Chief Architects Forum/ArchitecturePlus - Special Seminar: Current Information Sharing Practices, March 6, 2007 (3H4E)
Contents: (3H5E)
Announcement: (3H4H)
- Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2007 (3H4I)
- Time: 9:00 am to 12:00 p.m. Registation open at 8:30 a.m. (3H4J)
- Purpose: The event will explore current Information Sharing practices, focusing on providing practitioners with tips regarding lessons learned, traps to avoid, and best practices. Sponsors: Federal CIO Council, Architecture and Infrastructure Committee, and Industry Advisory Council, Co-Chairs, ArchitecturePlus: Ira Grossman (AIC/CAF) and Mike Dunham (IAC) (3H4K)
- Location: All ArchitecturePlus Seminars are held from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM Eastern Time at the American Institute of Architects (AIA) Building, 1735 New York Avenue NW , 2nd Floor Auditorium, Washington , DC . The AIA Building is at 18th and E Streets, NW, Across from GSA and Directly behind the Historic Octagon House. (3H4L)
- By Metro: Farragut West (Blue/Orange Line), 17th or 18th Street exit, Walk south 4 1⁄2 blocks (cross I, H, PA Ave , G & F Streets). Farragut North (Red Line), K Street exit, Walk south 5 1⁄2 blocks (cross Conn Ave , I, H Streets, PA Ave, G & F Street) (3H4M)
Agenda: (3H4N)
- 9:00 Welcome and Introduction (3H4P)
- 9:10 Where We are Today – An Overview (3H5I)
- 9:20 Current Civilian Agency Practices (3H4V)
- EPA - Connie Dwyer, Chief, Information Exchange Technology Branch, Office of Information Collection (3H4W)
- TSA - Mike Daconta, Vice President, Oberon Associates (3H4Y)
- NIEM - Donna Roy, Director, Enterprise Data Management Office, DHS (3H50)
- HHS - John Teeter , Chief Enterprise Architect, HHS (3H52)
- 10:40 BREAK (3H54)
- 10:55 Moderated Q&A John Dodd , CSC, Principal Consultant, Federal Consulting Practice (3H55)
- 11:15 DRM Observations/Responses (3H56)
- Mary McCaffery, Senior Advisor to Assistant Administration(CIO)for Office of Environmental Information (3H57)
- 11:35 New Technologies in the Offing: Future/Current State of Information Sharing (3H58)
- 12:00 Adjourn (3H5B)
Notes: (3H5C)
- Data Architecture Subcomittee Meeting Schedule: February 8, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, July 12, August 9, September 13, October 11, November 8, and December 13, 2007 at 4040 N. Fairfax Dr., Arlington, VA 22203. Ballston Metro Station. (3HHG)
- March 6, 2007, Intelligence chief establishes information-sharing panel (3H5L)
- Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell on Tuesday announced the creation of a new information-sharing steering committee. He hopes the group will move the intelligence community beyond the "need to share" philosophy toward a "responsibility to provide" model. The committee will develop a coordinated position for information-sharing activities within and outside the intelligence community. "This challenge to provide relevant, timely and accurate information to those who need it assumes that we are a community that shares information," McConnell said in a statement. "While we achieved significant milestones in this regard over the past couple of years, we have much work yet to do." He appointed Dale Meyerrose, an associate director of national intelligence as the chairman of the panel. (3H5M)
- March 7, 2007, Intelligence Community Data Management Committee Meeting (3HHC)
Upcoming Events: (3H5D)
- April 5, 2007, Next CAF Meeting (3HQO)
- April 17, 2007, EPIC Workshop on Achieving Value and Improving Performance across the Federal Enterprise. RSVP to susan dot turnbull at gsa dot gov (3HQM)
- April 25, 2007, SICoP Special Conference 2: Building Knowledgebases for Cross-Domain Semantic Interoperability. RSVP to niemann dot brand at epa dot gov (3HHF)
- February 6, 2007, SICoP Special Conference 1: Building DRM 3.0 and Web 3.0 for Managing Context Across Multiple Documents and Organizations (3HHE)
- May 1-2, 2007, Third Service Oriented Architecture for E-Government Conference, at MITRE. Registration. (3HQN)
- May 20-24, 2007, Semantic Technology Conference, San Jose, CA. Tuesday, May 22, Spectrum of Reasoning and Applications, John Sowa, VivoMind Intelligence, Inc., Leo Obrst, The MITRE Corporation, and Brand Niemann, EPA. Thursday, May 24, Advanced Intelligence Community R&D Meets the Semantic Web?, Lucian Russell, Expert Reasoning & Decisions LLC, and Brand Niemann, EPA. See Abstracts. (3HPT)