Jane—Thanks for the notice. Perhaps we could discuss
this at the next ETKN conference call, but would it be possible to run a
webinar alongside the live presentations, for those who may not be able to
M. Jared, P.E.
Senior Research
Engineer & Library Supervisor
Georgia DOT, Office of
Materials & Research
15 Kennedy Dr., Forest
Park, GA, 30297-2534
Voice: 404.363.7569;
Cell: 404.713.6549
"For to me to
live is Christ..."--Philippians 1:21
Video Overview:
The National
Transportation Library has scheduled the second annual National TKN meeting for
June 17 in New Orleans, to be held in conjunction with SLA. This will be
a joint meeting of the National Transportation Library, ETKN, WTKN, MTKN
and the Transportation Pooled Fund.
The meeting will be
held at a public library (location to be announced) from 9 AM - 2
PM. The meeting will focus on the national TKN projects outlined
last year and strategic planning in the wake of recently-published NCHRP
Report 643 "Implementing Transportation Knowledge Networks". http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/nchrp/nchrp_rpt_643.pdf
>From 2 PM- 5 PM, there will be time, space and equipment available for
the regional TKNs to meet individually if they so choose.