Meeting Details for May 11, 2005 Meeting (2QHY)
- May 11, 2005 - Geospatial Profile Meeting (2QHZ)
- Minutes: are here (2QLE)
- Location: USEPA, Ariel Rios North Building, Rm 5020, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W., Washington, DC 20340 (2QI0)
- Time: 8:30AM to 4:30PM (2QI1)
- Directions: are here (2QI2)
- Agenda: - (2QI3)
- Introductions and review of items from May 2 meeting (Doug Nebert, Mark Reichardt) (2QI4)
- Objectives of this meeting (2QI5)
- Essentials of Enterprise Architecture and an introduction to the FEA (Mary McCaffery and John Sullivan, EPA, 60 minutes) (2QI6)
- Wiki Tutorial (SusanTurnbull and BrendaSmith) Also one-hour virtual tutorial on the Wiki most Fridays please visit: Community Learning of the Collaborative Work Environment for more information (2QI7)
- Break (2QI8)
- Continuation of presentations by participating agencies, 15 mins each, 15 mins for discussion (2QI9)
- Meeting Summary / Program Plan, Mark Reichardt, OGC (2QIG)
- Draft GeoCOP Charter, DougNebert, FGDC and Mark Reichardt, OGC (2QIH)
- Commitments and Next Steps: (2QII)