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RE: [ontac-dev] Representation of attributes

To: ONTAC Taxonomy-Ontology Development Discussion <ontac-dev@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Charles D Turnitsa <CTurnits@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 10:15:16 -0500
Message-id: <OF58D7140B.EC6681AA-ON85257108.005353AC-85257108.005410AD@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
If we are in agreement that a process ("Matthew living his life") has an
object ("Matthew") that is modified to reach different states through that
process - can not the process itself have different sub-processes (I
believe the agreed to answer here is yes), and are those sub-processes
distinguishable from each other through the exhibition of different
attributes?  This question was being discussed about a week or two back,
before the group got preoccupied with defining a type.    (01)

Chuck    (02)

> >
> >MW: If the pictures were of the same object, then they would all look
> >the same, but they do not. This is because they are pictures of states
> >of me at different times in my life. The states are different, and this
> >is why the pictures are different, but the states are all states of my
> >life, which is why they are all pictures of me.
> Aha: "pictures of states of me at different times in my life"
> So Matthew HAS a life. And he (Matthew) is experiencing different
> states at different times in this life.
> Very good.
> BS    (03)

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