FEA DRM Registry: Office of Justice Programs IT Website Demo

FEA DRM Registry: > Office of Justice Programs IT Website Demo > Topic: "contact information"

This page lists all of the related terms for contact information, organized in order of importance. Also displayed are related resources with text abstracts, with hits highlighted in red.

  • OJP Information Technology Initiatives
    This document provides a list of the Justice information Sharing Professionals (JISP) board members and their contact information.
  • Print friendly format
    For other XML-related feedback, please refer to the contact information page.
  • Print friendly format
    Global Security Working Group (GSWG) contact information:
  • Print friendly format
    Global Infrastructure/ Standards Working Group (GISWG) contact information:
  • OJP Information Technology Initiatives
    The listserv software does not convert HTML or XML coded content consistently. Please keep this type of content to a minimum. If you would like to provide Global JXDM Listserv members with sample code, you may post a message stating your intent and containing your contact information for members to contact you individually.
  • OJP Information Technology Initiatives
    Global Intelligence Working Group (GIWG) contact information:
  • OJP Information Technology Initiatives
    The listserv software does not convert HTML or XML coded content consistently. Please keep this type of content to a minimum. If you would like to provide Global JXDM Listserv members with sample code, you may post a response stating your intent and containing your contact information for members to contact you individually.

Created on Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Disclaimer: This product is a notional example of a fictitious FEA DRM registry for the sole use of illustrating a potential "use case" for the upcoming version of the FEA DRM currently under development. This should not be used for any type of official purpose.