Chief Architects Forum/ArchitecturePlus - Special Seminar: “Answering the Mail”: Benchmarking Enterprise Architecture Best Practices, Department of Housing and Urban Development, June 14, 2007 (3LD7)
Contents: (3LD9)
Announcement: (3LDF)
- Date: Thursday Jue 14, 2007 (3LDG)
- Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 p.m. Registation open at 8:30 a.m. (3LDH)
- Purpose: The event will explore Benchmarking Enterprise Architecture Best Practices. (3LDI)
- Registration (3M4R)
- Location: All ArchitecturePlus Seminars are held from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern Time at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Building, 1735 New York Avenue NW , 2nd Floor Auditorium, Washington , DC . The AIA Building is at 18th and E Streets, NW, Across from GSA and Directly behind the Historic Octagon House. (3LDK)
- By Metro: Farragut West (Blue/Orange Line), 17th or 18th Street exit, Walk south 4 1⁄2 blocks (cross I, H, PA Ave , G & F Streets). Farragut North (Red Line), K Street exit, Walk south 5 1⁄2 blocks (cross Conn Ave , I, H Streets, PA Ave, G & F Street). (3LDL)
Agenda: (3LDM)
- 9:00 Welcome and Introduction: Ira Grossman, Chairman, Chief Architects Forum and Mike Dunham, Industry Advisory Council, Enterprise Architecture Shared Interest Group (3LDO)
- Slides: None (3LDP)
- 9:10 Overview of EA Survey Results: Mike Dunham (3LDQ)
- 9:20 Managing the EA Paradigm Shift: Deborah Carter, Chief Enterprise Architect, Department of Housing and Urban Development (3LDS)
- 9:35 Governance and its Impact on Maturing the Architecture: Graham Barrowman, Consortia EA / Graham Barrowman and Associates (3LDU)
- 9:55 ITIM/EA Integration: Ylanda Ford, Senior Business Architect, Department of Housing and Urban Development (3LDW)
- 10:20 Break (3LDY)
- 10:35 Panel Discussion on Segment Architecture Evolution: Dean Sims, Vice President, Thomas & Herbert Consulting; Beverly Hacker, Chief Enterprise Architect, Department of Treasury; and TBD (3LDZ)
- 11:50 Announcements (3LE0)
- 12:00 Adjourn (3LE1)
Survey: (3LE2)
- As you know, the Enterprise Architecture – Shared Interest Group has gone out with a survey to determine what the top issues are you as practice Enterprise Architects must deal with in doing your job. I think you will find the results of the survey enlightening. Should anyone you not have participated in the survey and would like to do so, we would welcome your responses. (3LE3)
- It is our intent during the coming ArchitecturePlus events to ensure that the issues that have been raised by you are addressed in the topics which we choose for presentation. We look forward to seeing you there. (3LE4)
Upcoming Events: (3LE5)
- Next CAF Meetings: Wednesday July 18, 2007, and Wednesday October 10, 2007 (3LEB)
- ArchitecturePlus Meetings: September 6, 2007, and December 4/11, 2007 (3LEC)
- June 18, 2007, Best Practices Committee Meeting (3LED)
- June 18-19, 2007, Toward More Transparent Government: Workshop on eGovernment and the Web, United States National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, USA. Jointly sponsored by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Web Science Research Initiative (WSRI). (3LEE)
- June 20, 2007, Collaborative Expedition Workshop #62, Advancing Virtual Organization: Potentials and Realities from Scientific Grid to Citizen-Service Communities (3LEF)
- Data Architecture Subcomittee Meeting Schedule: June 14 (cancelled-retreat June 27-28th, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, and December 13, 2007 at 4040 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203. Ballston Metro Station. (3LE9)
- Late June-early July, 2007, SICoP Special Conference 3 (3LEA)