Collaborative Expedition Workshop #49, Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at the National Institute of Standards and Testing, First Floor Administration Building    (326G)

RSVP must be received by March 6, 2006, there is no fee    (328N)

Leveraging Open Standards and Open Collaboration: Pioneering Mechanisms for Agility Across Open, Intergovernmental Communities    (326H)


Background    (326K)

The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers.    (326L)

The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. The Data Reference Model, along with the GeoSpatial Profile v1.1 will provide a concrete means for improving the capacity for mission-related sharing, across government boundaries, while also increasing the downstream value of strategic information assets.    (326M)

An emerging source of strength and stability in tranformational initiatives is the formation of Communities of Interest and/ or Communities of Practice. CoIs and CoPs seek to improve the common understanding needed to compose sound action in "deft formation" that yields congruence from multiple perspectives and an appreciation of the unfolding wholeness of situations. In this manner, CoIs and CoPs harmonize and amplify the creative influence of strategic leaders within institutions.    (328O)

CoIs and CoPs are a manifestation of the unity of purpose that transcends institutions and sectors, creating the conducive environment needed for the transformation of roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology to proceed. Appreciation of this "unfolding wholeness" (from Christopher Alexender, The Nature of Order) is a necessary condition for the evolution of agile governance and coordinated action in the "in-between space". Effective governance conditions "institutional boundaries" to respect "wholeness in relation to its parts" at every level, in order to accommodate the high-performance potential of net-centric approaches, i.e. Service-Oriented Architecture.    (326N)

Workshop Purpose    (326O)

To explore the agility and effectiveness of select global Communities of Interest around global health and safety (i.e. tsunami, earthquakes, pandemic flu). What are the implications for our intergovernmental communities? What lessons can we learn from these "frontier outposts" that are characterized by "service to the greater good" social networks, emergent governance and agility through "light-weight" interoperable tools?    (327T)

Key Workshop Questions:    (326P)

  1. How are we employing light-weight tools to augment capacities of communities to develop shared understanding around joint mission-related actions?    (326Q)
  2. What can we learn about agility and high-performance from 21st century, emergent communities serving "frontline" global health and safety purposes across boundaries? (i.e. tsunami wiki and flu wiki)    (326R)
  3. How can we accelerate multi-sector partnerships around net-centric capabilities needed for government to work in the likely scenarios of the 21st century?    (326T)

/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice    (3271)

7:00am - 10:00- Check-in and Continental Breakfast - Employee Lounge    (327U)

10:30 - NIST Interoperability Week Plenary Session - Green Auditorium    (3272)

NIST Plenary Session Guest Speakers:    (32GF)

Olwen Huxley, Staff member, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science; Subcommittee on Environment, Technology and Standards    (32GG)

Karla Norsworthy, Vice President of Software Standards for IBM Corporation    (32GH)

Jim Turner, Chief Minority Counsel, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science    (32GI)

12:00 - noon - Networking Lunch    (3273)

1:00pm - Expedition Workshop Welcome and Overview - Lecture Room - D    (3274)

SusanTurnbull, GSA-OIS, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, and Co-chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development    (3275)

1:15pm - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the morning plenary and the workshop purpose?    (3277)

1:30pm - Developer's Perspective: What "light-weight" tools are needed to support emergent governance across intergovernmental communities? How can these tools bootstrap open collaborative development with the agility needed by intergovernmental communities and their individual host institutions?    (32FT)

Presentation Abstract    (32FV)

Experiences abound showing that it is illusory to believe that a generalized agreement can be reached on every level of semantics in information systems. Instead there is a multiplicity of contributing perspectives, each valid in its own right, that contribute to the whole.    (32FQ)

This presentation will discuss how multiple perspectives can be built into information representations. It introduces a "Data Projection" model, which draws on the geometric notion of perspective resulting from the projection of three dimensions onto two-dimensional representations.    (32FR)

In this model, any item of information is considered always to be involved in a process, and any process is seen as a set of binary relations. This vision is very general, encompassing most existing information models and existing implementations of information systems. It will be illustrated by highlighting the success of network-based communities, where transparency is a requirement and the multiplicity of points of view is a fact of life.    (32FS)

2:15pm - Small Group Discussion around Workshop Questions    (327A)

3:00 - Break    (328P)

3:30pm - Student Developers' Perspectives: Geospatial 21 Program    (32GC)

WesCruver, who co-founded KidzOn Line (KOL) when he was 11 (12 years ago) will give a demonstration of “Google Mash-up” for dynamic Emergency Response Plans for America’s 14,600 school districts and training centers of excellence for the Utility Industry.'''    (327B)

Geospatial 21 is a program of the U. S. Department of Labor’s High Growth Job Training Initiative to increase public awareness of geospatial technologies and career opportunities. Through this grant, Kidz Online is employing online peer-to-peer learning and advanced webcasting capabilities to create geospatial educational programming while engaging young people in the net-centric tools and organizing of the 21st century.    (32GD)

4:15pm - Discussion, Findings, and Next Steps    (328Q)

4:45pm - Adjourn    (32GE)

Upcoming Networking Among CoP events:    (327C)

Resources:    (327O)