FEA DRM Registry: Information Resource Management Community of Interest

FEA DRM Registry: > Information Resource Management Community of Interest > Topic: "budget process"

This page lists all of the related topics for budget process, organized in order of importance. Also displayed are related resources with text abstracts, with hits highlighted in red.

  • Information Technology Investment: First Practices
    EPA’s conceptual process will consist of answering OMB’s three "Pesky Questions" (i.e., the Raines Rules), bring investments together for analysis in a portfolio, use the ESC to recommend go - no go decisions, and allow the CIO to advise the agency’s budget process.
  • Revision of OMB Circular No. A-130, Transmittal No. 4
    (d) Be an active participant throughout the annual agency budget process in establishing investment priorities for agency information resources;
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    ?? Integration of performance measurement with the budget process along the key business lines of the government
  • Office of Management and Budget
    Evaluate agency information resources management practices and programs and, as part of the budget process, oversee agency capital planning and investment control processes to analyze, track, and evaluate the risks and results of major capital investments in information systems;
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    The reference model information posted is the version used for the FY2005 budget process. Minor updates were made to the reference models for the FY2006 budget process. These updates were captured in the
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    The Mission and Business Results Measurement Area of the PRM is intended to capture the outcomes that agencies seek to achieve. These outcomes are usually developed during the agency budget and strategic planning process prescribed under GPRA , and approved by the PART .
  • NRC: SECY-98-032 - Revised Process for Information Technology ...
    (Note that prioritization of information technology investments will occur during the budget formulation process when all proposed expenditures are evaluated in terms of their contribution to meeting NRC's mission subject to the availability of funds).
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    See Capital Planning and budget process, EA Effect
  • GAO-04-49, Information Technology Management: Governmentwide ...
    * document the department's IT strategic management processes and how they are integrated with other major departmental processes, including organizational planning, budget, financial management, human resources management, and program decisions;
  • IT/IRM Planning
    OMB Circular A-11 Preparation and Submission of budget Estimates , also addresses IT/ IRM planning requirements in relation to the budget process
  • part 8 chapter 3
    Ensure that IHS IRM strategic plans are coordinated with the budget process.
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    Integration of performance measurement with the budget process

Created on Saturday, May 14, 2005

Disclaimer: This product is a notional example of a fictitious community of interest for the sole use of illustrating a potential "use case" for the upcoming version of the FEA DRM currently under development. This should not be used for any type of official purpose. This product should not be displayed or distributed outside of the Federal Interagency DRM Work Group.