Cory Casanave wrote:
> Farrukh,
> We would like to have a .gov address for the running demo web site (I
> assume there would be one), registry and perhaps the “community” role.
> This may or may not be the same place we keep the project development
> assets.
> (01)
Good point to clarify. It certainly need not be the case that the
project bits are hosted and teh demo deployed and running at the same site.
> My guess is the GSA portal will not be sufficiently mature to replace
> sourceforge but lets find out. What they currently have up is the
> jBoss portal and application server.
> Unless there turns out to be all the pieces (the ones you have listed)
> ready to go on jBoss, we should probably use sourceforge.
> (02)
jBoss may be controversial with some participants because they are
perceived by some as blurring the lines between an open source project
and a vendor. (03)
A more neutral option is CollabNet though I have no direct experience
with them. As I understand it the CollabNet environment for
collaborative development portal can be hosted anywhere included a .gov
site. This is likely to cost money. (04)
My gut feel is that sourceforge (SF) may still be best. BTW there is no
guarentee that SF will approve the project. (05)
> As to what will be on sourceforge – I haven’t expected that much would
> need to be developed at the community level – primarily the model and
> ws-* specifications.
> (06)
I assume that we are not limiting to ws-* specs and that you just gave a
partial example. There are many other specs like Liberty, SAML, XACML,
ebXML-* that may be relevant. (07)
> This part must be open and available. Implementation of any of the
> components may or may not be open source – if they were open it would
> make sense to put them on the same place.
You are probably right. It all depends on what our goals and deliverable
are. If our deliverable include some code then we need the open source
environment more. I am quite open minded personally. Thanks. (08)
Farrukh (09)
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