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[usaspending-forum] Names of Freshman Representatives of 110th Congress

To: <usaspending-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Stroud, Cedric" <Cedric.Stroud@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 14 Apr 2008 14:04:22 -0400
Message-id: <8DAED2E9E7850247AA4EB3E07EE9EF6601AD23FE@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

The names of the freshman elected to the House of Representatives in the 110th
Congress, which is the current Congress, do not appear in the list of Recipient Congressional Districts.
Those records still show the previous Representative(s) for their district, but does not include the freshman's

For instance, Representative Gabrielle Giffords replaced Representative Jim Kolbe in the 8th Congressional
District of Arizona in the last election, but her name is not included beside his.

Congressional District  Previous Representative Current Representative (Freshman - 110th Congress)     
Arizona 05      J.D. Hayworth   Harry Mitchell 
Arizona 08      Jim Kolbe       Gabrielle Giffords     
California 11   Richard Pombo   Jerry McNerney 
California 22   Bill Thomas     Kevin McCarthy 
Colorado 05     Joel Hefley     Chris Murphy   
Colorado 07     Bob Beauprez    Ed Perlmutter  
Connecticut 02  Rob Simmons     Joseph Courtney
Connecticut 05  Nancy Johnson   Doug Lamborn   
Florida 09      Michael Bilirakis       Gus Bilirakis  
Florida 11      Jim Davis       Katherine Castor       
Florida 13      Katherine Harris        Vernon Buchanan
Florida 16      Mark Foley      Tim Mahoney    
Florida 22      Clay Shaw       Ron Klein      
Georgia 04      Cynthia McKinney        Henry Johnson  
Hawaii 02       Ed Case Mazie Hirono   
Iowa 01 Jim Nussle      Bruce Braley   
Iowa 02 James A. Leach  Dave Loebsack  
Idaho 01        C.L. "Butch" Otter      Bill Sali      
Idaho 06        Henry Hyde      Peter Roskam   
Illinois 17     Lane Evans      Phil Hare      
Indiana 02      Chris Chocola   Joe Donnelly   
Indiana 08      John Hostetler  Brad Ellsworth 
Indiana 09      Sodrel Mike     Baron Hill     
Kansas 02       Jim Ryun        Nancy Boyda    
Kentucky 03     Anne Northup    Yarmuth John   
Maryland 03     Benjamin Cardin John Sarbanes  
Michigan 07     John J. H. "Joe" Schwarz        Tim Walberg    
Minnesota 01    Gil Gutknetcht  Tim Walz       
Minnesota 05    Martin Olav Sabo        Keith Ellison  
Minnesota 06    Mark Kennedy    Michele Bachmann       
North Carolina 11       Charles Taylor  Heath Shuler   
Nebraska 03     Tom Osborne     Adrian Smith   
New Hampshire 01        Jeb Bradley     Carol Shea-Porter      
New Hampshire 02        Charlie Bass    Paul Hodes     
New Jersey 13   Bob Menendez    Albio Sires    
Nevada 02       Jim Gibbons     Dean Heller    
New York 11     Major Owens     Yvette Clarke  
New York 19     Sue Kelly       John Hall      
New York 20     John Sweeney    Kirsten Gillibrand     
New York 24     Sherwood Boehlert       Michael Arcuri 
Ohio 04 Michael Oxley   Jim Jordan     
Ohio 06 Ted Strickland  Charles Wilson 
Ohio 13 Sherrod Brown   Betty Sutton   
Ohio 18 Bob Ney Zachary Space  
Oklahoma 05     Ernest Istook   Mary Fallin    
Pennsylvania 04 Melissa Hart    Jason Altmire  
Pennsylvania 07 Curt Weldon     Joe Sestak     
Pennsylvania 08 Michael Fitzpatrick     Patrick Murphy 
Pennsylvania 10 Don Sherwood    Christopher Carney     
Tennessee 01    William Jenkins David Davis    
Tennessee 09    Harold Ford     Steve Cohen    
Texas 22*       Tom Delay       Shelley Sekula Gibbs,

Nick Lampson   
Texas 23        Henry Bonilla   Ciro Rodriguez 
Vermont at large        Bernard Sanders Peter Welch    
Wisconsin 08    Mark Green      Steve Kagen    

*For Texas 22, Shelley Sekula Gibbs served for about 4 months. She was elected in the Fall of 2006 in a special election.

She ran for the seat in the general election, but lost to Nick Lampson. He was sworn in in January 2007.

Since the beginning of the 110th Congress, there have been additional changes due to retirements or deaths.
Here is a link to that information


Cedric Stroud, Sr. Software Engineer
U.S. House of Representatives
Chief Administrative Officer
House Information Resources
Web Solutions Branch
2nd and D Sts., S.W., Room 640 FHOB
Washington, D.C. 20515


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