Collaborative Expedition Workshop #38, February 22, 2005 at NSF (2P1I)
Semantic Conflict, Mapping, and Enablement: Making Commitments Together (2P1J)
Purpose/ Description (2P1L)
How can Communities of Practice build the capacity needed for shared understanding and governance around new mission responsibilities for data stewardship and sharing? How can emerging standards-based protocols (RDF, OWL, Topic Maps) improve collaboration around problem-centered, intergovernmental scenarios? In the realm of semantic technologies, conflict and context is the crux of everything. In light of this reality what is the potential for creating Public Information Environments that Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships? (2IOY)
The reason why semantic technologies exist at all is because of the unavoidable fact of semantic conflict. Software engineers cannot escape it; business leaders pay a hefty price because of it. The only way semantic conflict can be dealt with successfully is by fully understanding the context in which the conflict exists. In fact, context is crucial regardless of whether software engineers program a solution in a popular programming language or model the solution in a scalable data representation modeling language. So, whether Java is used or OWL is used, the engineer and analysts will always have to understand the business context that created a given data conflict. Source: Chapter 5. Semantic Conflict Solution Patterns in "Adaptive Information – Improving Business Through Semantic Interoperability, Grid Computing & Enterprise Integration," Wiley-Interscience by Pollock and Hodgson. Also see Achieving Semantic Interoperability (DKR Version). (2IKE)
/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (8XV)
/VenueLogistics_2005_02_22 (8Y4)
Attendees (8Y5)
1. Agenda (8Y7)
8:30 a.m. - Check-in, Lunch Order ($8.00/person) and Coffee (8Y8)
8:45 a.m. - Welcome and Introduction (8Y9)
- (2P1H)
- SusanTurnbull, GSA, Co-Chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Social Economic and Workforce Implications of IT Coordinating Group, NITRD (8YB)
- BrandNiemann, EPA, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Semantic Interoperability CoP Semantic Interoperability, Ontology and Their Potential for Federal Information Sharing (2IFE)
- MikeDaconta, DHS, Meta Data Program Manager, Center of Excellence and Lead, DRM WG, Formal Taxonomies for the U.S. Government (2IFF)
- JohnMcManus, NASA, Co-Chair, Emerging Technology Subcomittee (AIC) and CTO, NASA (8YD)
- OwenAmbur, Emerging Technology Subcommittee (AIC) and Co-Chair, Government XML CoP, Emerging Technology Life-Cycle Management Process (8YE)
- IraGrossman, Chair, Chief Architects' Forum, (AIC) and Chief Enterprise Architect, NOAA (8YF)
- PeterYim, Ontolog Forum (8YG)
- AndyReamer, National Infrastructure for Community Statistics Community of Practice (8YH)
- KathyCovert, Project Manager, Geospatial Digital Rights Management Policy Forum and member, Federal Geospatial Data Consortium (DKR Background) (2IGH)
9:00 a.m. - Introduction to FEA DRM Success Strategy - MikeDaconta, Meta Data Program Manager, Center of Excellence, DHS and Lead, DRM WG (DKR Background) (8YI)
Introduction to the Data Reference Model Public Forum (2IPY)
9:30 a.m. - Netcentric Semantic Linking: An Approach for Enterprise Semantic Interoperability(Paper) (DKR Version) and PowerPoint Presentation, MaryPulvermacher, MITRE (8UV)
As threats around the world become ever more complex, the Department of Defense (DoD) must seek ways to minimize the lag time required for synthesizing information and providing the resultant intelligence to the Warfighter. Key to this goal is providing a Command and Control (C2) machine to machine (M2M) environment where rapid and flexible exchange of information with new, and often unanticipated, trading partners is possible. (1TYJ)
This research explored Network Centric Semantic Linking as a potential solution for integration across the U.S. Military C2 Enterprise. We automated portions of the target validation process to show how semantic linking across military domains could meet a real mission need. We built OWL ontologies to capture concepts in the Air Operations Database (AODB) and the Military Intelligence Database (MIDB). (1TYK)
- Some key questions for discussion: (8VA)
- John Sowa, author of Knowledge Representation: Logical, Philosophical, and Computational Foundations, 2000 has defined "semantic distance" (see under "prototype-based ontology" to compute the dissimilarity between two entities. Does this apply to the semantic linking (mapping) problem? (8VG)
- Cheng Hian Goh's Dissertation at MIT entitled "Representing and Reasoning About Semantic Conflicts in Heterogeneous Information Systems, 1997 provides a framework for categorizing and solving semantic conflicts. Does this framework help the semantic linking (mapping) problem? (8VM)
10:30 a.m. - BREAK (1TYL)
10:45 a.m.- Collaborative Approach to Ontology Design: Innovator Perspectives and Demonstrations of New Open Standards and Technologies in Support of Ontology Engineering (8YJ)
COVE - Collaborative Ontology Visualization and Evolution, TopQuadrant (Allemang, Polikoff, and Hodgson) and NASA Ames Research Center (PaulKeller, remote participant) (DKR Version) (2IKJ)
Large aerospace efforts have intense requirements for semantic collaboration, in order to enhance project communication and reduce mission risk. The key element in this approach is the Ontology - a strucutured set of concepts and relationships between them that allow data from different souces to interact, in predictable and consistent ways. The first generation of COVE addresses design and reuse of ontologies and has produced promising case studies. The next generation of COVE will build on the first phase to provide comprehensive support throughout the engineering and mission support lifecycle. (8RW)
- Some key questions for discussion: (8RX)
- Can the five approaches to ontology design (inspirational, induction, eduction, synthesis, and collaboration) be used in the government context to gain ontological committments (social contracts) to begin the ontological engineering process in support of enterprise architecture? (8S2)
- Can workflow move from document creation to model creation? (8S3)
- Can a model-based approach to sharing meaningful information between knowledge workers be implemented? (8S5)
Presentation as PDF file (2KMS)
11:15 a.m. - Semantic Integration Using A Bottom-Up Approach, by MichelBiezunski and SteveNewcomb, Coolheads Consulting (2IP3)
There are two approaches to the problem of integrating information, and both are important. The "top-down" approach emphasizes modeling uniformity and modeling power; it generally means defining models and persuading providers of information to understand them, and to make the information they provide conform to them. The bottom-up approach emphasizes modeling diversity and minimality; the idea is to take whatever information is available, and, with or without the provider's cooperation, to try to make one or more kinds of sense out of it. Each kind of sense is reflected in an ad-hoc model that captures only as much of the internal consistency of the incoming information as was needed for the sense that needed to be made. Our presentation will focus on the bottom-up approach, with the purpose of showing that it offers vital benefits, and that it is feasible, robust, exportable, maintainable and interchangeable. (Slides from our recent tutorial on a related subject: (2IP5)
11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. - Networking Lunch (video optional) (8YO)
Tim Berners-Lee Semantic Web 101 Talk at the MIT Emerging Technologies Conference, September 29, 2004 (8UO)
12:45 p.m.- Policy Content at SSA: Using XML and Semantic Metadata TerryHynes, PolicyNet, Program Manager, Social Security Administration, and DuaneDegler, Strategic Designer, Lockhead Martin/IPGems (8YM)
PolicyNet is a content management and delivery system designed for the SSA's 70,000 front-line employees. A new content navigation and management approach has moved to a pilot status for online disability cases using an ontology of SSA knowledge along with a metadata engine that maps to an XML database. About 250,000 pages of manuals and documents will be broken down into a more granular form and tagged with XML - initial pilot content is managed by about six subject matter experts and field employees familiar with disability filings to help case workers find bits of information for common scenarios that case workers encounter. (8SF)
1:15 p.m. - Developing Semantic Technologies in a Collaborative Work Environment - PeterYim (2IGF)
In this presentation, the speaker will share his insight on how we can collaboratively develop semantic technologies through engaging virtual open communities. He will be citing case examples from projects and communities of practice that he has been involved in -- including those from the Ontolog Forum, OASIS, the CIM3-CWE system development team, and the AC/UNU Millennium Project. Through these examples, he will examine the efficacy of the work environment and the organizational form that are being employed. (2IK6)
The speaker will argue for (i) a holistic application of collaboration in tools, process and people, (ii) open communities of practice, and (iii) virtual enterprising over "Fishnet" organizations. Parallels between innovations from the Silicon Valley and potential promises of these endeavors will be examined. He concludes that these approaches will likely give us the agility we need; allowing us to be more innovative, and to be highly effective in a knowledge economy. However, he also warns that the key to true collaboration will lie in our own "attitude towards sharing". (2IK7)
Wicked Problem - a problem whose definition changes more rapidly that the architecting of its solution; e.g. hysteresis. (MarkFrautschi) (2KMY)
David Bohm's five principles of dialogue. (RalphHodgson) (2KN0)
1:45 p.m. - Federal Web Content Managers Forum-Weblogs, RSS Feeds, etc. - John Gladstone, NAL/USDA (8UA)
2:15 p.m. - 2:30 p.m - BREAK (2IIN)
2:30 p.m. - Who is Here? Who is Missing? What's the News from CoPs? (8YN)
- International Standard for Interoperable Enterprise Content Management(IECM) - CoP formed Paul Fontaine, FAA, and Ed Chase, Adobe, and Betsy Fanning, AIIM (8T9)
- Proposed e-Componentry Open Source Syndicate (eCOSS) CoP Carl Mattocks, (8TB)
- DAML: Winter 2004 Winter PI Meeting (Mike Dean, BBN - (8TC)
- Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group, Tom Adams, Tucana Technologies INVITED (Also see (8TE)
- DAML and SICoP: Semantic Web for National Security Applications (SWANS) Conference, April 7-8, 2005 Registration and Agenda Web Site (8TG)
- SICoP's Semantic Community of Practice Enablement (SCOPE) Efforts in Support of SICoP Modules 2(Business Case Examples) and 3 (Implementation) and the Upcoming SWANS Conference. (8TK)
- Ontolog Forum: (8TL)
- Invitation to join us at the inaugural event for our "Scheduled Discussion" Series - Discussion Topic: Ontologies & Meta-ontologies: practical considerations - Thu 2005.02.24 1:30pm~3:30pm EST (2K4I)
- Response to Request for Information by the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Development and Adoption of a National Health Information Network, November 15, 2004 (8TP)
- Joint SICoP-Ontolog effort in a health domain ontology presentation/demo (2K01)
- as a follow-up to our Semantic Harmonization (EIDX) work, we made a Response to UN/CEFACT's request for comment on the ebXML CCTS (Core Component Technical Specifications) v2.01 (2IK4)
- Posted updates to SUMO and all the domain ontologies (12/17/2004) (8TS)
- Environmental Health Science Cross-Domain Ontology Research (EHS-CORE) Project, Jane Greenburg, Associate Professor, School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (SILS/UNC-CH), Abe Crystal, Research Assistant and Doctoral Student (SILS/UNC-CH), and W. Davenport Robertson, Library Director, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (8TZ)
- Ontology Tools Survey, Revisited, MichaelDenny, (8U1)
- SemWebCentral is an Open Source development web site for the Semantic Web. One purpose of SemWebCentral is to support the Semantic Web community by providing a free, centralized place for Open Source developers to manage Semantic Web software and content development. The other purpose is to provide resources for developers or other interested parties to learn about the Semantic Web and how to begin developing Semantic Web content and software. (8U8)
-, Syndicated News Feed Directory - the world's largest directory of reviewed RSS and Atom news feeds in continuous operations since 2001 - the hub of a large community of content producers and comnsumers, offering free membership to all those interested with an interest in the topic. Bill Kearney (INVITED) (8ZR)
- Process Recombination: An Ontology Based Approach for Business Process Re-Design, By Abraham Bernstein (INVITED), Department of Information Technology, University of Zürich. See Malone, T.W., Crowston, K., and Herman, G.A.(eds.) Organizing Business Knowledge: The MIT Process Handbook. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003. (8UL)
- The Protege Ontologies Library contains an Ontology for Geographic Information - Metadata ( ISO 19115:2003 ) along with a List of OWL Ontologies based on Norms Like ISO developed by a team at Drexel University and PCI Geomatics headed by Akm Saiful Islam The latest version of the ontology is found at Version 2.0 (August 27, 2004) (8SU)
- This work is very relevant to the refinement of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Data Reference Model (DRM) to include geospatial data, semantic profiles, etc. being piloted under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security (Mike Daconta, Metadata Program Manager). Some key questions for discussion: (8T0)
- Collaborative ontology design promotes ontological commitments and provides a mechanism whereby multiple individuals' viewpoints about the domain are considered, possibly coupled with an initial ontology as an anchor (c.f. A Collaborative Approach to Ontology Design, Clyde W. Holsapple and Joshi, K.D., Communications of the ACM, February 2002, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 42 - 47.) (8YK)
- Brief report on NASA's nearly 300 CoPs mentioned at the December 9th Workshop (2IGD)
- Simplify Enterprise Architecture - We can simplify Enterprise Architecture by clearly separating architecture task from system engineering design. (The enterprise is a system.) Traditional frameworks, a data documentation method combines the two and can obscure the fundamentals by introducing too much detail too soon. Seeking feedback - Alex Pavlak (2KMX)
3:45 p.m. - Reflections from workshop presenters and participants (8YW)
4:15 p.m. - ADJOURN (8YX)
2. Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (8YY)
The Collaborative Expedition workshops serve individuals and policy-makers from all sectors: government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form that advances realization of the citizen-centric government goal of the President’s Management Agenda. Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around the potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions of individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be expressed more effectively in their respective settings. Workshop sponsors, including, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council and National Coordination Office of the Interagency Committee on IT R&D (Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group) value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, that leverage the collaborative capacity of united and diverse Americans seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (8YZ)
A key finding of the past year, is the need to apply emerging technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up the innovation pipeline with better linkages among business incubators (state economic development programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Many of the agile business components surfacing in the small business innovation world are not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for both parties. (8Z0)
3. Past Workshop Archives, Collaborative Pilots, and Related Resources (8Z1)
- (8Z2)
- SICoP (8Z5)
- ChiefArchitectsForum (8Z6)
- (8Z7)
- (8Z4)
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Brief Tour of Highlights from Three Sites (click on View Now to launch control panel for pause, resume page progression, speed-up; please disable your pop-up blocker on your browser) (8ZA)
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