FEA DRM Registry: Information Resource Management Community of Interest

FEA DRM Registry: > Information Resource Management Community of Interest > Topic: "reference models"

This page lists all of the related topics for reference models, organized in order of importance. Also displayed are related resources with text abstracts, with hits highlighted in red.

  • GAO-04-798T, Information Technology: The Federal Enterprise ...
    OMB has issued at least initial versions of four of the five reference models and plans to issue the fifth in the near future (see table 1). The following summarizes the purpose, content, and status of each reference model.
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    The NBC BRM will extend this model through the DOI Business Lines to the NBC Business Lines, functions and sub-functions. This information will be recorded using the Popkin tool, which will show the relationships between the NBC reference models.
  • US Department of Labor E-Government Strategic Plan
    Ultimately, the following additional Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) reference models will complement the BRM:
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    The reference model information posted is the version used for the FY2005 budget process. Minor updates were made to the reference models for the FY2006 budget process. These updates were captured in the
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    Business reference Model, one of the five models in the Federal Enterprise Architecture reference model framework.
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    Performance reference Model, one of the five models in the Federal Enterprise Architecture reference model framework.
  • Federal Enterprise Architecture
    The FEA is being constructed through a collection of interrelated “reference models” designed to facilitate cross-agency analysis and the identification of duplicative investments, gaps, and opportunities for collaboration within and across Federal Agencies.
  • NBC Enterprise Architecture Team
    reference models

Created on Saturday, May 14, 2005

Disclaimer: This product is a notional example of a fictitious community of interest for the sole use of illustrating a potential "use case" for the upcoming version of the FEA DRM currently under development. This should not be used for any type of official purpose. This product should not be displayed or distributed outside of the Federal Interagency DRM Work Group.