Collaborative Expedition Workshop #52, Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at NSF (357O)
Open Collaboration: Networking Wiki Information Technology for Information Sharing and Knowledge Management (357P)
- Purpose / Description (35RP)
- Logistics (35RQ)
- Agenda (Print Version) (35RR)
- Getting Started with Wikis (35SS)
- Resources (35UT)
- Upcoming Events (35RS)
- Workshop Followup (35RJ)
- Workshop Comments (36G0)
- Rapid Demo of a FOAF/SNA: (36GH)
- Conference Calls on August 4 and 11th (36GI)
- See August 4, 2006, SWIM Conference Call (37XD)
- Conference Calls on August 4 and 11th (36GI)
Purpose / Description: (35R9)
- Participants will explore opportunities for multi-disciplinary and community-based collaboration around national challenges. By drawing on strategic leadership and "best practices" underway in the wiki technology area, participants will learn how to conduct open collaboration in their own settings. Presentations will illustrate exemplary collaboration that is transforming wiki information technology today. Growing Communities of Practice will benefit from knowledge-sharing including: (35RA)
- COLAB: Collaborative Work Environment Community Wiki (35S3)
- Open standards development (35RB)
- Web-based collaboration environments (35RC)
- Ontologies for efficient information-sharing and semantic interoperability (35RD)
- Federal Enterprise Architecture Data Reference Model V2.0 and the SICoP Knowledge Reference Model Implementation in Wikis and Semantic Wikis (35RE)
- Community to national scale needs and applications (35RF)
- Also See: (35RG)
- Welcome and Introduction, April 18, 2006, Workshop (35RH)
- AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (35RI)
Logistics: (35RK)
- Confirmed Participants (35ND)
- RSVP for badge to be waiting: (3592)
- /VenueLogistics_2006_07_18 (Including NSF visitor center check-in and lap-top screening requirements, as well as remote participation information) (357Q)
- Visiting the NSF (357R)
- Ballston Area Hotels (357S)
- File Repository (35DA)
- Federal Relay Caption Conference Service Unedited Transcript (35XF)
- Please Note: We are using Federal Relay Caption Conference Service: Please use the microphone and speak clearly so those using the service and our workshop transcript will be clear. (369S)
Agenda (as of July 17, 2006): (35V3)
- 8:30 am - Check-in and Coffee (357U)
- 8:40 am - Welcome and Overview Background (35RL)
- SusanTurnbull, TC Evans, MillsDavis, NancyFaget, and BrandNiemann (357W)
- Federal Transition Framework (HTML and PDF and DKR Structured XML) (369I)
- Collaboration for the Government Sector: Specific Examples, Including the SICoP/SWIM Test Semantic Wiki (35RM)
- Collaboration: Communities of Practice Using Wiki Technology, OGETA Forum Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, July 28, 2006 (36BA)
- SusanTurnbull, TC Evans, MillsDavis, NancyFaget, and BrandNiemann (357W)
- 9:00 am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? (357X)
KEYNOTE: Wikis Changing Agency Culture for Information Sharing (357Y)
- 9:30 am - D. Calvin Andrus, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, Center for Mission Innovation, CIA (confirmed) Presentation (3596)
- Wikis and Blogs, KM Conference, April 21, 2006 (358S)
- Feds look to ants, wikis and blogs, FCW, April 21, 2006 (357Z)
- The wiki and the blog: Toward a complex adaptive intelligence community, 2005, Washington, DC, Office of Application Services, Central Intelligence Agency (37D3)
BREAK (35T3)
- 10:15 - 10:30 am (3580)
PANEL: Agencies are starting to ask for Wikis and even advertise formal requirements for them - See DRAFT Panel Format and Questions (3581)
- 10:30 am - Agencies want or use a Wiki (3582)
KEYNOTE: The Wiki: A grassroots approach to providing KM solutions (3597)
- 11:15 am - Niall Sinclair (confirmed-remote Canada), Director, KM Public Domain Initiatives, Institute for Knowledge and Innovation, George Washington University, and Author Presentation (3594)
- See Stealth KM: Winning Knowledge Management Strategies for the Private Sector by Butterworth-Heinemann (2006) (3588)
- Building a Defensible KM Enterprise Environment, April 19, 2006, KM Conference (3595)
NETWORKING LUNCH (on your own) (36BZ)
- 12 noon - 1 pm (3589)
Lunch Birds of a Feather (36C0)
- Note: "Librarians Chat" organized by NancyFaget (35T4)
- Case Studies Anyone? MindTouch has deployed wikis into more than a half dozen industries and dozens of companies ranging from enterprise to small business (both for and not for profit). I'm (Aaron Fulkerson <-- find me by my photo) only providing a 20 min demo today, but I would love to share successes (and failures), suprises, etc, related to our extensive experiences in deploying wikis. (36C2)
FEATURED PRESENTATIONS AND Q & A: The SICoP Vision for Semantic Wikis and Information Management (SWIM) and Getting Started with Wikis (358A)
- 1:00-1:20 pm MillsDavis, Project10X : (35SU)
- 1:20-1:40 pm Aaron Fulkerson, MindTouch (35SW)
- Next generation Open Source collaborative wikis with semantics and enterprise network appliances. Video to be pprovided. (35SX)
- 1:40-2:00 pm ConorShankey, VisualKnowledge Presentation (35SY)
- Semantic wikis for information management, knowledge delivery, and semantic agent-based applications. (35SZ)
- 2:00-2:20 pm Chuck Rehberg (remote-India) and Bharat Khatau, SemanticInsights Presentation (35T0)
- Automating the read, write, and reporting functions of semantic wikis to leverage knowledge worker productivity. (35T1)
- 2:20-3:00 pm Questions & Answers and Wrapup (35T2)
BREAK (35T5)
- 3 - 3:15 pm (358D)
- 3:15 - 4 pm - SusanTurnbull, TC Evans, MillsDavis, NancyFaget, and BrandNiemann (358E)
- 4 - 5 pm (358G)
- Waitlisted Presentations: (35BQ)
- A Wiki for Business Rules in Open Vocabulary Executable English, Adrian Walker, Adrian Walker, Reengineering (35BR)
- Semantics and the Web: e-Government Implications of some Emerging Technology Beyond W3C (36AQ)
- Application Semantics via Next Generation Business Rules: Comparing Open Vocabulary English and OMG SBVR (36AR)
- Oil Industry Supply Chain Management Using English Business Rules Over SQL (36AS)
- DRAFT Panel Format and Questions: (35H1)
- Each panel member be given a few minutes to present what their agency is either doing with a Wiki, or what they plan to do with one. Each can be asked to touch on what their agency’s goal for their Wiki is and to give a brief overview of how they established it. (35N4)
- Questions: (35N5)
- Is your Wiki part of your content development and management strategy? If so, what role does it play? (35N6)
- What do you see as the essential elements of a good charter for a Government Wiki? (35N7)
- What are the key components of a quality set of guidelines for community participation? (35N8)
- Based on your experience in planning and operating a Wiki, what are the problems to avoid? (35N9)
- What are your concerns about Wikis? (35NA)
- Are there aspects of current Wiki technology that you find inadequate for meeting your needs? (35NB)
- Use the remaining time to take questions from the audience and/or probe more deeply into the process of deciding whether to stand up your own Wiki or utilize the services of a host. (35NC)
Resources: (35UU)
- Recent Articles: (358I)
- Why the World is Ready for the Semantic Web (3686)
- Wiki best practice (35BG)
- NIH explores adding a wiki, May 10, 2006 (358R)
- USPTO seeks wisdom of crowds, May 9. 2006, and Community Patent Project (358J)
- Stephenson: Power to the people, December 5, 2005 (358K)
- Wiki advocate sees government uses, June 3, 2005 (358L)
- Lessons Learned On the Use of Collaborative Tools in Air Force (3621)
- Knowledge Communities: (35WQ)
- March 21-23, 2006, USGS Scientific Information Management Workshop See Agenda and Demo (369O)
- Proposed Knowledge Management Community of Practice Architecture, Process, and Reference Model: Presentation and Pilot Demonstration (369P)
- ACART = Architecture Compliance And Requirements Traceability Service: This service contains information to assist system owners with a better understanding of the Business Enterprise Architecture (BEA) and its application to portfolio management through the Investment Review Boards (IRBs). Specifically, this site is used to harness and manage the facets of the architecture which apply to each viewpoint. A typical View could be a system; 'as is' or 'to be', a system of systems, a subset of a system or an architecture; such as a library of capabilities, or a federated architecture across the enterprise. ACART uses wiki, faceted classification, templates and wizards to achieve its results. See PowerPoint or PDF (36GE)
- Also in discussion was the application of Terms Service for semantic alignment: The domain of the terms are financial oriented. You might want to checkout the hyperlinker module off this page which automagically applies links to provided text/document via the uids back into the Terms Service. (36GG)
Getting Started with Wikis (BrandNiemann): (35V1)
- 1. Free, download your own wiki, or participate in someone elses - e.g. (358N)
- 2. Hosted Wikis - e.g. that we use for our Federal CIO Council Communities of Practice for everything from individuals ( to large conferences ( (358O)
- See Wiki Pilot using approach 2 above for the USGS Scientific Information Management Conference (358P)
- 3. Semantic Wikis - e.g. what the CoP that I lead is about to use that is much more powerful (
SICoP/SemanticWikisandInformationManagementWG) (358Q)
- Semantic Wikis: (35BB)
- 4. Analysts: Wikis in the Enterprise: Democratizing and Directing Collaboration and Content Management, Peter O'Kelly (35FO)
- Wikis are among the most significant developments in collaboration software during the past decade. Empowering users and democratizing hypertext content-based collaboration, wikis offer immediate advantages for many enterprise collaboration scenarios and also serve as important leading indicators of future trends for incumbent products such as IBM Lotus Notes and Microsoft SharePoint. Many enterprises are now using wikis, although they’re often under the IT department’s radar, managed by hosted wiki service providers. Effectively exploited, wikis offer significant opportunities to improve collaboration and content management. (35FP)
Upcoming Events: (35HC)
- July 26, 2006, KM WG Special Session on Networking EA and KM at the itsGOV "Technology Buying at Year-End" Showcase (35UG)
- August 15, 2006, Open Collaboration: Networking Semantic Interoperability (342L)
- October 10-11, 2006, Fifth Semantic Interoperability for E-Government Conference at MITRE (357M)
- October 30-31, 2006, Second Service Oriented Architecture for E-government Conference at MITRE (35HD)
Workshop Followup: (35RO)
- Government personnel wishing more training on Wikis should contact (36FH)
- It is important to continuing working to turn this discourse into concepts and topics for future workshops that will continue the evolution of this group into a community. (36FI)
- It would be beneficial to have a future workshop focusing on geospatial information. (36FJ)
- It would be useful to reconvene this group at some point in the future to examine how the use of Wikis is progressing in Government. (36FK)
- It would be helpful to many in attendance to have a venue where they can learn in a hands-on manner the capabilities of the various Wiki options that are available for agency use. (36FL)
- It would be a good idea to develop a central repository for the charters and community guidelines developed for the many Government Wikis that are beginning to come on line. (36FM)
- It is important to get started with a Wiki even if you do not yet have a complete offering and to have confidence in the “gardeners” in the community to correct and improve the work. (36FN)
- Always remember the importance of usability in developing Wikis and other electronic products. (36FO)
- Everyone was encouraged to keep an eye out for the announcement of new offerings from MindTouch in coming weeks. (36FP)
- A roadmap for tying the development and use of Wikis and blogs across Government together would help agencies and the public alike. (36FQ)
- Perhaps FirstGov could do a registry of Government Wikis and Blogs as they have done for RSS. (36FR)
- It is important to involve records managers and librarians involved in the development and management of Wikis. (36FS)
- It is vital that each of us reports back to our agencies the useful nature of these workshops as a means of garnering support for attendance at future workshops. (36FT)
- It would be useful for the panel members and other attendees who have Wikis to answer the questions developed for today’s panel and post those answers to the Wiki. (36FU)
- It would be helpful to develop resources such as a FAQ, business plan templates for Wikis, and performance measures that have proven useful. (36FV)
- There was a reminder that the next workshop is on August 15th, but GPO will also be looking at other opportunities for hosting useful events using their facilities. (36FW)
Workshop Comments: (36FX)
- Aaron Fulkerson: Case Studies Anyone? MindTouch has deployed wikis into more than a half dozen industries and dozens of companies ranging from enterprise to small business (both for and not for profit). I didn't get an opportunity to share scenarios during my presentation, but I would love to share successes (and failures), suprises, etc, related to our extensive experiences in deploying wiki-based technologies. (36C4)
- Great workshop the other day. Our computer department is experimenting with MediaWiki and TikiWiki. (36FY)
- Thanks for all of your hard work on the workshop. I found it to be most helpful as both a participant and as an attendee. It is no surprise that they are so well attended. (36FZ)
- I believe we can query participants from yesterday's collab session .... via email with a request for them to enter their information into a template..... then Conor could show a visual of the network of people at the August 15 collab session, which wikis, blogs, CoPs they participate in. (NancyFaget) (36GJ)
- Would this be useful to involve people from the KM working group as well? Yes (BrandNiemann) (36GK)
- Some Resources (NancyFaget): (36VU)
- Basic FOAF project page (36VV)
- Wonder if we should be looking at basic foaf-a-matic template which we can modify to use to allow people to enter their information like (36VW)
- FOAF specs (36VX)
- Friend of a Friend (FOAF) network...... which can be used to visual connections between people, relationships, perform social network analysis (36VY)
- Using metadata people enter about themselves (example below): (36VZ)
- name: nancy faget (36W0)
- email: (36W1)
- job title: senior program planning specialist (36W2)
- my blogs: asist SIG blogs, wikis, podcasts (36W3)
- my CoPs: KM.Gov, collab expedition, AKO libraries (36W4)
- my wikis: collab expedition, asist (36W5)
- my interests: KM, libraries (36W6)
- volunteer for: FAFLRT, ASIST, KM.Gov (36W7)
- Note: We'll be able to tell who's doing KM in government, who knows who, who's doing blogs and wikis in government, etc. (36W8)
- Project will be over the next month with Conor Shankey providing the tools. (36W9)
- Project plan is basically (36WI)
- 1. who will be asked to profile themselves? (36WJ)
- 2. what analysis is needed? (36WK)
- 3. how info will be gathered? (36WL)
- 4. present a rapid stand up of an SNA at next collab (36WM)
- Sounds good to me and reminds me that we did a workshop last year in support of the DRM 2.0 where we provided a tutorial on FOAF and similar things (e.g. DOAP). (BrandNiemann) (36WN)
- Based on your collective feedback, we were thinking of just building out some templates within the SWIM wiki and a small set of automated e-mails. We could start with a small set or seed of people and ask them to describe who they know that is using wikis or blogs and then also if they would like to send a request to them to ask the same question (ConorShankey). (378X)
- I think we can keep it fairly simple, however I would presume that it wouldn't take many "degrees of separation" or iterations for the network to build up. (378Y)
- These are some things that come to mind to me as being important: 1. Ensure that the people feel they are working within a network of trust, confidentiality and/or authority. 2. Keep it simple and intuitive and relevant. 3. Determine what the incentives are to the recipient for participating (e.g. helping "the cause", whatever that might be) (378Z)
- Basic FOAF project page (36VV)