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[soa-forum] SOA Demo Straw man technical artifacts

To: "'Service-Oriented Architecture CoP'" <soa-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Cory Casanave" <cbc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 11:12:58 -0400
Message-id: <00a801c65e43$95565280$0300a8c0@cbcpc>

Soa Demo Tem;

We have produced web a services spec for the proposed sample scenario.  Thins includes an initial cut at the XSD, WSDL and BPEL for the sample.  This is basic abstract web services with the intent that demo participants could implement the services and thus show an interoperable SOA community – it does not, as yet, include any security considerations..  This is based on the initial spec, I have not yet included the business requirements from Joseph Chiusano but do intend to shortly.

The business model spec is located here;


The technical artifacts for web services are located here;


For each of the roles defined in the community (Broker, Buyer, Manufacturer, Community-Registry) there is a sub-directory.  This sub-directory contains the web services files that specify the service interfaces.  For each role there is;

DataElements.XSD – Schema for the messages

Messages.xsd – WSDL message definitions

<name>Engine.wsdl – WSDL definitions

<name>engine.bpel – BPEL for the role (not fully done)

Mof.xsd – Schema for some data types used

Bpel-definition-xml  - BPEL package


These technical artifacts are based on the model and the generic technology mapping we are using in OsEra, we are open to input on alternate or additional features of the technical artifacts.  Note that we expect the primary artifacts to move to a government sponsored site.

So the way the demo would work is that each participant, by implementing one or more of the roles (in any way they want to) can then join the community and will interoperate with other members of the community playing other roles.


We can discuss this on the telcon on Thursday.



Cory Casanave



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