Collaborative Expedition Workshop #53, Tuesday, August 15, 2006 at NSF (359M)
Open Collaboration: Networking Semantic Interoperability Across Distributed Organizations and Their Ontologies (359N)
- Purpose / Description (35UL)
- Key Questions (36Y4)
- Logistics (35UM)
- Agenda (Print Version) (35UN)
- Resources (35UV)
- Upcoming Events (35UO)
- Workshop Followup (35UP)
Purpose / Description: (35V0)
- Participants will explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary and community-based collaboration around national challenges. By drawing on strategic leadership and "best practices" underway, participants will learn how to conduct open collaboration in their own settings. Growing Communities of Practice will benefit from knowledge-sharing including: (36X8)
- COLAB: Collaborative Work Environment Community Wiki (36X9)
- open standards development (36XA)
- web-based collaboration environments (36XB)
- ontologies for efficient information-sharing, semantic interoperability, and IPV6 (36XC)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Data Reference Model V2.0 and the SICoP Knowledge Reference Model Implementation in Wikis and Semantic Wikis (36XD)
- Convergence of the DRM 2.0 and the FEA Security and Privacy Profile Version 2.0 (36XE)
- Community to national scale needs and applications (36XF)
Logistics: (35UQ)
- RSVP for badge to be waiting: (359O)
- /VenueLogistics_2006_08_15 (Including NSF visitor center check-in and lap-top screening requirements, as well as remote participation information) (359P)
- Visiting the NSF (359Q)
- Balston Area Hotels (359R)
- File Repository (35DB)
- Confirmed Participants (35UR)
DRAFT AGENDA (as of August 13, 2006): (35UW)
- 8:30 am - Check-in and Coffee (359T)
- 8:40 am - Welcome and Overview (359U)
- SusanTurnbull, JohnYanosy, MarcWine, KonstantinosTarabanis, MillsDavis, and BrandNiemann (359V)
- Effectively and Efficiently Managing the Transition to IPv6 (36VS)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Security and Privacy Profile 2.0, June 1, 2006: PDF and DKR (36WO)
- SusanTurnbull, JohnYanosy, MarcWine, KonstantinosTarabanis, MillsDavis, and BrandNiemann (359V)
- 9:00 am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (359W)
Keynote: The Net-Centric Operations Industry Consortium Semantic Services and Information Interoperability Working Group (359X)
- 9:30 am - John Yanosy, Chair, NCOIC-SII WG (3596)
- Presentations at NCOIC Semantic Interoperability Workshop, August 1, 2006 (37D5)
- Semantic Congruence and Interoperability, February 24, 2006 (35AI)
- Semantic Interoperability and Semantic Congruence, February 1, 2006 (35AJ)
- 10:15 am - BREAK (35A0)
Presentation: Integrated, Interoperable and Collaborative Systems: Architecture and Engineering Paradigm (35AK)
- 10:30 am - Enterprise and Inter-Enterprise Information Quality through Semantic Interoperability and Ontology Systems, Matthew K. Hettinger, CEO and Chief Architect, Mathet Consulting, Inc. (35C5)
Presentation: Semantic interoperability for the DoD Computerized Medical Record System using various standard medical ontologies which are proprietary. (35B5)
- 11:15 am - Mike Cummens, MD, Consultant to Northrop Grumman (35A2)
- 12 noon-1 pm - Networking Lunch (on your own) (35A7)
What's New: The Consortium in charge of the SemanticGov Project Providing Integrated Public Services to Citizens at the National and Pan-European level with the use of Emerging Semantic Web Technologies – FP6-2004-IST-4-027517 (35UH)
- 1 pm Konstantinos Tarabanis (CERTH) and Vassilios Peristeras (CERTH) (confirmed, then due to the current travel conditions and travel advisories issued for Europe they had to cancell travel - to be presented at October 10-11th Conference - time slot to be filled), Representing CERTH/ITI, which is the SemanticGov project coordinator. (35UI)
What's New: CIMA and Semantic Interoperability for Networked Instruments and Sensors (Note: CIMA is Common Instrument Middleware Architecture) (385A)
- 1 pm Donald F. (Rick) McMullen, Pervasive Technology Labs at Indiana University (385B)
Presentation: Cross-Domain Semantic Interoperability via Common Upper Ontologies (35A8)
- 1:25 pm - Jim Schoening (confirmed-remote), US Army and Lead, SICoP Common Upper Ontology WG (35AP)
Presentation: Representation of UDEF in RDF/OWL (35B4)
- 1:45 pm - Ron Schuldt, Chair, The Open Group UDEF Forum (35AD)
Presentation: Extending Semantic Interoperability To Legacy Systems and an Unpredictable Future (35B7)
- 2:15 pm - John Sowa , VivoMind Intelligence, Inc., (35B8)
- This talk discusses issues of semantic interoperability, the role of ontology, and the requirements for supporting a graceful migration from legacy systems and for accommodating unexpected circumstances that may arise in the future. A central theme is the role of formal systems of logic, ontology, and knowledge representation. (389L)
- To provide some perspective on current systems and the potential for the future, it begins with a survey of some historical developments in computer science and artificial intelligence. (36YJ)
- Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations, Brooks Cole Publishing Co., Pacific Grove, CA, ©2000. Actual publication date, 16 August 1999 (35B9)
- Problems of Ontology, May 16, 2006, ONTAC WG Email Forum (35BA)
- 3 pm - BREAK (35AR)
Presentation: A 5D Model of a Semantic Wiki and Working with Your Ontologies With A Full Ontology Packaging and Change Management System - The VK Semantic Wiki (35B6)
- 3:15 pm - Mills Davis, SICoP Co-Chair, and Conor Shankey (remote), CEO, VisualKnowledge, and OWL ED Committee for the ISCW 2006 Conference (35AQ)
- See July 18, 2006, Workshop Followup and Comments (37XE)
- See August 4, 2006, SWIM Conference Call (37XC)
- 4 pm - Discussion of Next Steps (35AT)
- Key Questions: (36XX)
- Are ontologies part of your semantic interoperability strategy? If so, what role do/will they play? (36XY)
- What are the essential elements of an ontology or ontologies for your organization? (36XZ)
- Do you have a set of guidelines for building and using ontologies? (36Y0)
- Based on your experience with ontologies, what are the problems to avoid? (36Y1)
- What are your concerns about ontologies? (36Y2)
- Are there aspects of current ontology building and networking technology that you find inadequate for meeting your needs? (36Y3)
- Key Questions: (36XX)
- 4:30 - 5 pm - ADJOURN AND NETWORKING (35AU)
- Waitlisted Presentation: (35C4)
- Robert Steele, CEO, OSS.Net, Inc. (see File Repository three documents) (35DC)
- A Wiki for Business Rules in Open Vocabulary Executable English, Adrian Walker, Adrian Walker, Reengineering (37DK)
Resources: (35UX)
- The Semantic Web Revisited, Shadbolt, Hall, and Berners-Lee, IEEE Intelligent Systems, May / June 2006 (37BQ)
- Excerpt: Some people perceive ontologies as topdown, somewhat authoritarian constructs— unrelated, or only tenuously related, to people’s actual practice, to the variety of potential tasks in a domain, or to the operation of context. (Reference 14) This perception might be related to the idea of developing a single consistent Ontology of Everything—like Cyc, (Reference 15) for example. Such a wide-ranging and all-encompassing ontology might well have interesting applications, but it clearly won’t scale and its use can’t be enforced. (37DI)
- Why the World is Ready for the Semantic Web, Dan Zambonini, June 28, 2006 (37BR)
- The Net-Centric Operations Industry Consortium Modeling, Simulation, and Demonstration Working Group, Bob Marcus, NCOIC, Modeling, Simulation, and Demonstration (MSD) Working Group Leader (schedule conflict-invited for October 10-11th) (37DJ)
- Service Definition Framework uses OWL-S and WSDL-S to describe service interfaces. The author Chris Bashioum ( SDF could be a bridge between SCBA and SCA. (See attached SOA-M&S-Systems-Engineering slides 1 and 2). More information on Service Definition Framework is under the Help Contents at including background overview (37DO)
- A GH-Based Ontology to Support Applications for Automating Decision Support, March 2005 (35AL)
- C2IEDM Ontology (35AM)
- C2IEDM Overview and relationship to JC3IEDM descendant (35AV)
- C2IEDM and Army (35AW)
- Andreas Tolk's evaluation of C2IEDM as an Ontology (35AX)
- OWL Ontology for a subset of C2IEDM (35AY)
- Curt Blais of NPS on CBML and C2IEDM (35AZ)
- Ontologies on top of C2IEDM (35B0)
- SUMO (35B1)
Upcoming Events: (35HE)
- August 21, 2006, Best Practices Committee Meeting (35YG)
- September 13, 2006, KM WG Special Session on Networking EA and KM at the Enterprise Architecture 2006 Conference, September 11-13. (35O7)
- September 18, 2006 Best Practices Committee Meeting (35YH)
- September 19, 2006 - Open Collaboration: Networking Financial Management Communities (373E)
- October 10-11, 2006, Fifth Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference at MITRE, McLean, Virginia (35O8)
- October 12, 2006, Chief Architects Forum (35QZ)
- October 16, 2006 Best Practices Committee Meeting (35YI)
- October 30-31, 2006, Second Service Oriented Architecture for E-government Conference at MITRE, McLean, Virginia (35O9)
- November 8-9, 2006, The Federal CIO Bootcamp (36DZ)
- November 20, 2006 Best Practices Committee Meeting (35YK)
- December 18, 2006 Best Practices Committee Meeting (35YL)
- DoD 2010 Research Directions for Information Sharing Conference, November 30-December 1, 2006 (35B3)
Workshop Comments, Synopsis, and Followup: (35UZ)
- Comments: (389H)
- Thanks for an excellent meeting yesterday – I can away ideas for our project. Your speakers always seem to plant interesting thoughts. I would definitely like to attend both of the OCT meetings. Thanks again for your outstanding work. (3884)
- Just dropping a line to let you know I enjoyed the Aug 15th workshop (389I)
- Thanks for yesterday's SICoP event at NSF. Just in case you don't know, I have to come from an east coast city for these, so I always weigh the value of a trip. Seeing John Sowa speak was well worth it. I guess it's a function of age, but somehow HISTORY & what has come before takes on increased importance. Only "complaint" was the agenda was too packed & there wasn't enough face time with new people interested in this vastly complex challenge. (389K)
- Synopsis (BrandNiemann): The common theme in the first two presentations was need for explict semantics in all parts of the system and the third presentation referred to the 'Second level of Semantic Interoperability' in the second presentation. More to be added. (3883)
- Three New Pilots Using the Semantic Wiki (BrandNiemann): (385D)
- 1. Net-Ready Sensors: Create Ontologies for: The Workshop Content, The Standards, and The Data Models. See Slides 30-32. (385E)
- August 2-3, 2006, Net-Ready Sensors: The Way Forward Workshop (385F)
- August 10, 2006, Initial Organization of Workshop Content (385G)
- September 12, 2006, Presentation at the NIST Net-Ready Standards Harmonization Meeting (385H)
- 2. Terrorist Watch List Person Exchange Standard (TWPDES) (385I)
- August 9, 2006, Meeting Documents & Minutes (password for government only required) (385J)
- September 13, 2006, Next Meeting (385K)
- 3. Agile Financial Data Services CoP (in process) (385L)
- February 10, 2006, Digital Harbor Composite Financial Applications (385P)
- June 27, 2006, XBRL Event at the FDIC Conference Center, Increasing the Value and Timeliness of Business Information Using XBRL DRM 2.0 Composite Applications (385M)
- October 11, 2006, Session at the 5th Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference (385N)
- 1. Net-Ready Sensors: Create Ontologies for: The Workshop Content, The Standards, and The Data Models. See Slides 30-32. (385E)