Past and Future Collaborative Expedition Workshops (3WNW)
Collaborative Expedition Workshop #73, May 20, 2008, at NSF, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 375 (3XKX)
Title: Potentials and Realities of Certification in Light of Open Technology Development (3WNZ)
A. Workshop Purpose (3WO0)
To explore the conducive conditions for certification within and across multiple critical cyberinfrastructures that share a common need for high confidence software and systems that advance national preparedness, public safety, and economic growth. (3WZQ)
The workshop will open up dialogue across multiple agencies and sectors exploring common realities and future potentials of certification strategies advancing public health, safety and welfare in both civil (transportation, health, environment) and cyberinfrastructure (software certification, security, information assurance, identity management, privacy) settings. (3WZR)
Key findings and recommendations from Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?, National Research Council, 2007 will be discussed. (3WO2)
B. Workshop Questions (3XKV)
How are technical advances, sources of supply, and interdependencies measuring up or falling short of national demands for high confidence in critical cyberinfrastructures? Have certification programs to mitigate risk kept pace with technology advances? If not, what needs to be done? Given the continuum of open systems architecture, what does the landscape for dependable software approaches look like today? What's missing? (3WO1)
Additional Workshop Questions (3XOJ)
C. DRAFT Agenda (3WOC)
8:30am - Check-in and Coffee (3WOD)
8:45am - Welcome and Overview (3WOE)
Susan Turnbull, GSA, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, AIC, and Co-chair, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development Working Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD SEW) (3WOF)
Richard N. Spivack, Ph.D., Economist, Impact Analysis Office Technology Innovation Program NIST and Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee, AIC, (3WYQ)
Helen Gill, Ph.D., Program Director, Computer-Communications Research Division, Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering , The National Science Foundation and co-chair High Confidence Software and Systems Interagency Working Group, Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD HCSS) (slides) (3WOG)
9:00am - Introductions: Attendee self introductions & brief statements of interests in light of the workshop purpose (3WOH)
9:30am - Clinical Scenarios and a Proposal to Use Device Integration for Improving Safety in High-Acuity Settings (3X55)
Julian M. Goldman, MD, Anesthesia and Biomedical Engineering, Director, Medical Device Interoperability Program, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Director, CIMIT Program on Interoperability and the Medical Device Plug-and-Play (MD PnP) Programs, Chair, Use Case Working Group, Continua Health Alliance, User Vice-Chair, ASTM Committee F 29 ... (slides) (3WOI)
10:15am - DISCUSSION (3WOJ)
10:30am - Cooperation, Human Systems Design, and Peer Production (3XOK)
Yochai Benkler, Berkman Professor of Entrepreneurial Legal Studies at Harvard, and faculty co-director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society (talk was pre-recorded on May 8, 2008 for the NASA – Ontolog – Knowledge Management WG session) ... (slides) (3XOL)
11:15am - Perspectives by multi-stakeholders (including Government regulatory officials) who deal with certification with an IT component and will reflect on current realities and future potentials for certification procedures) (3X50)
DavidBHoman, Air Force Research Laboratory, Control Systems Development and Applications, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (3X51)
Alan S. Kushner, Ph.D., Chief Technical Advisor, Research & Advanced Technology, National Transportation Safety Board (slides) (3XHV)
Brad Martin and Kris Britton, National Security Agency (3X53)
Paul Miner, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (3X54)
Paul Jones, Food and Drug Administration (slides) (3WON)
William Milam, United States Council for Automotive Research,(USCAR) (3XNK)
12:00pm – Networking Lunch (3WOO)
1:00pm – Multi-stakeholder Roundtable, con't. and Open Discussion (3WPH)
1:45pm – BREAK (3WOQ)
2:00pm - Break-out Sessions (3WOR)
- 1. What Works? (3WOS)
- 2. What Doesn't Work? (3WOT)
- 3. What do We Need to Create? (3WOU)
- 4. What do We Need to Know? (3WOV)
/Workshop_05_20_2008_BreakOutGroup_One (remote teleconference only) (3WOW)
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3:30 p.m. - Report out from Break-out sessions and Discussion (3WP2)
4:15 p.m. - Adjourn and Networking (3WP3)
E. DRAFT Resources (3WP4)
- Cooperation, Human Systems Design, and Peer Production, Prof. Yochai Benkler, Harvard University, presentation to NASA - Ontolog - KMWG mini-series session on May 8, 2008 (3XO4)
- Toward a Transparent Acquisition Marketplace for Increased Mission Agility with Open Technology Development, Collaborative Expedition Workshop #56, December 12, 2006 (3WP5)
- Software for Dependable Systems: Sufficient Evidence?, National Research Council, 2007 (3WP6)
- Director of National Intelligence Open Source Conference 2008, Sept. 11-12, 2008, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center (3XO3)
- Visions of Automation and Realities of Certification by Kelly Hayhurst and Michael Holloway of NASA Langley Research Center. (3XIB)
- Xen Summmit, Spring 2007 (3XIC)
- Assurance Cases: New Directions and New Opportunities, JohnCKnight, University of Virginia (3XN8)
- Helix: A Self-Regenerative Architecture (3XNG)
- The Provenance of Electronic Data, by Luc Moreau, Paul Groth, Simon Miles, Javier Vazquez-Salceda, John Ibbotson, Sheng Jang, Steve Munroe, Omer Rana, Andreas Screiber, Victor Tan, and Laszlo Varga, Communications of the ACM, April 2008, Volume 51, Number 4 (3WO6)
- Group Decision Support Using Toulmin Argument Structures, Terry Janssen and Andrew P. Sage, School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 22030 (3WP7)
- Electronic Commerce Code Management Association (ECCMA), Open Technical Directory - search results on certification (3WP8)
F. Workshop Series Background (3WP9)
Purpose and Audience: GSA's USA Services/ Intergovernmental leads monthly Collaborative Expedition workshops to advance the quality of citizen-government dialogue and collaborations at the crossroads of intergovernmental initiatives, Communities of Practice, Federal IT research and IT user agencies. The workshops seek to advance collaborative innovations in government and community services such as emergency preparedness, environmental monitoring, healthcare and law enforcement. (3WPA)
The workshops serve individuals from government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form, Intergovernmental Communities of Practice (CoPs), in light of the Citizen-Centric Government goal of the President’s Management Agenda and the Public Information Access provisions of the E-government Act of 2002. (3WPB)
Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions by individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be better expressed in their home and collaborative settings. By centering around people and the "whole system" challenges they organize around, IT design and development processes can mature with less risk and greater national yield of breakthrough performance. (3WPC)
Joint workshop sponsors in addition to GSA, include the Emerging Technology Subcommittee of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee and Coordinating Groups of the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, including, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development CG, High End Computing CG, High Confidence Software and Systems CG, Software Design and Productivity CG, and Human-Computer Interaction and Information Management CG. These organizations value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, to leverage the collaborative capacity of united, but diverse sectors of society, seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (3WPD)