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RE: [Additional Suggestion] RE: [soa-forum] Second SOA for E-GovernmentC

To: "Service-Oriented Architecture CoP" <soa-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Robert O'Harrow <oharrowr@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Paul S Prueitt" <psp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 11:14:53 -0600
Message-id: <CBEELNOPAHIKDGBGICBGMEHEHJAA.psp@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
I am working on technical specification (for a possible future discussion with OASIS) titled "SOA for Higher Education". 
By this we mean a methodology specification for discovering what natural services are occurring within the administrative, educational and financial aspects of Higher Education.  The discovery process feeds into a SOA Blueprint and OASIS BCM - type use of choice points with templates for re-use and communication (similar to OASIS CAM {content assembly mechanism} but an assembly mechanism that uses the tri-level architecture and categorical analysis:
The methodology for discovery is not depending on IT professionals, but rather on the direct observation of social exchanges between entities within the educational system.  Commonalities are being identified accross many college and universities in different countries. 
An information flow map, for example is used to see whom is exchanging data with whom (as in the NSA surveillance program).  This is called "link analysis", and is the first step towards well known semantic extraction techniques. 
There is then a process whereby the data structure of these observed service exchanges are reflected in registries and orchestration engines.  XML is to be used, of course; but we are also looking at type:value pairs and "n"-aries rather than only RDF/OWL as repositories for common information structure.  Type:value paring often uses hash tables, or key-less hash tables, to store and process data.  The performance is similar to that achieved by very good XML accelerators. 
There is no need to have an extended discussion in this CIO Council forum about this, as some will think that SOA for Higher Education is off topic; but please send a private note to me if you are interested in working with my group. 
The group will then report back to the forum with results.
Your participation and occational review is appreciated. 
Paul S Prueitt
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