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Re: [etkn-forum] ETKN Marketing Materials and Upcoming AASHTO RACMeeting

To: "Eastern Transportation Knowledge Network" <etkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Boteler, Jennifer" <Jennifer.Boteler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 13:14:29 -0400
Message-id: <799F440673301546B335CAA16FD8766119285A@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Thanks for all of your work on this. I can't imagine the logistics behind the scenes trying to coordinate all of these pieces between volunteers.
Please convey our thanks to the artist who designed the logos. S/he is very creative! I like all of the designs and would be happy with any of the top 4 designs Ken labeled. Although, as instructed, I will send my vote to his personal email.

From: etkn-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:etkn-forum-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Winter, Kenneth A.
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:59 PM
To: etkn-forum@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [etkn-forum] ETKN Marketing Materials and Upcoming AASHTO RACMeeting

Dear ETKN Members-
This e-mail is to update you on preparations I am making for the upcoming AASHTO RAC meeting in Portland, ME, which I will be attending in a couple weeks.
I will be representing ETKN at RAC at meeting of an AASHTO Task Force, in Portland, ME, July 14-17 and I look forward to sharing with you what goes on in our next ETKN conference call on the 24th of July.  Several other members of ETKN may be there too, I believe, including Barbara Post (TRB) and Sandy Brady (LTRC)...and perhaps they can update you too.
As an FYI I am attaching a memo from Wes Lum (chair of RAC) to this e-mail to keep you up to date on why this task force was formed. 
An important "opportunity" at RAC overall is a chance to promote the ETKN, and possibly gain new awareness of our mission and even new members.  To this end, the coordinators of the Pooled Fund Study for Library Connectivity invited us to give them ETKN marketing materials for a booth they are setting up.  Specifically: a logo, a brochure, and a Web site. 
Thanks to fast action and some volunteers, we are developing those items at record speed!
Kathy Martin from FHWA has volunteered to work on a brochure, which we will submit for your comments soon.  We can tinker with this up to close of business July 11th.  Thank you Kathy!
Sandy Brady will be working on the Web site, which we'll also run by you soon.  We can tinker with that up to July 11th.  For now, we just need to get something online.  Thank you Sandy!
Finally, and most importantly, Eileen Gallager from the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, has secured a talented artist there to help us design a logo.  Today the artist sent a contact sheet with multiple logos "ideas" on it.  In the interest of time, I asked her to use a popular color palate.  I am attaching her sketches as a pdf.
I need you to look at the attached pdf file and vote for a logo design for her to proceed with toward a "finished product."  These are only sketches.  She will need time to draft one...then we will use that to build our brochure and Web site around.  I see a lot of great design elements here, however, I took the liberty of labeling what I believe are the top 4 designs that will work as logos and banner art for these specific needs. 
I'll start the voting process.  I vote for #3!
Please get your vote to me by close of business next Monday the 30th.  Please send your response to me directly at:
I apologize that we have to rush this, but time is of the essence, and due to the late nature of the invitation to promote this way, we weren't given much lead time. 
The brochure and web site will come after the logo, so please vote ASAP!
Thank you.
P.S. My hope is to have a logo that will last at least 5 years.  However, if there are strong feelings about a logo redesign after this RAC meeting is over, we can do that...

Ken Winter, MLIS
Director of Library and Information Services
VDOT Research Library
530 Edgemont Road, Charlottesville, VA 22903
Ph: (434) 293-1959 FAX: (434) 293-4196
Intranet: http://rclibrary


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