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Collaborative Expedition Workshop #34    (2SU)

Harvesting Best Practices (BPs) using Communities of Practice (CoP):    (2TW)

Enterprise Architecture (EA)    (2TV)

(To skip to Breakout Session Summaries)    (2XJ)

This workshop was held August 17, 2004, at NSF. 67 people representing a broad range of federal agencies, private companies, non-profits and academic institutions were in attendance.    (2R7)

SusanTurnbull, GSA and BrandNiemann, EPA gave the Organizers’ Welcome and Introduction.    (2R8)

Bill Piatt, representing the CIO Council’s Best Practices Committee, provided an overview of the The Solutions Exchange. The idea is a centralized repository of reusable capabilities that are reflective of best practices in government. A potential example is a repository of reusable federal RFPs.    (2R9)

GreggoryGarrett, Volkswagen of America and Chair, Enterprise Architecture Interest Group (EAIG) and Michael Farber, Secretary, EAIG, provided an overview of how EAIG could support the CIO Council in EAIG and Government: Migrating from Compliance-Driven to Value-Driven EA Models.    (2UD)

RickMurphy moderated two sessions on how communities of practitioners can advance sharing and understanding around exemplary practices.    (2VL)

The first speaker was AndyHoskinson who discussed EA Knowledge Discovery. This is an algorithm for deriving EA models from structured/semi-structured text. The idea is to unlock EA knowledge buried in existing repositories. It is best used to understand relationships during the early stages of EA development.    (2RB)

DanEllis, Software Performance Systems discussed Expert Systems for Architectural Decisions. Expert Systems can be used to improve Release Planning, Technology Selection, Pattern Selection and budgeting.    (2RC)

PeterGroen, Director, HITS program manager at VHA discussed the Health Information and Technology Sharing Program and shared the HITS Handbook Version 4.0 to advance sharing among Health IT practitioners.    (2UE)

KentCraig, US Patent and Trademark Office, intended to talk about Knowledge Sharing and EA Coordination, but was unable to attend.    (2RE)

AlexPavlak facilitated a breakout group session directed at Best Practices: how BPs can be used by Enterprise Architecture, and how Communities of Practice steward BPs. There were a total of 9 breakout groups, 8 face-to-face and one remote.    (2XG)

The workshop included 9 breakout groups where participants self-selected into three areas of interest in Best Practice: Repositories, Enterprise Architecture, and Communities of Practice    (2TZ)

The session began with an overview of BPs and how they are used by other organizations. Each breakout group was asked to answer the same set of questions from the perspective of their interest area and record Wiki notes.    (2VP)

JayPeltz coordinated the breakout group report back session. The workshop concluded with a networking session.    (2RG)


AlexPavlak, executive editor    (2RH)

After the workshop, editors were tasked to synthesize the notes from each of the 9 groups in a manner that preserved the integrity of the content, while making key concepts more organized and coherent. Editors were asked to make it clear when they were introducing their own views.    (2XH)


(Please add text references cited at the conference and general comments)    (2VQ)