Collaborative Expedition Workshop #46, Tuesday, December 6, 2005 at NSF    (2ZZY)

Advancing Toward Credible Agreements Around Information Sharing Environments, Governance, and Data Architecture    (2ZZ7)

Inclement Weather Notice:    (30GF)


Purpose / Description    (2ZZA)

Participants will explore opportunities for potentially generalizable information integration approaches and multi-disciplinary collaboration in common challenges. Scenarios for building stewardship practices will include collaborative prototyping around the DRM 2.0, recent advances in government knowledge management, and ontologies for bioinformatics.    (303Z)

In Light of this Purpose, How are We Building Collaboration Readiness and Discernment? Key Workshop Questions:    (303S)

  1. How can multiple communities from diverse sectors work together using relevant scenarios to build stewardship practices that support readiness and realization of shared missions?    (303T)
  2. How is the emerging maturity of notation systems generally, including the DRM abstract model, enabling multiple notation (modeling) systems to reinforce and map to one another, while contributing to current demands for real-time readiness and visibility of the "whole picture"?    (303U)
  3. How can the capacities of trust, agility, and accountability be achieved through federated stewardship among communities still building common ground and understanding?    (303V)
  4. How can Communities of Interest define their identities, roles, and governance relationships in a manner that reinforces their individual and collective capacities?    (303W)

The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers. The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. The Data Reference Model, in particular, will provide a concrete means for improving the capacity for mission-related sharing, while also increasing the downstream value of strategic information assets.    (303X)

/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice    (303Y)

8:30am - Check-in and Coffee    (2ZZC)

8:45am - Welcome and Overview    (2ZZD)

SusanTurnbull, GSA, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, AIC Representative to DRM WG, and Co-chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development    (302U)

BrandNiemann, EPA, Chair, Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice, SICoP, DRM Implementation Through Iteration and Testing: Performing    (302V)

9:00am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose?    (2ZZF)

9:30am - The DRM 2.0 - On to Performing The group practices its craft and becomes effective in meeting its objectives. (See the Tuckman Model of Team Development: Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing)    (2ZZG)

Michael Daconta, Enterprise Data Manager, U.S. Department of Homeland Security    (2ZZH)

10:15am - Knowledge Management is defined as the integration of people and processes, enabled by technology, to facilitate the exchange of operationally relevant information and expertise to increase organizational performance. (See The Department of Navy Knowledge Management Strategy)    (2ZZI)

Jim Knox, Chief Knowledge Officer, Department of Navy, Office of the Chief Information Officer    (30GI)

11:00am - BREAK    (2ZZK)

11:15 - Introduction to the Semantic Web for Bioinformatics, KenBaclawski, Northeastern University    (30FW)

12:00 noonNetworking Lunch (on own)    (2ZZM)

1:00pm - DRM Implementation Through Iteration and Testing Pilots Introduction - Brand Niemann, SICoP Chair    (2ZZN)

(1) BioCAD and VisualOwl - Scientists Working Together to Build Ontologies and Knowledgebases    (2ZZS)

Conor Shankey, CEO, VisualKnowledge, NCOR Technical Committee, and Chair OWL Conference 2006    (2ZZT)

(2) Boston Children's Hospital "smart search" and Semantic UMLS Ontology-based Professional Language Processing PubMed Search    (30GG)

Michael Belanger, Co-founder & President, SemanTxLife Sciences, Knowledge in Context    (2ZZO)

(3) Universal Data Element Framework (UDEF) The Semantic DNS and a Disaster Response Pilot Use Case and Video    (3047)

Ron Schuldt, UDEF Chair & Lockheed Martin    (3048)

(4) Net-Centric Data Management and Interoperable Enterprise Content Management (iECM) - Update on Activities and Implications for the DRM Testing and GSA/RFI    (2ZZU)

Mills Davis, TopQuadrant, NCOR Outreach Committee, and Member of the iECM Team    (2ZZV)

3:00pmOpen discussion: Exploration of potential commonalities in technology or approach    (2ZZW)

4:00pm - ADJOURN    (2ZZX)

Upcoming Schedule for DRM Implementation Through Iteration and Testing Pilots:    (30AM)

Future Workshop Presentation Proposals:    (307C)

Quality Analysis of Web Ontology Language Ontologies on the Web (Poster Presentation at the National Center for Ontological Research Inaugural Event, October 27, 2005). Of the nearly 5000 OWL files on the Web, les than 30% were found to parse in a ontology reasoner (Racer). The implications of this finding are discussed.    (2ZZR)

Robert Warren (Confirmed), Doctoral Candidate, Schoool of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Canada    (2ZZZ)

Resources:    (30AP)