2006 Federal IT Summit, October 4, 2006 (39K0)
- Location: FDIC Center--3501 Fairfax Drive, VA (39K1)
- Highlights: Photographs (3A23)
- Presentations: To Be Posted (39P5)
- Survey: 2006 IT Workforce Capability Assessment Survey for Federal Civilian IT Personnel (until October 31, 2006) (39P8)
- Breakout Sessions: Morning and Afternoon (39K2)
- File Repository: Related to Summit (39RI)
- Expertise Directory (In alphabetical order): Suzanne Acar, Bryan Aucoin, Janet L. Barnes, Scott Bernard, Will Brimberry, Richard R. Burk, L. Reynolds Cahoon, Letitia Combs, Carl Clavadetscher, Norman Crane, Renato A. DiPentima, Jerry Dixon, Karen S. Evans, Arthur Friedman, Owen C. Gadeken, Ira L. Hobbs, Ed Hoffman, Linda Ibrahim, Clay Johnson, III, James E. Kasprzak, Mischel Kwon, Matt Newman, Diane Reeves, Ed Roback, Ron Ross, Daniel J. Ryan, John H. Saunders, Lisa Schlosser, David Temoshok, Peter Tseronis, Joe Jarzombek (39P9)
- Agenda: (39K3)
- 7:45-8:25 - Registration, Breakout Session Selections, and Continental Breakfast (39K4)
- 8:30-8:40 - Welcome Remarks: (39K5)
- 8:40-9:20 - Let’s Get Started: (39K9)
- 9:20-10:20 - Plenary Session — Enterprise Architecture: (39KB)
- Solving Business Problems Using Enterprise Architecture: (39KC)
- 10:20-10:30 - Break (39KG)
- 10:30-11:30 - Morning Breakout Sessions (39KH)
- 11:45-1:00 - Lunch and Guest Speakers (39KI)
- 1:00-2:00 - Plenary Session — IT Project Management: (39KL)
- Active Management of High Performance Project Teams: Strategies for Developing Expertise (39KM)
- 2:00-2:15 - Break (39KQ)
- 2:15-3:15 - Afternoon Breakout Sessions (39KR)
- 3:15-3:30 - Break (39KS)
- 3:30-4:30 - Plenary Session—Cyber-Security: (39KT)
- Get Involved and Remain Vigilant: (39KU)
- 4:30-4:35 - Wrap Up (39KY)
- Breakout Sessions: (39KZ)
- Enterprise Architecture (5): (39RC)
- IT Project Management (4): (39RD)
- Cyber Security (6): (39RE)
- Wireless Security Attack and Defense: Ms. Mischel Kwon, DOJ (39LG)
- Wireless is more than just 802.11 these days. In this session, we will discuss the many new and different uses for wireless technology. Come see current methods of attack on 802.11, Bluetooth, RFID, and more. This exciting talk will focus on tips and techniques for securing against attacks. (39LH)
- PowerPoint (3BGS)
- FEA DRM Management Strategy: Mr. Bryan Aucoin, DNI and Dr. Suzanne Acar, DOI (39LI)
- Do you know what you need to know about Data Reference Models? In this session, two key federal Enterprise Architects will address the three pillars within the Data Management Strategy (governance, data architecture, and data sharing architecture). You will learn critical information about the Federal Data Reference Model, and how to implement it practically. (39LJ)
- PowerPoint (3BGT)
- Cyberlaw: Trends in Legal Thinking: Dr. Daniel Ryan, IRM College (39LK)
- The growth of the Internet and the increasing connectivity and convergence of information technologies have led to new problems in ethics, law and policy. Rules and models for defining appropriate and inappropriate behavior in cyberspace are still in the early stages of development. Federal IT workers must understand the evolving legal and public policy environment around them. Come discuss the state of the law today and the trends in legal thinking that will shape the new field of CyberLaw. (39LL)
- Earned Value Management: Dr. Carl Clavadetscher, IRM College (39LM)
- This session will demystify Earned Value Management (EVM) as a management tool. The target audience is managers who will need to work in an EVMS environment and have NOT had specialized EVMS training or experience. Learn the historical and policy reasons why we use EVM. Participants will learn how to implement an EVMS in their agencies through a combination of policies, practices, procedures and tools. You’ll learn EVMS from the "ground level up" in simple terms and use simple illustrations to describe the foundational concepts of EVMS. (39LN)
- Privacy: Dr. Jim Kasprzak, IRM College (39LO)
- This session discusses recent developments in Privacy in the Federal Government, including new threats, new policies and heightened citizen concerns with privacy issues. An academic expert will lead an informative discussion with a focus on Identity Theft, the loss of personal data by government agencies, and the resulting memos issued in 2006 by the Office of Management and Budget. We will conclude the session with a discussion of the new FISMA requirements in Privacy. (39LP)
- IPV6: Mr. Peter Tseronis, DoED (39LQ)
- Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) and the Federal Government: Explore a journey into the Next Generation Internet and the possibilities it promises. Come hear from the chair of the IPV6 Transition Working Group to learn more at this exciting session. (39LR)
- Architecture Centric Records Management — Its Time Has Come: Mr. Reynolds Cahoon, NARA (39LS)
- The way we work has fundamentally changed. The way we manage the records that document that work has not kept pace. This session will explore architecture as a systemic approach to help agencies sustainably improve business process performance and reduce legal discovery cost and risk (39LT)
- Control Systems and National Critical Infrastructure: Dr. John Saunders, IRM College (39LU)
- Come see a demonstration of a live cyber attack on a control system. Discuss weaknesses and countermeasures in cyber security for control systems such as those that operate dams, power grids, and pipelines. You’ll look at the impact of complex emerging issues within control systems, including remote and wireless connectivity, standardization on Internet Protocols, connectivity to business LANs, use of Microsoft Windows operating systems, and the availability of sensitive information over the internet. (39LV)
- Federal Architecture: Mr. Matt Newman, IRM College (39LW)
- An often stated benefit of a Service Oriented Architecture is the reuse of enterprise services. An academic expert will lead participants in a brief examination, in non-technical terms, of what constitutes a service and how SOA works. Session participants will then explore through two game-scenarios: 1) how service reuse can reduce overall enterprise application development costs and time to application deployment, and 2) how Program and System Managers can “build” complete applications when fiscally under resourced. Session participants will learn how to leverage enterprise services dynamics to more cost-effectively develop applications. (39LX)
- Information Systems Under Attack: Managing Enterprise Risk in Today's World of Sophisticated Threats and Adversaries (FISMA): Dr. Ron Ross, NIST (39LY)
- Protecting the IT infrastructure that supports federal missions is a top priority. NIST's comprehensive Risk Framework and the associated standards and guidance documents developed in support of the FISMA legislation provide key tools in building robust IS programs capable of protecting your agency's operations and assets. Come learn from a FISMA expert. (39LZ)
- PowerPoint (3BGU)
- Risk Management: Mr. Joe Jarzombek, DHS (39M0)
- Supply Chain Management: Enhanced Risk Management in IT/Software Projects and Procurements. Enterprise process improvements don’t happen by accident. Come learn more about some practical ways to improve your risk management strategies and, ultimately, your project’s success. (39M1)
- PowerPoint (3BGR)
- Project Management–The Integrator: Mr. Will Brimberry, DOI (39M2)
- IT Project Management plays a key link between the EA process and portfolio management process, referred to as Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC). The mature project scope statement with the project baseline empowers portfolio managers to make informed investment decisions based on quality information. Learn more about this important link. (39M3)
- HSPD-12 and Credentialing: Mr. David Temoshok, GSA (39M4)
- Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12 (HSPD-12) requires the government-wide implementation of a personal identity standard. HSPD-12 requires the use of a common identification credential for both logical and physical access to federally controlled facilities and information systems. This system will enhance security, increase efficiency, reduce identity fraud, and protect personal privacy. In this session we will discuss the requirements for HSPD-12 and the implementation status in meeting key milestones. (39M5)
- IT Project Management Leadership: Mr. Norman Crane, IRM College (39M6)
- This session explores the role of leadership in IT project and program management beginning with a review of the basics of IT project management. An academic expert will facilitate participants in an examination of the similarities and differences between management and leadership both in general and more specifically in IT projects and the need for both good management and leadership in successful IT projects. In addition, participants will discuss traditional concepts of leadership, factors that influence an individual’s leadership ability and style, and resources for learning. We will conclude the session with a discussion on creating an environment for IT project success. (39M7)