Collaborative Expedition Workshop #48, Tuesday, February 21, 2006 at the National Science Foundation (31EW)
Networking the Geospatial and DRM Communities: Piloting Profiles, Metadata Harmonization, and Semantic Interoperability (31EX)
- /VenueLogistics_2006_02_21 (Including NSF visitor center check-in and lap-top screening requirements, as well as remote participation information) (31EY)
Purpose / Description (31F0)
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers. (31ZG)
The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. The Data Reference Model, along with the GeoSpatial Profile v1.1 will provide a concrete means for improving the capacity for mission-related sharing, across government boundaries, while also increasing the downstream value of strategic information assets. (31ZE)
This workshop is intended to: (31Z6)
- Build on the previous GeoSpatial workshop: Toward a National Unified Geospatial Enterprise Architecture: Seeing the Way Forward Together, March 15, 2005, Collaborative Expedition Workshop, that resulted in the formation of the GeoSpatial Community of Practice. (31F2)
- Promote understanding of the new FEA Geospatial Line of Business, Geospatial Profile Release Document, and Proposed GEOSS Wiki: Geospatial Profile Draft Version 1.0, January 10, 2006 and Dynamic Repository Version 0.3-to be updated soon (31F4)
- Explore opportunities for information-sharing, stewardship practices around the recent Data Reference Model v2.0 in support of Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) Across Federal and State Governments. See Data Reference Model. (31ZD)
- Leverage the learning from the DRM 2.0/ SICoP Semantic Interoperability Pilots presented at the Fourth Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference. (3243)
- Advance understanding about how to leverage the new Geospatial Metadata Harmonization Activities and the New USGS Metadata Community of Practice Addressing Metadata Beyond Geospatial Referenced Data. (31F8)
In Light of this Purpose, How are We Building Collaboration Readiness and Discernment? Key Workshop Questions: (31F9)
- Does the FEA GeoSpatial Profile v1.1 and the FEA DRM v2.0 provide a unified framework to build the capacity needed for information-sharing in emergency response and disaster management? To what extent do these two FEA constructs reinforce one another and advance real-time readiness and visibility of the "whole picture" in an unfolding scenario? (31Z8)
- How can the GeoSpatial and DRM Communities define their identities, roles, and governance relationships in a manner that reinforces their individual and collective capacities? (31Z7)
- What governance mechanisms are critical to achieving the agility needed by all parties in uncertain situations? Have these governance mechanisms been addressed? (31Z9)
- As common understanding of the DRM and GeoSpatial Profile is achieved, how readily can this knowledge be applied to other domains? (31ZA)
- How can the capacities of trust, agility, and accountability be achieved through federated stewardship among communities still building common ground and understanding? (31ZB)
/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (31FB)
8:30am - Check-in and Coffee (31FC)
8:45am - Welcome and Overview (31FD)
SusanTurnbull, GSA-OIS, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, and Co-chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Coordinating Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (31FE)
BrandNiemann, EPA, Chair, Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice, SICoP, SOA for the AIC and SOA CoP and National Association of Regional Councils (NARC) (31FF)
9:00am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (31FG)
9:30am - The New FEA Geospatial Line of Business, Geospatial Profile Release Document, and Proposed GEOSS Wiki (31FH)
Brenda Smith, GIO, U.S. EPA (confirmed) (31G9)
- Geospatial Profile Fact Sheet at the Geospatial Community of Practice Site (32FX)
- See Administration proposes three new Lines of Business for 2007 (322H)
10:00am - Evaluating the Geospatial Profile: Pilot Efforts (31FJ)
Doug Nebert, Technical Lead, FGDC (confirmed) (31GA)
10:15am - BREAK (31FL)
10:30am - Geospatial Semantic Web: An Interoperability Experience (31KR)
Joshua Lieberman, Traverse Technologies and Dave Kolas, BBN (confirmed) (31KS)
- The recently concluded GSW.IE began with a simple geospatial intelligence query and ended with two demonstrations, several ontologies, and an initial services architecture for semantically enabled geospatial discovery and access. Both the results of the IE and something of the road forward, particularly within OGC activity areas, will be covered. (31LH)
- See March 15, 2005 Workshop (31LI)
11:15am - Semantic Interoperability at Work: Improving Rapid First Response - What Does Semantic Interoperability Mean in Geospatial Context? (31FM)
Barbara Allen, TARGUS info (confirmed) (31GB)
12:00 - Networking Lunch (on own) (31FO)
1:00pm - KnowledgeSmarts™ - Geospatial Semantic Technology (31FP)
Yaser Bishr, Harry Chen, and Timothy Eveleigh, Image Matters, LLC (confirmed) (31FQ)
1:45pm - The Geospatial Knowledge Base Prototype at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) (31FR)
Danielle Forsyth, Thetus (confirmed) (31FS)
2:30pm - Geospatial Working Group Metadata Focus Group (GWG MFG), Geospatial Metadata Harmonization Activities (31FT)
Shawn Silkensen, Lockheed Martin (confirmed) (31FU)
3:15pm - USGS Metadata Community of Practice-Addressing Metadata Beyond Geospatial Referenced Data (31FV)
Sharon Shin, FGDC Metadata Coordinator, USGS (confirmed-remote presentation) (31FW)
3:30 - The Sub-State District/Regional Council as a Geospatial Unit of Analytical Geography for the United States Shenandoah Valley Pilot Project (31KU)
- A Regional Council which has a need for Geospatial and other data for planning within our five county, one city region, the Northern Shenandoah Valley as well as for support of our multi-region, multi-state planning for the Shenandoah Valley Watersheds which adds two WV counties and two Virginia counties and three cities. Since the inception of our water resources planning this region is also the location for SHENAIR - and air quality effort for the same geography. I became a participant after working on a special committee of the FGDC which led to my learning about Land VIEW6 (see LandView 6 Enviro QUEST Tutorials (1, 2, and 3-Audio)) and consequently becoming an advocate for its use, particularly for its potential to include aggregations of data by regional council area that could then add or subtract adjacent jurisdictions to get the political jurisdictions required. This is not a standard GIS routine, but would benefit from a simple add or subtract routine. I call this a "region builder function" and have forwarded this thought to the designers. (322T)
- References: NARC, EPA Region 4 Visual Knowledge Management, and EPA Region 3 Documents (31LJ)
4:00pm – Open Discussion (31FX)
All Participants (31FY)
4:30pm - ADJOURN (31FZ)
Upcoming Networking Among CoP events: (31G0)
- March 2, 2006, Ontolog Forum, Professor Asuman Dogac, Middle East Technical University (METU), Turkey, "Exploiting ebXML Registry Semantics in the eHealth Domain" (31G4)
- March 7-9, 2006, DRM 2.0 and Metadata @ FOSE 2006 (31GS)
- March 14, 2006, Collaborative Expedition Workshop and March 15, 2006, Upper Ontology Summit in conjunction with Interoperabilty Conference, March 13-17th sponsored by NIST's Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) program (31G5)
- March 21-23, 2006, USGS Science Information Management Workshop, Powell Building, Reston, Virginia. (322O)
- March 28, 2006, National Infrastructure for Community Statistics (NICS), Community of Practice Meeting, The Brookings Institution. (322P)
- April 18, 2006, Collaborative Expedition Workshop (31ZC)
- May 23-24, 2006, SOA for E-Government Conference, MITRE, McLean, Virginia (322Q)
- May 23, 2006, Collaborative Expedition Workshop (see SOA for E-Government Conference) (322R)
- June 20, 2006, Collaborative Expedition Workshop #52 at NSF. (322S)
- November 5-9, 2006, 5th International Semantic Web Conference, Athens, Georgia. SICoP involved in organizing Federal Government participation. (31G6)
- November 9-11, 2006, International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, Baltimore, USA. (31HJ)
Resources: (31G7)
- Networking Among Communities of Practice (31BN)
- Past Workshops and Upcoming Workshops (31ZF)
- The CIO Council's site/process facilitates the identification and discovery of, as well as the building of communities around, emerging technology components and specifications of interest to government agencies. (30QG)
- Perspectives on a Unifying Framework for the Federal Enterprise (30M4)