ZNV)

SusanTurnbull, GSA, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, AIC Representative to DRM WG, and Co-chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development    (2ZNW)

Robert Chadduck, Director of Research, Electronic Records Archive (ERA), Program Management Office, National Archives and Records Administration and member, Human-Computer Interaction and Information Managment Coordinating Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development    (2ZNX)

9:00am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose?    (2ZNY)

9:30am - Complex legal requirements in electronic discovery search and retrieval: a progress report of the activities of the Sedona Conference working group on electronic records    (2ZNZ)

Mr. Jason R. Baron, Esq., Director of Litigation, National Archives and Records Administration,    (302G)

Mr. Richard Braman, Esq., Executive Director, The Sedona Conference    (2ZRG)

Mr. Kenneth J. Withers, Esq., Senior Judicial Education Attorney, Federal Judicial Center    (2ZRH)

Ms. Jeanette Plante, Esq., Director, Office of Records Management Policy, U.S. Department of Justice    (2ZRI)

Mr. M. James Daley, Esq., Redgrave Daley Ragan & Wagner LLP, presentation    (2ZRJ)

Dr. Douglas W. Oard, Ph.D., Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, presentation    (2ZRK)

For all those interested in further reading related to Workshop # 45, there is recent law review article by NARA's Director of Litigation on the subject of evaluating search technologies, see Jason R. Baron, "Toward A Federal Benchmarking Standard for Information Retrieval Products Used in E-Discovery, Vol. 6 Sedona Conference Journal, p. 237 (2005). The article is available if you have access to Westlaw at 6 SEDCJ 237, or can be obtained by sending an email to    (3040)

11:00am - Information sharing, and integration of large federal digital collections governed by complex heterogeneous access policies, laws and sensitivities: Granular requirements analyses across a spectrum of federal legal and policy pdf version of presentation    (302H)

Ms. K. Krasnow Waterman, Esq. the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,    (2ZO3)

12:00pmLunch    (2ZO4)

1:00pmOverview and perspectives on national security requirements policy and law:    (2ZRL)

Mr. Gregory Pannoni, Associate Director, Information Security Oversight Office, presentation    (2ZO6)

1:30pm - Census Data are Confidential: Implications to Research and Approaches    (2ZV0)

Ms. Cynthia M. Taeuber, Research Associate, the Jacob France Institute, the University of Baltimore, & Principal, CMTaeuber & Associates    (2ZV1)

2:00pmRequirements assigned Presidential Electronic Records: Progress report on research responsive to electronic records of President George H.W. Bush.    (2ZO7)

Dr. William Underwood, Ph.D. Principal Research Scientist, Georgia Tech Research Institute, the Georgia Institute of Technology, presentation    (2ZO8)

2:30pm - Perspectives on information integration of bioscience data collections    (2ZO9)

Dr. Chris Greer, Ph.D. Program Director for Frontiers in Integrative Biological Research, Division of Biological Infrastructure, the National Science Foundation    (2ZOA)

3:00pmOpen discussion: Exploration of potential commonalities in technology or approach    (2ZOC)

4:00pm - ADJOURN    (2ZOD)

2. Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background    (2ZOE)

The Collaborative Expedition workshops serve individuals and policy-makers from all sectors: government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form that advances realization of the citizen-centric government goal of the President’s Management Agenda. Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around the potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions of individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be expressed more effectively in their respective settings. Workshop sponsors, including, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council and National Coordination Office of the Interagency Committee on IT R&D (Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group) value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, that leverage the collaborative capacity of united and diverse Americans seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. A key finding of the past year, is the need to apply emerging technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up the innovation pipeline with better linkages among business incubators (state economic development programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Many of the agile business components surfacing in the small business innovation world are not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for both parties.    (2ZOF)

ExpeditionWorkshop/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice    (2ZOR)

3. Workshop Archives, Collaborative Pilots, and Related Resources    (2ZOG)