- Invitation: The new KM WG Board cordially invites you to attend a free meeting, Thursday, April 20th, 1-4 p.m. in the Atrium Ballroom B, Ronald Reagan Building, Federal Triangle Metro Station, in conjunction with the 7th Knowledge Management Conference and Exhibition, April 19-21st. No registration is required. See Wiki Page (345H)
- Theme: The Knowledge Imperative: Key to Transformation (345I)
- Agenda: (345J)
- 1:00 – 1:10 p.m. Welcome and KM WG Board Introductions by Harriet Riofrio, Former KM WG Chair, January 2004-April 2006. (345K)
- 1:10-1:20 p.m. Welcome from George Strawn, Co-Chair, Best Practices Committee and NSF CIO. (345L)
- 1:20-1:25 p.m. "Talking Stick" Ceremony, Harriet Riofrio and Mike Novak, Co-Chair. (345M)
- 1:25-1:30 p.m. Announcement about openings on the KM WG Board to be filled by the summer 2006, Mike Novak, Co-Chair. (345O)
- 1:30-2:00 p.m. Open to comments and questions from the audience regarding KM in government, Moderated by Mike Novak, Co-Chair with Notes by Steve Else, Co-Chair. There will be Door Prizes during each interaction session with the audience! (345P)
- 2-2:15 p.m. Highlights of Survey of Knowledge Management Practices in U.S. Federal Agencies: The Catalyst for E-Government Transformation, Elsa Rhoads, Board Member. (345Q)
- Remarks from Board Leadership: (345R)
- 3-3:30 p.m. Open Discussion, Moderated by Fred Poker, Board Member and notes taken by Steve Else, Co-Chair. (345V)
- 3:30 p.m. Closing for Informal Networking followed by Exhibit Hall Reception, Mike Novak, Co-Chair. Follow-on Activities: Please review the draft governance documents on the WIKI and provide feedback. (345W)
- KM WG Board Members (2006-2007): (345X)
- Michael Novak, Co-Chair (government), IRS, Michael.J.Novak@irs.gov (345Y)
- Steven Else, Co-Chair (non-government), Private Consultant, stevenelse@aol.com (345Z)
- Brand Niemann, Secretariat (government), SICoP Chair, EPA, niemann.brand@epa.gov (3460)
- Denise Bedford, Member, World Bank, dbedford@worldbank.org (3461)
- Giora Hadar, Former KM WG Co-Chair, Member, FAA, Giora.Hadar@faa.gov (3462)
- Jeanne Holm, Member, NASA-JPL, jeanne.holm@jpl.nasa.gov (3463)
- Fred Poker, Member, SERCO-NA, fred.poker@serco.com (3464)
- Elsa Rhoads, Former KM WG Co-chair, Member, PBGC (Department of Labor), rhoads.elsa@pbgc.gov (3465)
- KM WG Board Advisors: (3466)
- George Strawn, Co-Chair, Best Practices Committee, NSF CIO, gstrawn@nsf.gov (3467)
- Harriet Riofrio, Co-Chair Emeritus KM WG, DoD, harriet.riofrio@osd.mil (3468)
- Alex Bennet, Former KM WG Co-Chair, Private Consultant, alex@mountainquestinstitute.com (3469)
- Susan Turnbull, Co-Chair, Architecture & Infrastructure Emerging Technology Subcommittee, GSA, susan.turnbull@gsa.gov (346A)
- Documents for Public Review: (346B)
- Notes: (34I3)
- The Federal Knowledge Management Working Group held a general meeting on April 20, 2006 in Washington, DC, in conjunction with the 7th E-Gov Institute Knowledge Management Conference and Exhibition. (34I4)
- Harriet Riofrio, Former KMWG Chair, welcomed attendees and introduced the new KMWG Board members: (34I5)
- Michael Novak, Government Co-Chair, Internal Revenue Service (34I6)
- Steven Else, Non-government Co-Chair, Kforce Government Solutions (34I7)
- Brand Niemann, Secretariat (Government), Environmental Protection Agency (34I8)
- Denise Bedford, Board Member, World Bank (not present) (34I9)
- Giora Hadar, Board Member, Federal Aviation Administration (34IA)
- Jeanne Holm, Board Member, NASA (34IB)
- Fred Poker, Board Member, Serco Services, Inc. (34IC)
- Elsa Rhoads, Board Member, Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation (34ID)
- The Co-Chairs led a discussion of the Working Group’s new theme: The Knowledge Imperative: Key to Government Transformation. Steve Else spoke about the overarching meaning of the theme – that knowledge was the new enabler of government transformation, government efficiency and effectiveness, and government service to the public. (34IE)
- Mike Novak addressed some of the immediate challenges of the KM Working Group – namely, to institute a system for ensuring effective governance of the Group in general and of the Board in particular; the need for the Group to manage itself in a strategic fashion, aligning its programs and activities with the goals and objectives of the Best Practices Committee, the CIOs Council, and the Government overall; and to expand the Group’s impact, by identifying interagency or intergovernmental problems and issues that the KMWG can assist in addressing. Mike then outlined some of the commitments that the Board Members themselves had accepted for accomplishment during the current year: (34IF)
- Engage in a comprehensive marketing, outreach, and partnership effort; (34IG)
- Develop the KMWG into a role-model example of a Learning Organization; (34IH)
- Conduct research on KM in the Public Sector; (34II)
- Ascertain and articulate the role of KM in Emergency Preparedness and Disaster Response; (34IJ)
- Seek ways to expand communication, collaboration, and cooperation in the public sector – horizontally across agencies, and vertically among levels of government (34IK)
- Identify and implement ways of capturing, and retaining Knowledge/ Intellectual Capital assets in the public sector; (34IL)
- Expand the knowledge and use of Taxonomy, Library Science, KM Theory, and Semantic Technologies in the public sector. (34IM)
- Board Member Elsa Rhoads addressed some of the Highlights of the survey she had administered on knowledge management practices in U.S. Federal Agencies. (34IP)
- Brand Niemann, Secretariat and Chair of the Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP), addressed KM business case successes and the potential way ahead for a KM Line of Business "Business Case. Brand also discussed current status of the SICoP startup Organization Profile; the Federal Transition Framework metamodel for KM; and coordination with AIC Data Architecture Subcommittee DRM 2.0 plans. (34IN)
- The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 26, 2006, in conjunction with the itsGOV exposition. Information regarding the KM Working Group and its programs, projects, and activities is available on the Group’s Wiki Page. (34IO)