Past and Future Collaborative Expedition Workshops (426W)
Collaborative Expedition Workshop #82, January 27, 2010, at NSF (426X)
4121 Wilson Blvd., Stafford II, Room 555 (426Y)
Title: Exploring Open Innovation: Opening Up Dialogue Across Service and Science Communities (426Z)
- How to RSVP, Workshop Location/ Directions, and Remote Teleconferencing (4270)
- A. Workshop Purpose (4271)
- B. Workshop Questions (4272)
- C. Agenda...Print Version (4273)
- D. Resources (4274)
- E. Workshop Series Background (4275)
A. Workshop Purpose (4276)
From Science and Technology Priorities for the FY2011 Budget (4277)
"...Agency budget submissions should also explain how the agency plans to take advantage of today's open innovation model - in which the whole chain from research to application does not have to take place within a single lab, agency, or firm - and becomes highly open to ideas from many players, at all stages. Agencies should empower their scientists to have ongoing contact with people who know what's involved in making and using things, from cost and competitive factors to the many practical constraints and opportunities that can arise when turning ideas into reality. Agencies should pursue transformational solutions to the Nation's practical challenges, and budget submissions should therefore explain how agencies will provide support for long-term, visionary thinkers proposing high-risk, high-payoff research...." P. Orszag, OMB and J. Holdren, OSTP, Aug. 4, 2009 Memorandum (4278)
Participants will explore emerging open innovation practices and potentials that are "in the air" and flourishing throughout the United States and around the world. (4279)
At a time when Open Government, Open Innovation principles are re-shaping global, national, and local government approaches to grand challenges, and virtual collaborations are becoming commonplace in science and service settings, this workshop will explore the potentials and realities of this dynamic "frontier space". An accelerated pace of discovery that benefits society is possible when shared understanding is achieved across diverse communities. This quality of knowing, in turn, becomes an innovation catalyst for "Bootstrapping Collective IQ", as DougEngelbart would say, toward human progress that is not hobbled, but strengthened, by appreciation of our differences. (427A)
It is likely that how we design our knowledge sharing environments (including scientific knowledge that will influence policy-making and innovation) will play a pivotal role in the continued vitality and creativity of our 21st century democracy. The workshop will open up dialogue to facilitate "bootstrapping" among multiple frontier communities and institutions committed to advancing civic design in the public realm, including scientific, educational, and cultural heritage institutions. (427B)
"It is probably true quite generally that in the history of human thinking the most fruitful developments frequently take place at those points where two different lines of thought meet. These lines may have their roots in quite different parts of human culture, in different times or different cultural environments or different religious traditions: hence if they actually meet, that is, if they are at least so much related to each other that a real interaction can take place, then one may hope that new and interesting developments may follow." Werner Heisenberg (427C)
"Creativity is a process that can be observed only at the intersection where individuals, domains, and fields intersect." Csikszentmihalyi, 1999 (427D)
Workshop planning provides an opportunity to experience shared stewardship around broad mission goals that include: (427E)
- To be of service, in cross-boundary settings, not only to the region, but to the nation (427F)
- To contribute to successful innovation toward open government (427G)
- To learn by doing, to put into practice the results of our own dialogue (427H)
- To experience the kind of complex, multidimensional organizational situation that is providing the background for strategic leadership (427I)
B. Workshop Questions (427J)
- 1. What are the conducive conditions for the creativity and governance needed among networked scientific and service communities so results and implications flow in a timely manner into scientific discovery and innovation policy channels? (427K)
- 2. What common messages for advancing innovation are resonant across communities with in-depth and diverse experience with distributed collaboration, collections development, and scholarly knowledge infrastructure? (427L)
- 3. What are the Public Good aspects of Scientific Organizing, Knowledge Diffusion, and Innovation currently being advanced in the Public Realm? (427M)
- 4. What institutions and organizations have a shared mission for improved science and innovation policy as reflected in their strategic plans? (427N)
- 5. What are the current and future contributions of light-weight aggregator tools for advancing discovery, shared understanding, and organizing that scales across individuals, communities of practice, and institutions? Examples in use by this workshop community include: wiki namesake pages, Emerging Technology Life-cycle process, and Strategy Markup Language (StratML) (427P)
- 6. How can relevant science policy and innovation stakeholders tap "build to share" principles being advanced by forward-looking information stewardship organizations, including: (427Q)
- a) Digital data and information communities advancing sound approaches for electronically stored information. Examples include librarians, curators, web content managers, ontologists, researchers, artists, historians, data managers, and records managers. (427R)
- b) Open Standards bodies and consortia (427S)
- c) Universities and university consortia (427T)
- d) International stewardship associations (427U)
- e) Virtual organizations (427V)
- 7. What are the appropriate metrics for both the tangible and intangible assets associated with effective access and use of scientific tools that are collaboratively developed and shared? How can lines of business effectively account for the full range of benefits that accrue to scientific settings and societies when scientific tools are effectively provisioned and sustained over their respective life-cycles? (427W)
- 8. How do we create simulations that help us strategize and act effectively during rapid change – including the need for rapid discernment (moral and ethical implications) by people representing multiple disciplines with multiple "scientific languages? (427X)
- 9. What strategies are emerging to advance the public's awareness and participation in science, global virtual collections, and scholarly knowledge infrastructures? (427Y)
- 10. How do we build from the best of past scientific research and also draw upon generational differences and cyberinfrastructure opportunities in a manner that reinforces strengths? (427Z)
- 11. What are the emerging strategies for advancing scholarly knowledge infrastructures, collections management, and public web content with the resilience to mitigate disruptions or degradations of service over time? (4280)
- 12. How do we provide the right sets of information flowing into and out of science-based, mission-rehearsal simulations, etc. so the policy nuggets travel up even when the learning is experiential? (4281)
C. Agenda (4283)
8:30am - Check-in and Coffee (4284)
9:00am - Welcome and Introduction (42BT)
Workshop Series Overview, Susan Turnbull, Program Manager, Department of Energy, Advanced Scientific Computing Research. ... [ slides ] . [ audio ] (11:00 mp3 1.3MB) (42BU)
NITRD Overview, George Strawn, PhD., Director, National Coordination Office, Networking and Information Technology Research and Development. ... [ slides ] . [ audio ] (15:45 mp3 1.7MB) (4285)
9:15am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (4286)
10:00am - The X Prize Model for Innovation through Competition, Erika B. Wagner PhD, Executive Director, X PRIZE Lab at MIT, X PRIZE Foundation. ... [ slides ] . [ audio ] (38:21 mp3 4.4MB) (42AO)
10:40 am - Q & A Discussion (42AP)
11:00am - Example of a Global Open Innovation Model: Quantity and Units of Measurement Ontology Standard Initiative, Steven R. Ray, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University, NASA Research Park. ... [ slides ] . [ audio ] (21:29 mp3 2.5MB) (42AR)
12:00 noon – Networking Lunch (428B)
1:15pm - Open Innovation Enabled by Global Federation of Science and Technical Knowledge, Walter L. Warnick, Director, Dept. of Energy, Office of Science and Technical Information. ... [ slides ] . [ audio ] (24:18 mp3 2.8MB) (42AT)
2:00pm - Q&A and Discussion (428D)
2:15pm - BREAK (428E)
2:45pm - Break-out Sessions (428F)
- 1. What Works? (428G)
- 2. What Doesn't Work? (428H)
- 3. What do We Need to Create? (428I)
- 4. What do We Need to Know? (428J)
/Workshop_01_27_2010_BreakOutGroup_One (remote teleconference only) (428K)
/Workshop_01_27_2010_BreakOutGroup_Two (428L)
/Workshop_01_27_2010_BreakOutGroup_Three (428M)
/Workshop_01_27_2010_BreakOutGroup_Four (428N)
3:45pm - Report out from Break-out Sessions (428Q)
4:30pm - ADJOURN (428R)
D. Resources (428S)
- Open Government Initiative (42AG)
- Open Gov Playbook (42AN)
- A Strategy for American Innovation: Driving Towards Sustainable Growth and Quality Jobs (429E)
- Open Government Initiative - Innovations Gallery (428T)
- Interagency Working Group of Senior Science and Information Technology Managers from 13 US Federal Agencies (428U)
- Center for Open Innovation, University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business (428V)
- XPrize Foundation, MIT (42AJ)
- Automotive X Prize - $10 Million Competition for Super Fuel Efficient Vehicles (42AK)
- - Progressive Automotive X Prize Narrows the Field to 43 Teams (42AL)
- Fuel Our Future Now - Jumpstarts K-12 Education in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math in conjunction with Automotive X Prize (42AM)
- (428W)
- (428X)
- Philoptima - Connecting Grant Makers to Great Ideas (428Y)
- (428Z)
- (429C)
- (429D)
- Open Archival Information System Reference Model, Jan. 2004 (4290)
- Open Archival Information System, CCSDS, Jan. 2002 (4291)
- Ontology Summit 2010 (42BX)
E. Workshop Series Background (4292)
Purpose and Audience: The Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development is exploring how to institutionalize a workshop series that originated at GSA's USA Services/ Intergovernmental, by SusanTurnbull in 2001. The purpose of the monthly Collaborative Expedition workshop series is to advance the quality of citizen-government dialogue and collaborations at the crossroads of intergovernmental initiatives, Communities of Practice, Federal IT research agencies and IT service innovation agencies. The workshops seek to advance collaborative innovations in government and community services such as emergency preparedness, environmental monitoring, healthcare and law enforcement. (4293)
The workshops serve individuals from government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form, Intergovernmental Communities of Practice (CoPs), in light of the President's Open Government and Open Innovation mandate along with the Public Information Access provisions of the E-government Act of 2002. (4294)
Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions by individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be better expressed in their home and collaborative settings. By centering around people and the "whole system" challenges they organize around, IT design and development processes can mature with less risk and greater national yield of breakthrough performance. (4295)
Joint workshop sponsors past and present, include GSA, the Emerging Technology Subcommittee of the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee and Coordinating Groups of the Subcommittee on Networking and Information Technology Research and Development, including, Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development CG, High End Computing CG, High Confidence Software and Systems CG, Large-Scale Networking CG, Software Design and Productivity CG, and Human-Computer Interaction and Information Management CG. (4296)
These organizations value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, to leverage the collaborative capacity of united, but diverse sectors of society, seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (4297)