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[soa-forum] Conference Call on Monday, July 31st, 12 noon - 1:30 p.m.

To: soa-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Niemann.Brand@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2006 11:25:26 -0400
Message-id: <OFB8DE78B4.C02E5FFC-ON852571B7.0054B9C0-852571B7.0054BA14@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Please join us using 319-632-1100 and 484206.


Some thoughts on input received so far for dicussion:


Ron Schmelzer has offered to provide another opening keynote on SOA Issues and this could lead to a brief report from the AIC Service Subcommittee Co-Chairs, George Thomas and Kshemendra Paul on its activities, especially a Joint Pilot Demonstration Specification with Cory Casanave's SOA Demo Specification Team, which in turn could leed to demos by any vendors that can meet Dick Burk's challenge at the recent ArchitecturePlus Seminar on July 13th to provide Common Solutions - Shared Services with SOA (for which the A+ Panel didn't seem to have a good response) and then a Panel for Q&A with Dick Burk.


We have the Networking Lunch on the first day and could do a Webinar Lunch (like I did recently with GCN, Intel, and HP) on the second day to reach out to those that can attend remotely only.


Ali Arsanjani, Lead Chief Architect, SOA Center of Excellence, IBM, could give us the closing keynote featuring the recent IBM work on Semantic Interoperability for SOA and his SOA Framework.


Finally, Chris Harding, Open Group Chair, offered to speak on SOA Ontologies (if he can find the time before his own major conference) and I heard that Frank McCabe, Chair of the OASIS SOA-RM TC Reference Model Architecture Subcommittee, recently presented to the group of both ARI and Ontolog folks, a wonderful talk on: "Service Oriented
Architecture Reference Model: An Informal SOA-RM Ontology."


The big question seems to be whether we retain the four tracks for the first conference or go to topics like Joe Chiusano provided.




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  • [soa-forum] Conference Call on Monday, July 31st, 12 noon - 1:30 p.m., Niemann . Brand <=