Reflections from workshop presenters and participants (4L2)
Facilitated by AlexPavlak (4L3)
- Government agencies need more registries (4M1)
- Having an executive-level summary of Data Reference Model, summaries for different audiences (4M2)
- Ontologies helpful for making connections between agencies (4M3)
- Protege short course: 4-day workshops starting in January (4M4)
- Department of Interior: need to follow successful pilots and learn from them (4M5)
- Improving communication about communities efforts -- sharing news (4M6)
- Education needed to improve awareness of executives of the potential of these technologies (4M7)
- Adobe: community of practice (4M8)
- Role of upper (aka foundational) ontologies -- a common conceptual vocabulary (a topic for a future workshop) (4MA)
- SiCOP -- Army working on an upper ontology pilot project (4MB)
- DARPA projects (4MC)