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This page is part of a DRAFT Action Plan for the U.S. government web manager community.    (3I11)

Goal 1    (3HK3)

Citizens should be able to accomplish their Top Tasks with the government online.    (3I2B)

NOTE: This goal should be the "driver" for accomplishing all other goals that are part of our Action Plan.    (3HLZ)

Grassroots Initiatives    (3HM0)

Government-wide Initiatives    (3HMG)

GENERAL COMMENTS about this page '''    (3I1E)

Feel free to express any general comments below or add new ideas:    (3I2C)

I'd like us to look at having folks work together on top tasks in logical groupings (like health, for example) and have them develop categories of their area's top tasks so we don't miss some important ones that may not make the cut while pulling together our Top 25 high-level top tasks.    (3IU5)

To develop our "US Government Top 25 Tasks" -- many of which will undoubtedly cross agency lines -- government web managers absolutely must collaborate to bring all the "pieces" to the table.    (3IDF)

The "lane" concept our community piloted during Katrina was extremely successful - We've already done it, we know it works, I think we can use it as a natural springboard to organize our "top tasks".    (3IDJ)

Once we define top tasks, each agency involved with each task needs to collaborate, CONNECT THE DOTS, get all the pieces on the table and organize them in a way that MAKES SENSE TO CITIZENS. We appoint "lane managers" for each top task. Sub-agencies direct people to the lead agency for the BIG PICTURE view. The lead agency presents the step-by-step process, linking out to sub-agencies as appropriate. ALL the pieces in ONE place, organized in a way that makes sense.    (3IDK)

Thoughts? [Rachel Flagg 2007.03.26]    (3IDI)