Practical Guide to SOA Implementation (3BQW)
Progression: (3G7U)
- 3rd SOA for E-Government Conference, May 1-2, 2007: Bringing Together Global Information Grid Community, W3C Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise Computing, and Service Systems (3G7V)
- SOA CoP Demo Phase 3: Open Source SOA Infrastructure (IONA and others) (3G7W)
- Joint Task Force on SOA Management and PGFSOA Infrastructure Team (3G7X)
- Knowledgebase Approach by SICoP. See February 6th Special Conference. (3G7Y)
- SOA Practitioners Guide: (3G7Z)
- Part 1: Why Services-Oriented Architecture? It provides a high-level summary of SOA. (3G80)
- Part 2: SOA Reference Architecture provides a worked design of an enterprise-wide SOA implementation, with detailed architecture diagrams, component descriptions, detailed requirements, design patterns, opinions about standards, patterns on regulation compliance, standards templates, and potential code assets from members. (3G81)
- Part 3: Introduction to Services Lifecycle provides a detailed process for services management though the service lifecycle, from inception through to retirement or repurposing of the services. It also contains an appendix that includes organization and governance best practices, templates, comments on key SOA standards, and recommended links for more information. (3G82)
- OMG SOA Information Day, December 4, 2006: Collaboration and SOA Consortium (3G83)
- Second SOA for E-Government Conference, October 30-31, 2006: Opening Keynote (Zapthink) and SOACoP Demo Phase 2 and Closing Keynote (David Linthicum) (3G84)
- First SOA for E-Government Conference, May 23-24, 2006: Opening Keynote (Zapthink) and SOACoP Demo Phase 1 and Closing Keynote (OMG) (3G8B)
Joint Task Force on SOA Management: (3G8C)
- Architecture & Infrastructure Committee: (3BR5)
- Best Practices Committee: (3BRA)
- Standards Organizations: (3BRG)
- OASIS SOA RM TC OASIS Reference Model for Service Oriented Architecture V 1.0 - Official Committee Specification approved Aug 2, 2006. (Normative PDF) (3BTT)
- OMG SOA SIG and White Paper (3BRH)
- Open Group (3BRI)
- SOA Alliance (3BRJ)
- SOA Consortium (3G8R)
- ModelDriven.Org (A division of Data Access Technologies, Inc.) (3BTU)
- DISA Emerging Standards for SOA (3BTV)
- Open SOA (3CED)
- Etc. (3BRK)
A Collaborative Authoring and Editing Project to Bring Knowledge Management to EA and SOA Using Wiki Technology to Support a Community of Practice (e.g. the Data Reference Model 2.0): Version 0.2 in Word, December 19, 2006. (3BRL)
- Preface (3CMM)
- Credits (3CMN)
- 1. Introduction (3CMO)
- 2. Definitions, Drivers, and Principles (3CMV)
- 2.1. Service Oriented Architecture Defined (3CMW)
- Example of (1) Concept, (2) Definition, and (3) Specific Instance: (3CQ8)
- (1) Concept: Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) (3CQ9)
- (2) Definition: Software architecture that defines the use of services to support the requirements of software users Also see SOA Wiki Glossary and SOA CoP Glossary (3CQA)
- (3) Specific Instance 1: Bob Brown, US Patent & Trademark Office, News Story, Word Document and Slides (3CQB)
- Example of (1) Concept, (2) Definition, and (3) Specific Instance: (3CQ8)
- 2.2. The Benefits of Service Oriented Architecture [and vision of service oriented enterprise] (3CMX)
- 2.3. Origin and Evolution of SOA (3CMY)
- 2.4. Service Architecture Principles (3CMZ)
- 2.5. The Service Oriented Solution Delivery Life Cycle (SDLC) (3CN0)
- 2.6. Service Orienting Your Enterprise Architecture (3CN1)
- 2.7. Risks and Challenges of Doing SOA (3CN2)
- 2.8. Successes in Implementing SOA (3CN3)
- 2.1. Service Oriented Architecture Defined (3CMW)
- 3. Clarify the Rationale for SOA (3CN4)
- 4. Establish Service Oriented Architecture Environment (3CNS)
- 4.1. Obtain Executive Buy-in and Support (3CNT)
- 4.2. Modify Architecture Management Processes and Structure (Architecture Governance) (3CNX)
- 4.3. Establish Governance Policies and Compliance Processes and Procedures (SOA Governance) (3CO2)
- 4.3.1. Service Management governance structures (3CO3)
- 4.3.2. Quality of Service (QOS) and SLA processes and policies (3CO4)
- 4.3.3. Charge-Back and Infrastructure-based Cost Recovery Framework (3CO5)
- 4.3.4. Change and Configuration Management (3CO6)
- 4.3.5. In sourcing-based Framework for Terms and Conditions (3CO7)
- 5. SOA Program Activities and Products (Management) (3CO8)
- 5.1 ?? (3CO9)
- 5.2. Plan and Manage SOA Adoption (Funding, Program Delivery and Performance) (3COD)
- 5.2.1. Performance Architecture, (3COE)
- 5.2.2. Results Tracking, Processes and Metrics (3COF)
- 5.2.3. Framework for Harvesting Cost Savings (3COG)
- 5.2.4. Standards development and implementation (3COH)
- 5.2.5. Development of services strategy; linkage to business strategy (3COI)
- 5.2.6. Business/IT integration (3COJ)
- 5.2.7. Costing/Pricing/Charging processes (3COK)
- 5.2.8. Federal Budget Issues (3COL)
- 5.2.9. Funding strategies (3COM)
- 6. Define SOA Process and Approach (How do I implement SOA within my EA Process) (3CON)
- 6.1. Define the Purpose, Scope and Depth of the Architecture (3COO)
- 6.2. Evaluate and Select Methodological Framework (3COP)
- 6.3. Select Modeling Standards (eg UML2, BPMN) (3COV)
- 6.4. Update the Target Architecture (3COW)
- 6.5. Refine (As-Is) Application Portfolio Assessment (3CP1)
- 6.6. Revise the Sequencing Plan (3CP5)
- 7. Service Delivery Management and Infrastructure (How do I tie my SOA implementation to my development lifecycle and infrastructure delivery process) (3CP9)
- 8. Establish Runtime Infrastructure (How do I Service Orient my infrastructure to support SOA) (3CPD)
- 9. Develop Solution Composition Capability (How do I integrate my SOA implementation into actual deliverable solutions) (3CPL)
- 10. Update Related Management Processes (How does SOA influence and how is SOA influenced by other key IT management processes) (3CPO)
- 11. Summary and Recommendations (3CQ1)
- Appendix A: SOA Roles and Responsibilities (3CQ2)
- Appendix B: Glossary (3CQ3)
- Appendix C: Acronyms (3CQ4)
- Appendix D: Example SOA Products (3CQ5)
- Appendix E: Sample Policies and Principles (3CQ6)
- Appendix F: Bibliography (3CQ7)