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Government Web Managers Action Plan (DRAFT) (3HK3)
- What is the Draft Action Plan? (3ICT)
- What does it contain? (3ICU)
- How can I participate and provide comments? (3ICV)
- Will everyone be able to see my comments? (3ICW)
- GENERAL COMMENTS about this page (3ICX)
What is the Draft Action Plan? (3HK6)
This draft plan was developed by a group of government web managers during an all-day working session on February 27, 2007. The purpose of the planning session was to: (3I0F)
- refine our goals for the government web manager community (3I0D)
- plan our interagency activities for the next year and beyond (including our workshop on April 24, 2007) (3I0E)
- make sure we're ready for the change in Administration that will happen in just over 18 months. (3I09)
What does it contain? (3I0J)
The Draft Action Plan contains: (3I0K)
- a list of 4 major goals for our community: (3I0U)
- a list of proposed initiatives to help accomplish each goal. Under each goal, we identified initiatives at 2 levels: (3I0L)
- Grassroots: What are the top things we can accomplish at an individual agency level -- within our sphere of influence? How do we help web managers have an influence to affect change within their agencies? (3I0B)
- Government-wide: What are the top things we can accomplish government-wide by influencing decision-makers and public opinion? What are the big impact initiatives we can either implement before the transition or present to the upcoming transition team so we can influence the future? (3I0C)
- a Communications Plan to help us achieve these goals (3I0M)
- a page for you to express your ideas about the role of in accomplishing these goals (3I29)
- a page to plan the agenda for the April 24, 2007 workshop (3I0C)
- a "New Thoughts" page for you to provide general comments or to address an issue that's not currently addressed in the DRAFT Action Plan. We hope you'll share any and all ideas you have! (3I0P)
How can I participate and provide comments? (3ICY)
You're invited to comment on any of these pages. To provide comments, you must create an account. The "create account" button is in the upper right corner of this page. (3I2A)
You can comment in 2 ways: (3I16)
- Comment on individual lines of text ("inline" editing): (3I17)
- scroll to the very bottom and click on "edit text of this page" (3I18)
- you'll see a data entry box with the text of the page. Find the text you want to comment on and insert your comment (3I19)
- put your comment in parentheses under the relevant section followed by your name and date - e.g. (Suggest revising this definition...--SusanTurnbull / 2005.02.09 12:30pm EST) (3I1A)
- Comment on the page in general: (3I1B)
- scroll to the very bottom and click on "edit text of this page" (3I1C)
- you'll see a data entry box with the text of the page. Scroll to the bottom and type in your comment under the "General Comments" section. You can reference a particular section by noting it's "nid" -- the identifiers in purple parentheses at the end of each line of text. For example, this text has a nid of "3I1D" (3I1D)
Will everyone be able to see my comments? (3ICZ)
This is an open wiki, so yes, anyone can view your comments. If you have a sensitive comment that you don't want a broad audience to see, you may want to share it instead via email with the rest of the group. However, we want this dialogue to be as open as possible. (3I14)
If you have questions about how to use this wiki to provide comments, please contact Natalie Davidson at: or 202-219-2370. (3I0Q)
GENERAL COMMENTS about this page (3I1E)
Feel free to express any general comments below: (3I1F)
[I applaud the hard work that everyone obviously did to come up with the ideas on the two documents. Clearly, the group came to this effort with passion and determination to make things better. So bravo to the group! (3I3Q)
There’s a lot here – all good, but it could be overwhelming. In fact, I found it a bit overwhelming just reading it – and I don’t have any responsibility for implementing it! I think it’s important to learn from our past mistakes; and one of the biggest lessons we learned when we did the first strategic plan - in the early days of the Advisory Council - is that it’s better not to bite off more than we can chew. It’s better to pick one – maybe two – big goals, focus on them like laser beams, get them done, and then move on to the next priorities. If it really is true that people make better choices when there are fewer options, I think the community would be able to make better choices about where to put their energy, if they only had a small number of goals and objectives to achieve. (3I3R)
One way to help set priorities is to take a look at the resource needs. Some of the actions you’ve identified could be implemented with strong leadership and relatively little in additional resources. Some could require significant dollars and/or action by executives and others outside the web manager community. Some actions could have legal implications (like use of some of the new “social media” technologies) that will have to be vetted. So if it becomes a choice between taking on something that you can accomplish mostly through leadership and education and something that will require significant money or staff (and could get halted without those resources), you might lean toward the former. The likelihood of there being extra money to implement new initiatives at the end of one administration and/or the very beginning of another is not so good. Something to consider. (Candi Harrison 2007.03.23 7:19 am)] (3I3S)