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[etkn-forum] Invitation to Aug. 19 wrkshp "Light-weight Tools for Scient

To: etkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: susan.turnbull@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 7 Aug 2008 18:18:13 -0400
Message-id: <OF47E1E24B.B33739E4-ON8525749E.007A7F7D-8525749E.007A8458@xxxxxxx>
Greetings!    (01)

You and your colleagues are invited to Collaborative Expedition Workshop 
#75, "The Role of Cyberinfrastructure in Scientific Knowledge: Emergence, 
Validation, and Peer Review". This no fee, one-day public workshop will 
explore light-weight and "easy to use" tools being deployed today in 
science settings and beyond to streamline collaboration and peer review of     (02)

workflow in a manner that accelerates the pace of sharing and discovery.
Increasingly, advances in these high performance settings anticipate and 
influence the pace in which transformative improvements in mission 
delivery of public services can be realized, across levels of government.     (03)

It is likely that how we design our cyberinfrastructure (including 
scientific knowledge-sharing environments that influence policy-making, 
innovation, and agility) will play a pivotal role in the continued 
vitality and creativity of our 21st century democracy.  This workshop will     (04)

open up dialogue to facilitate "bootstrapping" among multiple communities 
and institutions whose individual and collective contributions to shared 
design challenges will shape our national experience of 
cyberinfrastructure for years to come.    (05)

RSVP: You will need to pre-register for this workshop by sending an email 
to Angela Carter at carter@xxxxxxxxx    (06)

WHEN: Tuesday, August 19, 2008, 8:30am - 4:15pm 
WHERE: National Science Foundation, Ballston, VA, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 
1235    (07)

Agenda:    (08)

Workshop Location and Remote Teleconferencing:    (09)

Past Workshop Archives:     (010)

Best Regards,    (011)

Susan B. Turnbull
Co-chair, Emerging Technology SC, Architecture and Infrastructure 
Co-chair, Social, Economic, and Workforce Implications of IT CG, 
Subcommittee on Networking and IT R&D
Senior Program Advisor, Center for Intergovernmental Solutions
GSA Office of Citizen Services and Communications
U.S. General Services Administration
susan.turnbull@xxxxxxx    (012)

Richard N. Spivack, PhD
Co-chair, Emerging Technology SC, Architecture and Infrastructure 
Economist, Impact Analysis Office
Technology Innovation Program/ NIST
p 301.975-5063
richard.spivack@xxxxxxxx    (013)

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  • [etkn-forum] Invitation to Aug. 19 wrkshp "Light-weight Tools for Scientific Collaboration" , no fee, at NSF, susan . turnbull <=