Collaborative Expedition Workshop #41, Tuesday, June 28, 2005 at NSF (2REL)
Open Standards for Government Information Sharing: Timing the Transformations Needed for Sustained Progress By Combining the Expertise of Multiple Communities (2REO)
1. Purpose / Description (2RE1)
Purpose: To explore the Potential and Realities of Using Open Standards for Organizing Government Information: How Can We Improve How Citizens, Business, and Public Servants Traverse the Repositories and Workings of Government? (2RE2)
The President’s Management Agenda (PMA) requires all federal agencies to transform the roles and relationships among people, processes, and technology in order to become a citizen-centered government. The PMA emphasizes bringing value and productivity results to citizens, businesses, and public managers. The Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) is emerging as an important collaborative organizing process to promote the delivery of effective, efficient services. FEA Reference Models serve as catalysts for foresight and discernment around improved mission and business performance, including data and information-sharing. (2REP)
On May 19, 2005, the Office of Management and Budget requested that the Federal Enterprise Architecture's Data Reference Model address the requirements cited in the E-Gov Act of 2002, Section 207(d). These requirements explicitly require "the adoption of standards, which are open to the maximum extent feasible, to enable the organization and categorization of Government information-- (i) in a way that is searchable electronically, including by searchable identifiers; and (iii) in ways that are interoperable across agencies; (B) the definition of categories of Government information which should be classified under the standards; and (C) determining priorities and developing schedules for the initial implementation of the standards by agencies." (2RE4)
In Light of this Context, How are We Building Collaboration Readiness and Discernment? Key Workshop Questions: (2RE5)
- How can the divergent communities of information systems and information science work together to build a Data Reference Model that is both functional and flexible? (2RE6)
- How can a common Data Reference Model facilitate compliance with the E-Gov Act of 2002's requirements for interoperable search, searchable identifiers and the categorization of government information? (2RE7)
- How can a common Data Reference Model, using standards that are sometimes amorphous in their implementation, still lead the government forward toward the capacity to share and integrate data? (2RE8)
/AdditionalContextualBackground - from the Network of Communities of Practice (2REQ)
/VenueLogistics_2005_06_28 (2RG8)
Agenda (2REU)
8:30am - Check-in, Box Lunch Order ($7.00/person) and Coffee (2REA)
8:45am - Welcome and Overview - SusanTurnbull, GSA, Co-chair, Emerging Technology Subcommittee and RichardHuffine, EPA (2REB)
9:00am - Introductions: What are your interests in light of the workshop purpose? Who is missing from this dialogue? (2REC)
9:30am - What's the Congruence between Categorization of Government Information (E-government Act of 2002) and the Data Reference Model? - RichardHuffine, EPA (2SA6)
- eGov Section 207 Update Eliot Christian, USGS (2SA3)
10:30am - BREAK (2REE)
10:45 am - The Evolution of the Data Reference Model: Moving from the Abstract to the Concrete - MikeDaconta, DHS, Metadata Program Manager, Meta Data Center of Excellence and Lead Agency, DRM WG and AndyHoskinson, OMB FEA PMO Support Contractor (2RED)
- DRM Schema Presentation given at First Quarterly DRM Public Forum, June 13 (2S3O)
- Draft DRM XML Schema and How to Comment (2S3M)
- Upcoming DRM Events to Socialize and Build Understanding (2S3N)
11:15 am - Open Dialogue and Small Group Discussion - Identification of Issues and Opportunities in light of Section 207d of the E-Gov Act of 2002 and the Data Reference Model (2REG)
12:30pm - Lunch (2REH)
1:30pm - Report-out to Large Group and Open Dialogue (2REI)
2:30pm - How to Build Readiness: Advancing Discernment and Value Through Implementation Profiles and Pilots – BrandNiemann, EPA, Chair, Semantic Interoperabiltiy Community of Practice (SICoP) FEA DRM Schema Specification (Draft Version 0.1): Analysis and Two Use Cases (Taxonomy and Interoperability) See Web File Repurposed and Taxonomy Created, June 22, 2005 and See PDF Files Repurposed and Initial Ontology for Interoperability of Water Data Created, June 20, 2005 (2REJ)
Six Short Presentations/ Demonstrations of 15 Minutes Each: (2RL8)
- IRS Tax Map: Electronic Research Tool, David Brown, Internal Revenue Service, Media and Publications Division (2RL9)
- Hands on Taxonomy Learning, Jean Graef, Montague Institute (2S9Z)
- Achieving Semantic Interoperability at the World Bank, Denise Bedford, World Bank Presentation Supplemental Presentation 7-AIDS and Culture UNESCO.xml AIDS and Culture UNESCO.html 14-AC722.xml 18-business.xml EHPB7.pdf AC722.pdf (2SA0)
- Visual Document Management Tool (SVG), Richard Hammond, EPA Region 4 and Kiran Batchu, GeoDecisions Video and Presentation (2RLB)
- Hydrologic Ontologies Framework (Geospatial Ontologies for the Geospatial Profile), Professor Michael Piasecki, Drexel University (2RLD)
- Taxonomies and Metadata for the Intelligence Community, Roger Bradford, ContentAnalyst Presentation (2RLE)
Preliminary List for July 19th: (2S2J)
- Interoperable Enterprise Content Management (iECM) for the Records Management Profile (Paul Fontaine) (confirmed) (2S2K)
- Federated Repository Using the Wiki and FEA Reference Model Ontology(LogicLibrary) (confirmed) (2S2L)
- Mining Legacy Systems to Create An Ontology-Based Repository (Metallect) (confirmed) (2S2M)
- Building a Hospital Incident Reporting Ontology (HIRO) in the Web Ontology Language (OWL) Using the JCAHO Patient Safety Event Taxonomy (PSET) (Liju Fan, PhD1, Douglas Boenning, MD1, Annette Smith, MS1, Gerald Castro, MPH2, Stacey Champagne, MA2, Jerod M. Loeb, PhD, Andrew Chang, JD, MPH2. 1KEVRIC - An IMC Company, Silver Spring, MD; 2The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, Oakbrook Terrace, IL)(confirmed) (2S2N)
- Health Information Technology Interoperability Coordination (Marc Wine) (invited) (2S2O)
- Building Topic Maps in OWL-DL (Michele Biezunski) (invited) (2S2P)
4:30pm - ADJOURN (2REK)
2. Collaborative Expedition Workshop Series Background (2PX3)
The Collaborative Expedition workshops serve individuals and policy-makers from all sectors: government, business, and non-government organizations to practice an emerging societal form that advances realization of the citizen-centric government goal of the President’s Management Agenda. Each workshop organizes participation around a common purpose, larger than any institution, including government. By learning how to appreciate multiple perspectives around the potentials and realities of this larger “purpose”, subsequent actions of individuals representing many forms of expertise, can be expressed more effectively in their respective settings. Workshop sponsors, including, GSA Office of Intergovernmental Solutions, the Architecture and Infrastructure Committee of the Federal CIO Council and National Coordination Office of the Interagency Committee on IT R&D (Social, Economic and Workforce Implications of IT and IT Workforce Development (SEW) Coordinating Group) value this “frontier outpost” to open up quality conversations, augmented by information technology, that leverage the collaborative capacity of united and diverse Americans seeking to discover, frame, and act on national potentials. (2PX4)
A key finding of the past year, is the need to apply emerging technologies (web services, grid computing, and semantic web) to tune up the innovation pipeline with better linkages among business incubators (state economic development programs), innovation diffusion networks (SBIR, angel investors, etc.) and business intelligence centers with quality information about e-government and e-commerce gaps. Many of the agile business components surfacing in the small business innovation world are not easily discovered by e-government managers, resulting in lost or delayed opportunities for both parties. (2PX5)
3. Workshop Archives, Collaborative Pilots, and Related Resources (2REV)
- (2REW)
- SICoP (2REX)
- ChiefArchitectsForum (2REY)
- (2REZ)
- (2RF0)
- (2RF1)
- (2RF2)
- (2RF3)
Formal Taxonomies for the U.S. Government (2RF4)
Semantic Interoperability, Ontology and Their Potential for Federal Information Sharing''' (2RF5)
4. Upcoming Workshops (2RF6)
Intelligence Commmunity Metadata WG Meeting, July 6, 2005 (2SA7)