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RE: [ontac-forum] COSMO (upper model) Technical Kick off

To: "ONTAC-WG General Discussion" <ontac-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Roy Roebuck" <Roy.Roebuck@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 08:26:15 -0400
Message-id: <878871F15E22CF4FA0CCFDD27A763B2F3A8B8A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

I suggest a broader view.  I would distinguish between ontologies that have a “function” such as medicine, chemistry, law, etc. as their root subject with those that have a more general root such as “enterprise”.  The lattice of functional ontologies would take place within a “function” class at one level below the enterprise root.  The classes below the enterprise root would be location, organization, organization unit, function, process, resource, and requirement/mission.  The “collection” of functional ontologies would form tree, with each functional ontology providing a branch of the tree.  The “lattice” would form when linking across function and subfunctions to their corresponding component processes, resources, and requirements, and their function-distribution across performing organization units, responsible organizations, at their locations.





CommIT Enterprises, Inc.

Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Management, Security, and Knowledge

Roy Roebuck III
Senior Enterprise Architect

2231 Crystal Drive, Ste 501
Arlingon, VA



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From: ontac-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontac-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Peterson, Eric
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 10:35 AM
To: ONTAC-WG General Discussion
Subject: RE: [ontac-forum] COSMO (upper model) Technical Kick off


The only way that ontologies can form a lattice is when they depend and build upon one another like Ontolingua or Cyc microtheories.  If we were to take the existing upper ontologies, they would form a *completely* flat lattice because they are not monotonic variants of one another.  I go into this in more detail if you do a search in the SUO archives.  So to me the alternative to a hub is not a lattice, but rather a simple collection of ontologies.


Perhaps the lattice that Dr. Sowa was referring to is the one that forms between individual entities of the various ontologies once that mapping begins in earnest.






From: ontac-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:ontac-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Dagobert Soergel
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 11:47 PM
To: ONTAC-WG General Discussion
Subject: Re: [ontac-forum] COSMO (upper model) Technical Kick off


I do not believe that starting from one ontology is a good idea.  No one ontology can serve as a hub.  That requires something like the "lattice" John Sowa talks about.  That lattice must be built by starting from a number of ontologies and successively incorporating more.

On another note, it would be helpful if someone could provide an example of what the COSMO would look like.  This would not need to be comprehensive or necessarily the best structure, just illustrate the format of what is to be built.


At 10/10/2005 09:19 PM, you wrote:

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Hi folks;
This growing list of support is exciting!
I'm going to exercise the prerogative, which Pat assigned me as COSMO lead, to dispense with formalities and diving right into our business.   To that end, I’ve included a straw-person process for evolving toward a common semantic model.  This is meant strictly as a starting point for discussion.
The straw-person is an attempt to incorporate lessons learned from the Standard Upper Ontology (SUO) effort while offering:
·          short term usable results,
·          respect for and use of existing formal ontological artifacts, and
·          incremental sound formal results.
This approach, I think, includes the key elements that Dr. Sowa asked for in the SUO framework and provides a staging of effort and results that assumes modest amount of effort on our parts.  It also addresses Pat’s desire to be inclusive of the European efforts.
The suggesting steps are as follows:
    Choose an existing ontology as the initial embodiment of an ontology integration hub to which other ontologies will be mapped
a.     Agree on a set of metrics for selection of the ontology integration hub
                                                          i.       Metrics must be easily collectable
b.     Agree on candidates for the selection process
c.     Score candidate ontologies according to metrics – the high scoring upper ontology will become the initial ontology integration hub
2.     Release this ontology as-is as the initial COSMO ontology
3.     Address key short-falls of the hub ontology
a.     Maintain a prioritized list of issues
b.     Agree on resolution as time and interest dictate
4.     Map the structural axioms (ground atomic formulae) of the remaining candidate ontologies to the ontology integration hub
a.     This process proceeds opportunistically as our personal and project time allows
b.     Push out yearly major releases based on achievement of yearly goals
c.     This step runs concurrently with step three
5.     Map the remaining axioms of the remaining candidate ontologies to the ontology integration hub
a.     As desired, such free-form axioms can be added in steps three and four
Please excuse the roughness.  My other tasks beckon.
I look forward suggestions.
Eric Peterson
Chief Ontologist
McDonald Bradley Inc.
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Dagobert Soergel
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University of Maryland
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