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RE: [ontac-dev] Representation of attributes

To: ONTAC Taxonomy-Ontology Development Discussion <ontac-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Smith, Barry" <phismith@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 18:43:12 +0100
Message-id: <phismith$$.>
>  [[CBC] ] I have to admin ignorance here; I don't understand why these are
>incompatible.  I have been taking this on faith based on the deep thought
>many of you have put into the subject.  To the not quite casual observer it
>would seem that both the concept of "Hurricane Rita" as a life-cycle object
>and "Hurricane Rita" as it is now (or at any snapshot in time) are valid and
>compatible, but not the same.
>    (01)

BS: Indeed, both Hurricane Rita, the continuant which moves across 
the ocean, and the process of moving, exist, and to accept the 
existence of both in a good ontology is unproblematic.    (02)

> >
> > MW: Barry is just as entitled to exclude things he does not like from his
> > ontology
> > as I am. Indeed we both need to exclude some things or else they won't
> > work.    (03)

BS: I accept both. It is Matthew who is in the business of excluding things.
BS    (04)

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