The Collaboration Expedition Workshops are a place for individuals and CoPs to explore how to create, as DougEngelbart would say, "Frontier Outposts" to help us to collectively envision possibilities. When our different ways of seeing and being in the world can be attuned, we all experience a longer, clearer horizon for strategic, coordinated action. (OQ)
The first workshop, in March 2001 was a simple brown bag lunch. GeorgeBrett shared with SusanTurnbull and several colleagues his perspective about tools to help individuals work in community. As of April, 2004, all-day workshops draw 60-80 people together from multiple perspectives. Participants share a sense of purpose around societal challenges immune to tactics by single groups. The Expedition workshop story is being documented as a technological change process that goes beyond "technology-driven" change. By centering around people and the "whole system" challenges they organize around, IT design and development processes can mature with less risk and greater national yield of breakthrough performance innovations. (OR)
2001 Expedition Workshops (OS)
- March 13 - Collaboration and Enabling Processes to Address Digital Disparities (OT)
- April 20 - Introduction to Online Communities and New Online Conferencing Places (OU)
- May 15 - Cyberspace Usability Implications for Seniors and Teens to Share Experiences (OV)
- June 19 - How can Intergovernmental CoPs Foster the Breakthrough Capabilities that Matter Most to the Public? (OW)
- July 17 - Extending Digital Dividends: Putting Public Goods and Services to Work for All (OX)
- September 28 - Planning Future Workshops: Universal Access for Smart Homes and Offices (OY)
- October 16 - Cyber-Health Initiative in Light of Advancements in Security and Biometrics Architectural Frameworks (OZ)
- December 11 - Using On-line Community Networks to Complement our Workshop Series (P0)
2002 Expedition Workshops (3DJF)
- January 15 - On-line Community Networks (P1)
- March 19 - Community Life Today: How can communities help us advance citizen-centric government and multi-stakeholder collaborative partnerships? (P2)
- April 16 - Multi-channel Delivery of Health Information: How can we improve the flow of health information by structuring it in two-way, interactive, XML-based channels (web, telephone, and audio ebooks) (P3)
- June 18 - Building A Public Code Commons: Open Source, Section 508, and Beyond. (P4)
- July 16 - An Innovation Diffusion Commons: How can Innovators Use Digital Production Technologies to Accelerate Learning Exchange? (P5)
- August 13 - People-Centric Computing: What Happens When Individuals Can Work Across Institutional Boundaries to Address Societal Challenges? (P6)
- September 17 - Multi-lateral Organizing: How do institutions form learning relationships that multiply value within and across society? What governance mechanisms foster the creativity needed? How do open standards and collaborative development norms balance the tension between continuity and innovation? (P7)
- October 15 - Networked Improvement Communities to Advance the Capabilities of the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) Toward Transformative E-government. (P8)
- November 12 - Multilateral Organizing for Public Health Informatics and Preparedness: How do communities of practice form the connected relationships needed to amplify distributed intelligence and sharing in high-stakes settings? How can we build a Public Health Information Infrastructure responsive to the urgencies of vulnerable populations and bio-terrorism preparedness? (P9)
- December 10 - Multilateral Organizing and Learning for Public Health Informatics and Preparedness (PA)
2003 Joint Expedition Workshops and XML Web Services Meetings (PB)
- January 14 - To explore the Potential and Realities of Open Architectural and Design Processes for Citizen-Centric Government: How can diverse people gather in civic settings to develop creative forms of collaborative action that support common purposes of self-governance, security and prosperity? (3DJG)
- Collaborative prototypes: XML Web Services (PC)
- March 4 - Emerging Discovery Processes for Citizens to Observe and Participate in the Workings of their Government: How can Open Standards for Discovery Advance the Agility of Intergovernmental Collaborations? (3DJH)
- Collaborative prototypes: XML Web Services (PD)
- April 15 - Achieving Excellence in Public Space: Architecting Forms with Meaning that Stand the Test of Time: How Can Collaborative Discovery and Engagement tools Broaden How Societies' Share and Preserve Meaning Over Time? (3DJI)
- Collaborative prototypes: XML Web Services (PE)
- May 14 - Emerging "Common Utility" Services for Public Discourse and Diffusion of Knowledge: Evolution Toward Citizen-Centered Government through the Federal Enterprise Architecture Blueprint (PF)
- Collaborative prototypes: XML Web Services (PG)
- June 17 - Alignment around the Emerging Federal Healthcare Enterprise, Public Health Informatics and Emergency Preparedness: Evolution Toward Citizen-Centered Government through the Federal Enterprise Architecture (PH)
- Collaborative prototypes: XML Web Services (PI)
- July 22 - Composing Governance: Evolving Smarter Forms To Connect Communities of Practice and Accelerate Citizen-Centered Government (PJ)
- Collaborative prototypes: XML Web Services (PK)
- September 30 - Intergovernmental Communities of Practice as Innovation Catalysts in an "Intangibles" Economy (PM)
- October 28 - Role of Usability for the Federal Enterprise Architecture (PO)
- December 9 - Creating Public Information Environments that Strengthen Citizen-Government Relationships (PP)
2004 Expedition Workshops (PQ)
- April 28 - Multiple Taxonomies: How Can Citizens, Business, and Public Servants Traverse the Repositories and Workings of Government? (PR)
- May 11 - Emerging Technology Innovations in Software Components Development, Reuse, and Management – Applications to Government Enterprise Architecture (PS)
- June 23 - Organizing Around Networked Communities of Practice to Improve Dialogue Between Government and Citizens To Deliver Citizen-Centered Services (1NT)
- September 14 - Design Workshop to Frame National Dialogue on Intelligent Information Use in Manufacturing and Implications for e-Government (48Z)