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[etkn-forum] Connections to state libraries?

To: Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network <etkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Williams, Lamara C" <lcwilliams2@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 14:45:53 -0400
Message-id: <DD8FF6F5FBC8834BB5ACB40910C8A6D20FF36B88@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Dear ETKN,
I'm the new librarian for the NCDOT Library and will shortly be embarking on cataloging our collection. I'm curious to know how many of you are connected to your state library(or some other entity) and by that I mean, if a customer wanted to find holdings of your collection would they link up via the state library or do you have your own catalog?
I would like to hear the pros and cons of both scenarios. Please respond to me off-list and if anyone is terribly interested I can compile and share with you via email.
My direct email is lcwilliams2@xxxxxxxxx
Thanking you in advance...

Lamara Williams
Research Librarian
NCDOT Research & Development Unit
1549 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1549
Fax: (919)715-0137


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